
Monday 23 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23-5-2022 — South Carolina

23rd May, 2022.

You’re right: I’m officially up early, today.

Partly?   Because I get paid, today: and want to pay my bills before my nephew turns up.

Oh … and have a leg x-ray at my local hospital.

That’s nothing too serious, I should add: just something that needs checking.

Either way … ?

It’s going to be a comparatively long day.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        South Carolina ratified the US Constitution.   On 23rd May of which year: 1786, 1788 or 1790?

Q2)        It was which state to do so: the eighth, ninth or tenth?

Q3)        It’s on the east coast of the US.   In other words, it’s on the shores of what ocean: the Atlantic, Pacific or Arctic?

Q4)        It’s bordered by North Carolina: and which other state: Georgia, Washington or Hawaii?

Q5)        South Carolina fought for which side in the Civil War: Confederate or Union?

Q6)        The state’s largest city shares its name with dance.   Which dance: the Charleston, Tango or Newcastle upon Tyne?

Q7)        What’s South Carolina’s capital: Columbia, Greenville or Sumter?

Q8)        Chicken bog is made in parts of South Carolina.   It’s made with chicken, and what: rice, potatoes or pasta?

Q9)        Fictional politician, Frank Underwood, was from South Carolina.   He was played by Kevin Spacey.   In which US series: House, House of Cards or Star Trek?

Q10)        Finally?   South Carolina has three state dances.   The Richardson Waltz, the square dance, and what else: the Shag, Tango or Polka?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Sri Lanka became a republic: on 22nd May, 1972.   What had it been called, up until then: Ceylon, Tamil Nadu or Puducherry?
A1)        Ceylon.

Q2)        The Palk Strait, and the Gulf of Mannar, separate Sri Lanka from where: India, Saudi Arabia or China?
A2)        India: or, at least, the Indian subcontinent.

Q3)        The Pāli Canon is from Sri Lanka.   It’s the earliest known (Sri Lankan) scriptures in which religion: Parseeism, Jainism, Hinduism or Buddhism?
A3)        Buddhism.

Q4)        Sri Lanka’s administrative capital is Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte.   It’s technically part of Sri Lanka’s biggest city. What IS that city?
A4)        Colombo.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Sri Lanka has two official languages.   Sinhalese is one.   What’s the other: Tamil, English or Urdu?
A5)        Tamil.
Here’s a thought … 
“South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.”
James Petigru.
A song …

And, as I’ve got two dance themed questions … 

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yeah: I’ve quickly revised the question in my database, Olga: cheers, me dears!   I’ve always had the impression Wikipedia’s reliable so long as you double check things.   Which, frankly, I don’t always do.
        I got the Spanish translation from Wikipedia: I think the writers and editors take a certain amount of pride in these things.   I think it’s a matter of comparison, though: I’m assuming Phillip was more prudent than his predecessor … 
        Whatever happens?   Have a good day!

        Hello, Mum!

        About the only thing you’d need to factor in, Debbi, is a monitor and a webcam: you’ve got a keyboard, mouse and mic, haven’t you?
        Yeah: I always got the impression he was … um … difficult to work with … !
        Oh, dear: the swirling beachball of death.   You know it’s bad, when the audience starts joining in … 


  1. Q1) 1788

    Q2) The eighth

    Q3) The Atlantic

    Q4) Georgia

    Q5) Confederate

    Q6) The Charleston

    Q7) Columbia

    Q8) rice

    Q9) House of Cards

    Q10) The Shag (Oh, wow!)
    Good luck with the X-ray.
    Well, Philip the 2nd was the son of Charles the 1st of Spain and 5th of Germany, the one who retired to work with clocks. We've talked about him before. Considering Philip the 2nd was the one of the Armada... No, I'd say his father was more prudent, but he was a bit too trusting as well sometimes (his adventures with the French King... Basically, trusting the French, as I don't need to tell you, isn't a terribly good idea).
    By the way, Anna has finally confirmed what I imagined. We won't be doing any further classes. At least I know for sure now.
    Stay well.

  2. 1 1788
    2 8th
    3 Atlantic
    4 Georgia
    5 Confederate
    6 Charleston
    7 Columbia
    8 Potatoes
    9 House of Cards
    10 Shag

  3. Okay, here we go:

    1. 1788
    2. the eighth
    3. the Atlantic
    4. Georgia
    5. Confederate
    6. the Charleston
    7. Columbia
    8. rice
    9. House of Cards
    10. the Shag

    Doesn't "shag" have a slightly different meaning around your parts? :)

    Kind of a dance, I guess. :)


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