
Monday 25 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25th April, 2022

25th April, 2022.

Right … 

It’s a Monday: after a Sunday in Kent.

At a little pub restaurant in Wrotham, called the Moat.

Having a meal with some old family friends.

I have to say, the cod and chips I went for?

Looked good, tasted great, and smelt fantastic!

Giving up smoking all those years ago, did help!


It’s official: President Macron is still President of France.

Having won yesterday’s run-off elections: against the notoriously right wing Marine Le Pen.


A lot of French voters abstained.   By either spoiling their vote, or just walking past the polling booths.

It’s something I’m planning on doing, myself: so good for them.

But given the way some French voters have voted … ?

It strikes me French Presidential elections have a similar problem to UK elections.

There’s no ‘I Abstain,’ box: no way of formally refusing To vote.

That would be VERY useful …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.   Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.

Q1)        Guglielmo Marconi was born on 25th April, 1874.   He’s generally credited with inventing what: radio, television or computers?

Q2)        25th April, 1898, saw the US Senate declare that a state of war existed.   Between the USA and which European nation … ?

Q3)        Oliver Cromwell was born on 25th April, 1599.   Between 1640 and 1649, he was MP for where: Cambridge, Huntingdon or Dunny on the Wold?

Q4)        Which US state became the first to require license plates, on 25th April, 1901: New York, Kentucky, or Florida?

Q5)        Finally … ?   25th April, 1923, saw the birth of bluesman, Albert King.   He played guitar, how: left handedly or right handedly?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Mary Queen of Scots married François: on 24th April, 1558.   François was the French what: Emperor, King or Heir Apparent?
A1)        Heir Apparent, or Dauphin.

Q2)        Annie Oakley was hired: on 24th April, 1885.   To be part of what: Barnum and Bailey’s Circus, the World’s Fair or Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show?
A2)        Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show.

Q3)        24th April, 1815, saw the birth of English writer, Anthony Trollope.   He wrote about a fictional county called what: Ambleshire, Barsetshire or Codlingshire?
A3)        Barsetshire.

Q4)        Stafford Cripps was born on 24th April, 1889.   Which political office did he hold: Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer or Home Secretary?
A4)        Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th April is Concord Day.   Where: Namibia, Niger or Nigeria?
A5)        Niger.
Here’s a thought … 
“The greatest theatre that I experienced in my life was The Living Theatre and they were Off-Off-Broadway. And that was in the fifties.”
Al Pacino, born April 25, 1940.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It’s an old term, Olga: Rishi Sunak’s the current holder of the office … And recently got in trouble.   He wife’s a non-dom Indian citizen: which means she only pays so much UK tax.   He’s also given up a Green Card, the form that gives him residence rights in the US.   He may be a fantastic economist, but that made him sound uncommitted to the job.   Of Chancellor, or MP!
        Oh, the Sun!   It doesn’t surprise me that they got the story!   They do like digging up dirt.   Either way, it’s nice to know the law’s been changed.   The day it happen’s here^, won’t be a day to soon.
        As for Mr Davies … ?   I can only hope someone tells him Clarion will do something: if the spiders are getting in through communal areas.   They certainly don’t help, otherwise.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        It’s a communish name, Debbi.   Mind you, so’s ‘Paul Downie,’ and ‘Dave Gorman’!   At any rate, I think that’s why Russell T. Davies has the T in his name: so people find the right one in the phone book.   There’s a few Russell Davies around, I know that!
        That car was the wrong colour, I know that!
        Oh, did you mean this chap, Debbi?   (The cheap tricks you can do wit GIMP are amazing.)

^        As I recall, Olga, Terry Pratchett did a documentary about the Swiss Dignitas clinic: it’s here, if you’re interested.


  1. Q1) Radio

    Q2) Spain

    Q3) Cambridge

    Q4) New York

    Q5) Left handedly
    Thanks, Paul. We shall see, and yes, I agree about the law. I'll let you know how it goes on Friday, when I'll go to watch the play and to interview the doctor in question.
    My student, Jordi, is travelling to London with his wife tomorrow. I'm sure he'll have fun (although he is so organised that it might end up being like a guided tour)...

  2. My! What a look on Sylvester McCoy's face! :)

    1. radio
    2. Spain
    3. Cambridge
    4. New York
    5. left handedly


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