
Friday 29 April 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th April, 2022.

29th April, 2022.

Right … 

I picked up some more medications, yesterday.

I’m on a few: the older I get, the iller I get.

At any rate … ?   I’ve been provision put on a course of injections: to help, both with my weight, and with the diabetes I suffer with.

A couple of weeks early: I’ve not yet had the training that shows me how to inject myself.

On top of that?

The stuff has a worrying amount of side effects!

Thankfully, it’s a short course: or, at least, I’ve only got five does.

I’m just hoping I only need to be on for a while.

Here’s hoping.


Yes: it’s Friday.

Which means that, yes: yesterday was Thursday.

Which means … ?   Yes: Jude’s done some more videos.

This is turning into a regular thing … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video. (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        29th April, 1945, saw US forces liberate where: Dachau, Belsen or Auschwitz?

Q2)        29th April, 2015, saw the Baltimore Orioles beat the Chicago White Sox.   How many fans watched in the stadium?

Q3)        29th April is International Dance Day.   It’s on the 29th, as that marks the birth of Jean Georges Novarre. Novarre is generally credited with created modern what: tap-dancing, ballet or choreography?

Q4)        29th April, 1957, saw the birth of Daniel Day Lewis.   Who did he play in My Left Foot: Christy Brown, Charlie Brown or Clancy Brown?

Q5)        Finally … ?   29th April, 2015, saw the World Health Organisation announce what had been eradicated in the Americas: HIV/AIDS, Polio or Rubella?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th April saw the birth of Sir Terry Pratchett.   In which year of the 1940s?
A1)        1948.

Q2)        His first novel was released in 1971, and called The Carpet what: People, Pixies or Pineapples?
A2)        The Carpet People.   (If you have people living your carpet?   You need to hoover …)

Q3)        Terry interviewed Bill Gates in 1995.   In the interview, Terry raised his concerns about online what: pornography, misinformation or crime?
A3)        Misinformation.

Q4)        Psephophorus terrypratchetti was named after Sir Terry.   It’s an extinct species of what: elephant, dragon or sea-turtle?
A4)        Sea-turtle.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sir Terry co-wrote the Long Earth series with whom: Neil Gaiman, Stephen Baxter or Micheal Moorcock?
A5)        Stephen Baxter.
Here’s a thought …
“I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous.”
Uma Thurman, born April 29, 1970.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I can imagine, Olga: I’ve HAD the odd cold shower, and it’s not nice!   Which reminds me, I possibly need to get my boiler checked: there’s a bit of a noise coming from somewhere … !
        Yeah, I figured it might not show up: it’s on Vimeo, the site has — from the little I know — some tighter restrictions for international viewers.   The documentary was called Choosing to Die: and shows a still fairly functional Terry accompanying one man to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland.   It’s powerful stuff.   (I don’t know if your interviewee would have seen it: but word may have got out.)

        Hello, Mum!

        People’s ages can surprise me, Debbi.   Did you hear of an Australia cricketer called Shane Warne^ª, who died recently?   He died on my birthday, this years: and was only 18 months younger than me.   Something like that brings it home, doesn’t it?

^        The Australian government gave the man a state funeral, Debbi.   Or a state memorial, I should say.   I think that tells you quite what Australia thought of both Shane, and the sport he represented.

ª        He wasn’t exactly Cricket’s equivalent to Babe Ruth — that’s possibly Sachin Tendulkar — but he was one of the games best known players.


  1. Q1) Dachau

    Q2) Zero

    Q3) Ballet

    Q4) Christy Brown

    Q5) Rubella
    I will see what we get to talk about this evening. Oh, I see there is an oral version of the medication as well. I hope it helps and you don't suffer any side-effects.


  2. 1948 was a good year. I was born in the middle of May 1948.

    I have just looked at my bank account online and got a couple of nice surprises. Yesterday Brentwood Borough Council paid in the £150 promised by Boris and the Tories. Also due to it being a Bank Holiday on Monday a couple of my pensions are being paid early today.

    Must hit eBay and Amazon to see if there is any thing I want.

    Speaking of Amazon I see they made a loss in the last Quarter and things do not look good for Apple either.

  3. 1 Dachau
    2 None
    3 Ballet
    4 Christy Brown
    5 Rubella


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