
Saturday 28 May 2022

Star Trek Discovery — Series 4 Episode 10 — The Galactic Barrier — A Review

27th May, 2022.


It’s Friday!

Which means … ?

Well, frankly, I’d possibly be heading out … if I had the cash and somewhere to go.

It’s getting toward’s summer, after all.

However?   I’m happy to watch TV … with the curtains, and windows, open!

I can get some sunlight, and air, in: whilst eating dinner.

And watch the next episode — episode ten, The Galactic Barrier — of Star Trek Discovery’s fourth season.


Episode 10The Galactic Barrier — opens with the usual summary of previous episodes.

Then moves: to show us Dr Kovich (David Cronenberg*) giving a briefing to a very senior group of people: one that includes President Rillak, President T’Rina and Admiral Vance (Chelah Horsdal, Tara Rosling and Oded Fehr†): with Captain Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green), Mr Saru (Doug Jones) and Commander Stamets (Anthony Rapp) at the bottom of the list.

Kovich?   Is in charge of Federation efforts at home, preparing everyone for First Contact with Species 10-C: and for reminding the Committee that the Federation’s Universal Translators only work on the spoken word.

A species that doesn’t speak?   Could be an issue.

It’s only after more discussion … ?   Discussion that sees Stamets admitting the Dark Matter Anomaly is more powerful than it was, and Burnham admitting she’s not heard from the rogue Tarka and Book Booker?

It’s only after more discussion that the group agree there’s only one thing for it.

Captain Burnham, and the Discovery are going to literally go where no one has gone before.

Through the edge of the galaxy!


Now … what did I make of The Galactic Barrier?

Is it good, bad or indifferent?

I have to admit, I’m not sure I was stunned by the episode.

Yes.   Both writers and cast do a good job: and, in one of the episode’s storylines, we get to find out more about what’s behind Ruon Tarka’s actions.

He’s a former prisoner of the Emerald Chain, one who’s cell mate had worked on the ultimate form of escape.

But who couldn’t get away in time.

The other storyline?   Involves the Discovery getting to the Barrier: and getting through it, through a series of energy bubbles.

To be frank?   That was one I felt wasn’t well handled: although, it was far more of an action oriented plotline.

On the whole … ?

On the whole, as well as The Galactic Barrier was, it’s not an episode that totally stunned me.   There was maybe just a little too much talk for my liking.


Next Friday — 3rd June, 2022 — will see me watching the next episode, Rosetta‡: I’d love it if you joined me.

The Galactic Barrier.

*        Cronenberg’s Crimes of the Future is due out this year: and looks … typical of the man’s more gruesome work …


        Cue the music … !

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