
Thursday 5 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5th May, 2022

5th May, 2022.

Right … I’ve a longish day, today.

I’ve got to be in Chelmsford, this afternoon: as part of the Restart scheme the Job Centre’s got me on.

This morning?   I’ve got a Zoom weight management glass.

I’m looking forward to that: it’d be nice to see the gang.

In all that … ?   It’s voting day, today: we’ll have to see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        5th May, 2021, saw the death of singer and model, Nick Kamen.   He famously appeared in an advert for what: Dyson vacuum cleaners, Levi’s Jeans or Mac computers?

Q2)        Local elections take place in the UK: on 5th May, 2022.   They, like most UK elections, take place on which day of the week?

Q3)        5th May is International what Day: Midwives Day, Dentists Day or Podiatrists Day?

Q4)        Karl Marx was born on 5th May, 1818.   In what’s now which European country: Austria, Germany or Switzerland?

Q5)        Tango no sekku is celebrated on 5th May.   Where: China, Japan or Thailand?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        4th May, 1776, saw Rhode Island become the first American colony to renounce its allegiance to whom: the US president, George 3rd or the Illuminati?
A1)        George 3rd.

Q2)        4th May is Saint Florian’s Day.   He’s the patron saint of whom: the police, paramedics, firefighters or the coast guard?
A2)        Firefighters.   (Appropriately enough? It’s International Firefighters Day.)

Q3)        Peter Minuit arrived in New Netherland: on 4th May, 1626.   New Netherland is better known as which East Coast Island?
A3)        Manhattan Island.

Q4)        The first Grammy awards were held: on 4th May, 1959.   The Grammys are award in which of the arts: music, film or theatre?
A4)        Music.

Q5)        Finally … ?   4th May, 2000, saw the election of the first mayor of where: London, Manchester or Liverpool?
A5)        London.

Here’s a thought … 

“Some people thought I had a kind of second sight.”
Delia Derbyshire, 5 May 1937 – 3 July 2001.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Well, you know how it goes, Olga: there’s no rest for the best, either!   I have to admit, I marked Star Wars Day with a couple of episodes of this: 

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I think I mentioned it to Rick when I wrote the set, Debbi: it was also International Firefighters Day.      And London’s politics are complicated.   The Lord Mayor of London is the Mayor of the City of London: the Square Mile, the financial district, in other words.   The current Mayor of Greater London — the modern city, which includes the City of London — is Sadiq Khan.
        It’s a bit like Wall Street having a separate Mayor and Governor!   Oh, and police force: London’s got the Met, who have to work with the City of London Police.


  1. 1 Levi jeans
    2 Thursday
    4 Germany
    5 Japan

  2. Q1) Levi’s (I hadn’t heard he’d died either).

    Q2) Thursday

    Q3) Midwives Day

    Q4) Germany

    Q5) Japan
    I hope all your meetings go well today. I had a class with Anna, but she hasn't decided yet if we'll do classes after that or not, as she finishes her official lessons next week and then she has four weeks to prepare to the final exam before university. She is also waiting a reply from the university where she wants to study Chemistry, so she has other things in mind, and a pretty full schedule after that, so I imagine probably that's the last I see of her, but she has to confirm.
    And, wouldn't you know it? Although the technician changed a part of our naughty boiler on Tuesday, it stopped working yesterday afternoon, so we're waiting to see when he'll turn up. I imagine the next thing will be a new boiler... As if we hadn't spent enough on it already (I can see any celebrations related to the birthday going down the drain, apart from not knowing when we'll be able to go anywhere, as I have to cover things for the radio Saturday and Sunday...).

  3. You forgot the third police force in London. British Transport Police who look after the tube and main line railways.

    The older titles like Lord Mayor of London go back a few hundred years (15th century onwards).

    I used to work in Nottingham which had both a Lord Mayor of Nottingham and a Sheriff of Nottingham. Both can be found in the Council House (Nottingham's city hall)

  4. My, what jurisdictional fun that must be! :)

    1. Levi's Jeans
    2. Thursday (do you suppose that's why Arthur Dent had trouble with that day?)
    3. Midwives Day
    4. Germany
    5. Japan


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