
Thursday 19 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19-5-2022 — The Young Pioneers

19th May, 2022.

It’s officially official: I”ve got a meeting with my Restart case worker, this morning.

At nine.

Thankfully?   By phone: rather than by in person!

But, just in case this post is late?

I’m on the phone to a woman in Chelmsford … !


Oh … 

You’re possibly aware I have type 2 Diabetes: and am now on weekly injections of Ozempic to treat the condition.

I started those on Friday.

About the most exciting thing that’s happened to me, this week?

Is I’ve now got a sharps bin: for the used needles.

I’ve just got one question.

I can put the needles in the thing.

But do I put the use pen injectors in there?

I’ll have to ask my pharmacist, I think.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum†, and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Young Pioneers were founded: on 19th May, 1922. Where: the USA, UK or USSR?

Q2)        The group is supposed to be its county’s version of the what: Scouts, YMCA or Freemasons?

Q3)        The group’s motto was Всегда готов!. In other words, Always what?

Q4)        Pioneers wore what colour scarf?

Q5)        Finally? The Pioneers had who on their badges: Mao Zedong, Vladimir Lenin or Fidel Castro?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th May is the feast day of Saint Felix of Cantalice.   Cantalice is in which European nation: Italy, Croatia or Serbia?
A1)        Italy.

Q2)        18 May, 1954, saw the birth of singer, Wreckless Eric.   His sole UK hit was on which British label: Two Tone, Stiff or Go! Discs?
A2)        Stiff.   (He was a label mate of Ian Dury and the Blockheads, and Elvis Costello and the Attractions and Nick Lowe: but left the label after the release of his first and only single with them.)

Q3)        18th May, 1955, saw the birth of actor, Chow Yun-fat.   He played Tequila Yuen in which 1992 film: Now you See Love, Now You Don’t, Hard Boiled or Full Contact?
A3)        Hard Boiled.   (If you get this wrong, Debbi, I’ll give you a funny look!)

Q4)        18th May, 1868, saw the birth of Nicholas 2nd of Russia.   As ruler of Russia, he was the what: Knayz, Tsar or Graf?
A4)        Tsar.

Q5)        Finally … ?   18th May, 1048, saw the birth of Omar Khayyam.   In what’s now where: Iran, Iraq or India … ?
A5)        Iran.
Here’s a quote … 
“Pioneers learned skills of social cooperation and attended publicly funded summer camps.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Pioneers.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, Rebeca, rather than Anna!   Gotcha, Olga!   And it does sound as if Rebeca’s at a disadvantage, there!   I get what you mean about teaching, as well: Ruth actually has some teacher training, so that’s helped getting the paperwork she’s needed over the past few years.
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed on the cash front: I’ve also put in for an extra grant from the Council, and had to take in some bank statements, on Monday.   I get the feeling that’s going to take a while, too!
        (Oh, if Rebeca’s interested?   There’s a Rebecca Ferguson in Dune.   Who’s Swedish, as it goes!)

        Hello, Mum!

‡         Oh, tell me about it, Debbi!   I have to edit the things!   “Do this!   No, that!   Move that, there!”   Bossy is not the word!   (TOTALLY off topic?   Bernard Cribbins has been filming the Dr Who special in Cardiff.   In a wheelchair, as he’s 93!   You have to give the man credit for toughness!)

^        Well the Grimsby Telegraph got one thing wrong: the Warm Homes Discount was £140, Trevor!   I got mine in January: as a bonus on my pay-as-you-go key.   Quite how a £600 version would work, I don’t know.


  1. Q1) The USSR

    Q2) The Scouts

    Q3) Prepared

    Q4) Red, of course!

    Q5) Vladimir Lenin
    Oh, good luck with the call and with all the paperwork and aid.
    Well, I was supposed to have a class with Anna yesterday afternoon. I had to asked her a few times last week, and she cancelled last Wednesday's but told me we would do a class this week and even told me what she wanted to go over, as they have finished school and have a few weeks to prepare for the pre-university exam. But, when I arrived at her place, she wasn't expecting me, and what's more, she was supposed to be getting ready for her graduation ceremony later in the evening, so we didn't have the class (although I asked her for a ticket, because she hadn't bothered to cancel). She probably made a mistake, but she cancels at such short notice that I should have charged her many times before, but yesterday it was a bit much. I had also asked her to decide if the wanted to carry on with the lessons while she is preparing her exams, as I don't know what her schedule will be like, but although I have been asking her for weeks, she "hasn't had time" to ask her parents or think about it. Oh, well, I guess at that age you only think about yourself and don't care about anybody else's time.
    I'm still waiting for Rebeca to tell me if we're carrying on with the classes... It's such a waste of time...
    Stay well!

  2. Oh, on the sharps bin thing... We usually threw the syringes in with the needles, and that was the standard practice, as it was considered to be risky to try and remove the needle otherwise, but you might want to check, in case the practice is different for this one.

  3. 1 USSR
    2 Scouts
    3 Ready
    4 Red
    5 Lenin

  4. Wow! That takes energy. And grit and determination. :)

    1. the USSR
    2. Scouts
    3. ready
    4. red
    5. Vladimir Lenin


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