
Friday 6 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 6th May, 2022

6th May, 2022.

Hmmm … 

I’m fully expecting to be on the phone, today.

Or, at least, sat on a bench with a pen, some paper and my mobile: calling up various hospitals to make appointments.

The fact the mobile signal in the area is still bad?

Is not a good thing.

If push comes to shove?

I may have to head for the library, with my laptop … 


The local elections results, in Brentwood?

Seem to have been settled: the Tories are still in charge: with the Liberal Democrats and Labour gaining seats.

Brentwood Council’s not published the results, as yet: so we won’t know the amount of spoilt votes, just yet.

As someone who routinely spoils his vote?

It’s something I’m interested in seeing.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.   (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        6th May, 2022, sees the start of this year’s Giro d’Italia.   The Giro is a what: car race, bicycle race or marathon?

Q2)        Edward 7th died on 6th May, 1910.   Who replaced him as King of the UK: George 5th, Edward 8th or George 6th?

Q3)        Orson Welles was born on 6th May, 1915.   He played Colonel Haki in the 1943 film, Journey intowhat: Fear, Vienna or Strength?

Q4)        Author, Harry Golden, was born on 6th May, 1902.   He was born in what was then Austria-Hungary.   But is now where: Hungary, Ukraine or Byelorussia?

Q5)        Finally … ?   6th May, 1895, saw the birth of Rudolph Valentino.   He played Julio Desnoyers in The Four Horsemen of the what?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        5th May, 2021, saw the death of singer and model, Nick Kamen.   He famously appeared in an advert for what: Dyson vacuum cleaners, Levi’s Jeans or Mac computers?
A1)        Levi’s Jeans.   The ad’s for the stonewashed version of the 501 jeans, so you know. You can find it here.   The Carling version’s better.

Q2)        Local elections take place in the UK: on 5th May, 2022.   They, like most UK elections, take place on which day of the week?
A2)        A Thursday.

Q3)        5th May is International what Day: Midwives Day, Dentists Day or Podiatrists Day?
A3)        International Midwives Day.

Q4)        Karl Marx was born on 5th May, 1818.   In what’s now which European country: Austria, Germany or Switzerland?
A4)        Germany.

Q5)        Tango no sekku is celebrated on 5th May.   Where: China, Japan or Thailand?
A5)        Japan.
Here’s a thought … 
“To generalise on women is dangerous.   To specialise in them is infinitely worse.”
Rudolph Valentino, May 6, 1895 – August 23, 1926.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Wish Anna luck on the University front for me, please, Olga: she’ll need it to get the place she wants, I think.   I know my sisters both had a job and a half getting their places!   (They both went to universities in Liverpool.)
        Oh, you’re joking … !?!?   That boiler‘s a joke!   (I’m just grateful my landlord is responsible for replacing mine.   The cost of the thing is stupid: and that’s before you factor in the cost of the work.)

        I doubt it, Debbi: I think Arthur had a bit more on his plate than elections!   Oh, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, starts today.   I’m having trouble keeping up.   But … ?   Ethan Peck’s got Spock’s voice right!

^        You’re right there, Trevor: but I didn’t count them as they territory is the national railway lines, rather than London, per se.
        What IS the Sheriff of Nottingham for … ?   Exactly?


  1. Q1) A bicycle race

    Q2) George 5th

    Q3) Fear

    Q4) Ukraine

    Q5) The Apocalypse. I might have mentioned that, but I saw this movie at the London Film Festival, many years back, with a live orchestra performing the accompanying music. It was fantastic!
    Oh, well. Today we had a repeat performance of the boiler, so it's getting its marching orders and it should get replaced on Monday. He is due to phone with the price later on. It could be an interesting weekend, although for all I know, it might decide to start working again later on and then stop. Who knows? (There is no central heating here, so it is only a water boiler, not quite as expensive, but expensive enough. The technician will charge us less, because of all the comings and goings and the new part that has made little difference (and I assume he'll be able to reuse). In my next life, I'll become a plumber. It is a business that will keep going... (Well an expert in air conditioners and heating units, as with the changes in weather those will get even more necessary).
    I hope you manage all your calls. Are you OK, by the way? I know you have to keep up with checks and everything, and the last thing you need is the ongoing phone issues. One wonders about satellite phones...

  2. 1 Bike race
    2 George 5th
    3 Vienna
    4 Hungary
    5 Apokolyse

  3. The Sheriff of Nottingham is now a days just a ceremonial role. She greets members of the Royal family when they visit Nottingham. She also is there to promote tourism. People have seen many portrayals of the Sheriff in all the Robin Hood films and TV series. My first Sheriff of Nottingham was in the black and white TV show Adventures of Robin Hood. He was played by Alan Wheatley.

    Nottingham celebrates Robin Hood in many ways. There is Maid Marian Way and Friar lane. In front of the castle is a statue of Robin Hood.

  4. I just got through watching Breaker Morant. It's been years since I first saw it. I forgot how good Edward Woodward was! :)

    1. bicycle race
    2. George 5th
    3. Fear
    4. Ukraine
    5. Apocalypse

    When he sings or recites poetry. What a voice!


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