
Sunday 8 May 2022

Ncuti Gatwa — The Fourteenth Doctor.

8th May, 2022.

You’ve possibly worked out one thing, over the years I’ve been writing this blog.

That I’m a fan of TV show, Doctor Who.

So tend to look forward to the Big Announcement.

The one that happens each few years.

The one that’s been on fans mind since Jodie Whittaker announced — a few months ago, now — that she would be leaving.

Yes: that Big Announcement.

Who’s been cast as the new Doctor Who.

The news got out, today.

Sex Education’s Ncuti Gatwa* has been cast the Fourteenth Doctor: and will be taking over in 2023.

Good luck to him.


Saying that?   I have a concern.

I’ve got no doubts Russell T. Davies has made a good choice in casting Ncuti Gatwa.

Ncuti’s not someone I’ve seen in anything: so I’m taking Davies’ decision on trust.

I know Ncuti’s had an award or two for his role in Sex Education, and been nominated for more.

My concern?

Is fan reaction.

I have no problem — at least, I hope I have no problem! — with Ncuti’s colour.

As long as he’s capable of acting the part, and acting the part well — and has the stamina to deal with the inevitable publicity — that should be enough for any of us.

But I’m very aware of human nature.

Very aware that — much as some complained about Jodie Whittaker’s casting as the first woman in the role — there will be people complaining about, and objecting to, his casting purely because he’s black.

I think that’s extremely objectionable.

What matters is his ability to perform in the role, not the colour of his skin.

I’m also aware that the last Dr Who convention I was at was a few years ago.

And?   I can’t recall seeing any ethnic minority fans, there.

I can’t tell you if that’s changed.

But it’s a sad reflection on how welcoming Dr Who fandom can be: especially given my own personal knowledge of at least one fan who (speaking in private to me) objected to Freema Agyeman being cast … because of the colour of her skin.

That’s not good.

Especially when you consider how diverse, and welcoming, the cast and fans of Star Trek seem to be.

That’s lack of diversity on Dr Who?

Means hiring someone like Ncuti is long overdue.


The BBC will be providing support for Ncuti: and some sort of protection from whatever flak does turn up.


His casting will have a long lasting, and good, effect on Doctor Who.

*        Going by interviews and announcements?   His name’s pronounced ‘shoe-ti GAT-wa.’   I’m grateful Google found a couple of interviews where he introduces himself!   I’ve also had to teach my computer’s dictionary how to spell his name: it though he was Nuclear Gateaux … 

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