
Sunday 22 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-5-2022 — Sri Lanka

22nd May, 2022.

Yes: it’s official.

I’ve had a text message from my pharmacist: another batch of medications are in.

Me being me, of course?   I know I’ve got a couple of days slack, before I need to get the stuff.

So … ?

I might just get it while the sun shines … or leave it until tomorrow, when I’m going to be out, anyway … 

We’ll see.


I wrote, yesterday, about how Chancellor Rishi Sunak — the UK’s current Finance minister — is both one of the county’s richest men: and one of a body of Tory MPs who don’t seem to want to help those who seriously need it.

It seems we can be thankful for the International Monetary Fund, the international body that monitors and regulates the world economy.

Or, at least, be thankful for Kristalina Georgieva: the head of the IMF.

In a statement, she’s said, quite simple, that governments should subsidise food and energy.


I can only hope Mr Sunak — and his boss, Boris Johnson — are paying attention.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Sri Lanka became a republic: on 22nd May, 1972.   What had it been called, up until then: Ceylon, Tamil Nadu or Puducherry?

Q2)        The Palk Strait, and the Gulf of Mannar, separate Sri Lanka from where: India, Saudi Arabia or China?

Q3)        The Pāli Canon is from Sri Lanka.   It’s the earliest know scriptures in which religion: Parseeism, Jainism, Hinduism or Buddhism?

Q4)        Sri Lanka’s administrative capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.   It’s technically part of Sri Lanka’s biggest city. What IS that city?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sri Lanka has two official languages.   Sinhalese is one.   What’s the other: Tamil, English or Urdu?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        FIFA was founded on 21st May, 1904.   What sport does it organise: Rugby Union, Football or snooker?
A1)        Football.

Q2)        Arthur Carr was born on 21st May, 1893.   He played cricket for which county side: Essex, Kent or Nottinghamshire?
A2)        Nottinghamshire.

Q3)        21st May is the feast day of Saint Franz Jägerstätter.   He’s the patron saint of whom: paramedics, conscientious objectors or military chaplains?
A3)        Conscientious objectors.

Q4)        Philip 2nd of Spain was born on 21st May, 1527.   He was known Philip the what: Patient, Proud or Prudent?
A4)        Philip the Prudent.   (Wikipedia tells me that’s Felipe el Prudente in Spanish.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Elizabeth Fry was born on 21st May, 1780.   She was commemorated on a £5 note, as she did a lot of work on: poor laws, prison reform or the Potato famine?
A5)        Prison Reform.
Here’s a quote … 
“Sri Lanka … is an island country in South Asia.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Sri Lanka.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You’re not wrong, Olga: that’s a certainty.  I can only hope Messers Sunak And Johnson Are paying attention to the head of the IMF …

        Hello, Mum!

        Oh, I wish, Debbi!   At ANY rate?   You might ALSO want to look at a Mac mini: you might find it more affordable than other options!


  1. Just as a thought for everyone?

    Tomorrow’s Teaser as a ten question set about South Carolina.

    I’ve also got a ten question set on 2nd June: Debbi, you MIGHT want to get Rick to have a look at that one … !

  2. 1 Ceylon
    2 India
    3 Buddhism
    4 Columbo
    5 Tamil or English


  3. Q1) Ceylon

    Q2) India

    Q3) Buddhism (It is the earliest known scripture of Buddhism found in Sri Lanka, not in the whole world, though. The first Buddhist writings are earlier and were found in Afghanistan, it seems... I know Wikipedia is not very reliable, but I’ve seen an article talking about the Library of Congress sharing some of the earliest Buddhist writings and it calls them the same...
    It might be misinterpreting the question, though...

    Q4) Colombo

    Q5) Tamil
    Yes, let's hope they are listening (although it is unlikely). You were right, by the way. Felipe el Prudente (not sure he deserved the name, though, but that's neither here nor there). Oh, I'll do my best to participate tomorrow. I've now confirmed that I have a class in the morning and in the afternoon, so I'll be doing a fair amount of running around. I still haven't heard from Anna, though...

  4. Oy! 10 questions. Ohhh-kaaay. :)

    1. Ceylon
    2. India
    3. Buddhism
    4. Colombo
    5. Tamil

    Actually, the thought of a mini-Mac has crossed my mind. Hmmm ... still thinking ... the beach ball of death is rolling through my brain.

    BTW, I watched "In My Mind". OMG! I have a funny feeling Patrick McGoohan and I share a few (inconvenient) traits. Though I would never put a documentarian through what he did! OMG!

    I await your next teaser with gnarly fingers and great antici-PA-tion! :)

    Typing. I can still barely do it. Ha! :)


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