
Wednesday 25 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-5-2022 — Jordan

25th May, 2022.

The United States of American is — from what I’ve seen — a fine country.

And beautiful.

Its people — much like Old Peculiar regular, Debbi Mack — bright, friendly, intelligent and caring.

The place has flaws, though: as many countries do.

Well … not so much flaws, as tragedies.

Overnight, we’ve learnt that an eighteen year-old shooter — named locally as Salvador Ramos — has killed nineteen children and two teachers.

Some of those children were between seven and ten years old.

The shooter has also reportedly shot his own grandmother.

That shooter was shot by police.

For me, that’s understandable — he was killing children — but frustrating.

We don’t — at his trial — get to hear his excuse for his actions.

OK: I’m sure that’s not the first thing on the families minds.

But it might’ve been reassuring for them to know it.


Oh … 

The government’s possibly marvellous.


Last week?

They were saying they had not plans for a windfall tax.

Nothing is off the table.

As a plan to help with the rising cost of living could be announced on Thursday.

Personally … ?

I think a windfall tax on energy copies could be useful.

It would allow for tax breaks for the working, and extra benefits for those of us who aren’t.

We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

But, speaking as someone whose electricity bill’s gone up?   By about fifty percent?

I’d appreciate the extra cash in hand support.


As a final thought, before I get a shift on … ?

Yes: Jude’s done another video … !


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th May is Independence Day in Jordan.   It marks the country’s independence from where: France, Germany or the UK?

Q2)        What’s Jordan’s capital: Amman, Zarqa or Irbid?

Q3)        Abdullah II is Jordan’s current what: King, Emperor or Sultan?

Q4)        Jordan’s currency is the Jordanian what: dollar, pound or dinar?

Q5)        Finally … ?   What’s Jordan’s official language: French, Arabic, Russian, English or Chinese?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        In a non-leap year, 24th May is the 144th day of the year. It’s also known as which ‘G’: a Gross, a Gibbon or a Grande?
A1)        A Gross.

Q2)        Which New York bridge opened on 24th May, 1883: the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge or Riker’s Island Bridge?
A2)        The Brooklyn Bridge.

Q3)        Luis Buñuel film, Belle de Jour was released on 24th May. Of which year of the 1960s?
A3)        1967.

Q4)        Queen Victoria was born on 24th May, 1819. She was named Empress of India, when: 1876, 1877 or 1878?
A4)        1876.

Q5)        Finally … ? 24th May, 1949, saw the birth of actor, Jim Broadbent. He played Terry Perkins in which 2018 heist film?
A5)        King of Thieves.
Here’s a motto …
“Allāh, Al-Waṭan, Al-Malik.”
“God, Country, King.”
And yet another national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, Lope … !   I can never hear his name, Olga, without the phrase ‘Jack the Lad,’ springing to mind.   Although the original Jack wasn’t quite the same!
        I’ve got to admit, I’ve not seen Un Chien Andalou: the eyeball scene always sound a bit much.   I have seen Viridiana, though: Buñuel’s ability to frame a picture caught my eye.   I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled, though^.
        Anna’s off to a Harry Styles gig?   Her cancelling is possibly a good thing: you’d never hear the last of Harry Styles!   Is it me, Olga, or do the young have no taste in music … !

        Hello, Mum!

        It’s addictive for a reason, I’m afraid, Debbi.   And, if I’ve got it right?   A lot of those Virginian tobacco plantations were started when Virginia was still an English colony.   (And Victoria’s British Empire wasn’t innocent, either.   Again, if I’ve got it right?   When the Raj controlled Afghanistan, it realised the place was great opium poppy territory.   Opium that could be used to ‘persuade’ Chinese tea workers to pay for their fix in tea plant seeds.)
        Post me a link to that video, Debbi: have a good towel day.   (And read this link.   There’s calls by some Terry Pratchett fans to wear lilac, today.)

^        I caught Metropolis, a few years ago.   The version I saw had a lot of reconstruction done to it: footage that been found in Argentina.


  1. Q1) The UK

    Q2) Amman

    Q3) King

    Q4) Dinar

    Q5) Arabic
    The concert is after the exam, so I don't think I would have heard about it live, but yes... Youth and taste. I'm not sure about her sister, though, because Anna is the youngest and her sister is working and living in Madrid, the last I heard, so she must be a few years older...
    Buñuel is worth catching, for sure, although he always liked to push the envelope.
    I have a DVD version of Metropolis. Yes, these old films tend to get reconstructed with bits and bobs found here and there. I am sure there are some gems still hiding somewhere, thought to be lost.
    Let's hope for some good news on the money side. Energy prices are beyond belief at the moment.

  2. 1 UK
    2 Amman
    3 King
    4 Dinar
    5 Arabic

  3. I'll have to scrounge around for something in lilac. :)

    1. the UK
    2. Amman
    3. King
    4. dinar
    5. Arabic

    Jude is really getting into video, isn't he? :)

    Like uncle, like nephew. :)

    Rick told me about the shooting. Every time it happens, he's incensed, and I'm with him on that. Not good.

    You should've heard the webinar I was on today about what someone called "ethnocide". The destruction of culture due to exploitation of our resources and the oppression of certain groups of people. Ahem. :) Hoo boy ...


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