
Saturday 30 April 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 6 — Stormy Weather — A Review

29th May, 2022.

It’s officially Friday.

Which is something I mentioned in this morning’s Teaser.

What I didn’t mention, then … ?

Was simply the fact I’d be;
  • Having dinner.
  • Watching another episode of Star Trek Discovery.
Episode Six, Stormy Weather: if you’re interested.

I’ll have my written and video reviews up by tomorrow night, 30th April, if you’re interested.

Now … if you’ll excuse me, I’m starving!


30th April, 2022.

Episode 6Stormy Weather — opens with a summary of earlier episodes.

Then shifts: to show us Captain Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) recording both her log, and starting on her family tree.

All whilst chewing over recent events with partner, Cleveland ‘Book’ Booker (David Ajala).

Book?   Is having issues.   Today marks the birthday of his estranged father.

Captain Burnham has strict orders: to investigate a rift left behind by the Dark Matter Anomaly, to see if it can offer clues to the DMA’s makers.

Something Book disagrees with: he’s more concerned with following what little evidence they have, and pursuing the makers of the DMA,  outside Federation space.

But, as Michael puts it?   He’s got leads.   She’s got a Crime Scene.


Now … I’m writing this on 30th April, 2022.

Usually?   I’d have the TV turned off: so I can concentrate on what I’m writing.

Tonight is slightly different.

I have the TV on: so I can keep half an eye on the semi finals of this year’s World Championships.

Ronnie O’Sullivan is leading 15-9* against John Higgins.

But you’re not here for that, are you … ?

No, you want to know what I thought of last night’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery, aren’t you … ?

I think the episode itself is a relatively straight-foward story: go from A to C, get struck at B … and have to find a way out, without getting killed.

I’m pretty sure Star Trek’s done something like this before: even if I couldn’t tell you when.

I’m also feel it’s very reminiscent of Star Trek: The Next Generation: instead of Captain Picard asking his crew for ideas, coming up with a solution, ordering everyone into action, and risking his own life in the process … we have Captain Burnham asking for ideas, synthesising a solution, ordering everyone into action and risking her life in the process.

Oh, and getting sung at, and the end of things: the title refers to the song Zora sings to Michael.

Do I sound critical, there … ?

I don’t mean to.

Part of the reason why Star Trek: The Next Generation lasted was that it found a reasonable formula: and made sure it worked.

So Stormy Weather copying that formula?   Direction by Jonathan Frakes — better known as Commander Riker — helps with that.

Stormy Weather isn’t necessarily doing anything new: but is doing it well, I think.

It’s a good story, well told.

The one thing that did grab me?

Was the one element that is new for Star Trek: Zora, the ship’s computer.

In most of the franchise members, the ship’s computer is a lot like a voice activated assistant.

A giant version of Siri, or Alexa.

Zora, on the other hand?

Is a result the Discovery’s computer merging with the Sphere Data from season three.

With the result?   That we have a Data … no, a HAL, rather than a Siri.

Actress, Annabelle Wallis, sounds remarkably like a female, and far less malevolent, version of 2001’s iconic computer.   I don’t know if Wallis is copying Douglas Rain’s performance: but it sounds like it.

What we have?   Is a digital person, rather than a machine.

OK: it’s another old idea.   As old as Data, as the EMH … and as old as Asimov’s robot.

My point is that it’s a fresh take on an old idea: and very welcome.

And, for me?   A highlight of the episode.

Even if I WAS expecting the character to break out into a rousing rendition of Daisy Bell.

At any rate … ?

I don’t think this is the best episode of the series, so far.


It’s an improvement on The Examples!


I’ll be watching episode 7, But to Connect, on Friday, 6th May: and will have my written and video reviews up by the 7th May.


I’ll see you then!

Stormy Weather.

*        Ronnie eventually won 17-11.

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