
Sunday 8 May 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th May, 2022 Teaser

8th May, 2022.

Right … 

It’s going to be a quiet day, I think.

Bar the inevitable bits and bobs I have to do around the house?

I’m not expecting much to happen: beyond possibly cleaning my windows.

They’re in a bit of a state!


Oh, JUST so you know … ?

I managed to catch another episode of Star Trek Discovery, on Friday: and managed to post both a written and video review, last night.

Fell free to leave me a comment.

Especially if you think the Oded Fehr character in The Mummy is a heavily disguised Fremen!


Oh, and talking of videos … ?

Yes: my nephew, Jude, was over, yesterday.

And yes: we have another video!

He’s getting a little keen about these things … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Debbi† and Mum‡, putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.   (Today’s video has yesterday’s answers.)

Q1)        8th May is International Red Cross and Red Crescent Day.   It marks the birthday of the movement’s founder, Jean-Henri Dunant.   Which European country was Dunant from: Austria, Germany or Switzerland?

Q2)        The Red Cross’s flag is a version of the flag of where: Austria, Germany or Switzerland?

Q3)        8th May is White Lotus Day.   It’s marked by whom: Buddhists, Spiritualists or Theosophists?

Q4)        8th May is the feast day of Saint Arsenius the Great.   He was also a what: anchorite, friar or cardinal?

Q5)        8th May is Furry Day, in the town of Helston.   Helston’s in which English county?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th May is Radio Day.   Where: Ukraine, Bulgaria or Chile?
A1)        Bulgaria. (It’s also marked in Russia.)

Q2)        7th May, 2001, saw the UK’s government press ahead with a cull of cattle, near Exmoor.   In an attempt to stop the spread of which disease: Mad Cow Disease, Foot and Mouth or Rabies?
A2)        Foot and Mouth: also known as Hoof and mouth.

Q3)        7th May, 721AD, saw the death of Saint John of Beverly.   From 705AD, he was Bishop of where: London, Canterbury or York?
A3)        York.   (The office is now the Archbishop of York, and the second highest Archbishopric in England.)

Q4)        7th May, 1916, saw the birth of broadcaster, Huw Wheldon.   He presenter an arts programme called Monitor. For whom: the BBC, ITV or RTÉ?
A4)        The BBC.

Q5)        Finally?   7th May, 1986, saw Patrick Morrow finish climbing the last mountain in the Seven Summits, the seven highest mountains on Earth. Name one of them.
A5)        Confusingly, and because there’s two different lists?   There’s eight of them, and Morrow climbed the lot: Denali, Aconcagua, Everest, Elbrus, Kilimanjaro, Kosciuszko, Vinson Massif and Puncak Jaya.   To muddy the waters further?   A third list includes Mont Blanc: which he didn’t climb.
Here’s a thought … 
“A career is a series of comebacks.”
Ricky Nelson, May 8, 1940 – December 31, 1985.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You’re right, Olga: COVID’s delayed a lot.   And possibly changed other things.   The impression I’ve picked up is that — during the Middle Ages — wages went up and serfdom ended, because of the Black Death and Bubonic Plague.   There were less workers available: and they were more likely to name their prices.   I think the same’s happening, today.
        That’s where I’ve seen satellite phones, too.   I get the impression Special Forces use them, as well: especially the ones in remote areas.

†        That’s something I might have to check out at some point, Debbi: it sounds worthwhile.   I only saw a few episode of The Equaliser.   But the series of his I keep meaning to catch was Callan: it’s sort of a hard boiled spy series.   Oh … and The Wickerman’s been on my shelves for a while.

        Hello, Mum!


  1. 1 Switzerland
    2 Switzerland
    3 Buddists
    4 Anchorite
    5 Cornwall

  2. Q1) Switzerland

    Q2) Switzerland

    Q3) Theosophists

    Q4) Anchorite

    Q5) Cornwall
    Here they keep talking about many jobs being available, while unemployment is high as well, but there are some types of jobs that seem in short supply.

  3. We have a new Doctor Who.

  4. That show Callan sounds fascinating. I love Edward Woodward. He's up there with my very favorite actors.

    1. 1828
    2. Switzerland
    3. Theosophists
    4. anchorite
    5. Cornwall


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