
Friday 10 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 10th June 2022.

10th June, 2022.

I put in for extra help, a few months ago.

And had to put in for what’s called a mandatory reconsideration, when I initially got turned down.

I’ve had the results from that: last night.

The reconsideration hasn’t gone my way.

I’ve a number of options: but think I should appeal/

Which is going to involve an intimidating visit to a magistrates.

That’s an unnerving thought … 


Hmmm … 

Yesterday saw the government announce it was planning changes to the UK’s benefit system.

Partly?   To allow those who rent from housing associations to buy their homes.

But also to allow those on benefits to use the housing component of their Universal Credit to pay for a mortgage: and not just the interest payments on a mortgage.

I’m … not convinced.

Yes: I’d love to own my own home.


Even with the discount a Right to Buy Scheme allows, I’d never be able to afford buy my own home.

Nor the inevitable maintenance costs.

On top of that?

I know that — when Margaret Thatcher’s government did something similar back in the 1980s — they allowed local councils to spend the money they made from housing sales on what they wanted.

Rather than on replacement housing stock.


I think the same thing could easily happen, here.

Selling off the stock … and not replacing it …

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        10th June, 1921, saw the birth of Prince Phillip: late husband of the Queen.   He was also known as the Duke of where: Aberdeen, Edinburgh or Glasgow?

Q2)        Judy Garland was born on 10th June, 1922.   Her first film contract was with which studio: Universal, MGM or Disney?

Q3)        10th June, 1911, saw the birth of playwright, Terence Rattigan.   His play, The Sleeping Prince was filmed as The Prince and the what?

Q4)        10th June, 1908, saw the birth of actor, Barry Morse.   He played Dr Victor Bergman in which Anderson series: Thunderbirds, Space: 1999 or UFO?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Maurice Sendak was born on 10th June, 1928.   His book, Where the Wild Things Are was published in which year of the 1960s?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        9th June, 1963, saw the birth of actor, Johnny Depp.   He’s recently sued his ex-wife, Amber Heard.   On charges of what: murder, arson or defamation?
A1)        Defamation.

Q2)        9th June is the feast day of Saint Columba.   He’s the patron saint of whom: poets, painters or plasterers?
A2)        Poets.

Q3)        The Wise Little Hen went on general release: on 9th June, 1934.   It was the first cartoon to feature which Disney character: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck or Bugs Bunny?
A3)        Donald Duck.   (Bugs was a Warner Brothers character … !)

Q4)        Williams Jennings resigned as US Secretary of State: on 9th June, 1915.   The job is the US equivalent of which UK government post: Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary or Minister of Defence?
A4)        Foreign Secretary.

Q5)        Finally … ?   9th June, 1923, saw a military coup take over where: Austria, Bulgaria or the Czech Republic?
A5)        Bulgaria.
Here’s a thought … 
“I’ve never looked through a keyhole without finding someone was looking back.”
Judy Garland, June 10, 1922 – June 22, 1969.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        That it is, Olga!   Whoever it was, that came up with that phrase?   Was an advertising genius!   If I’ve understood the UK’s advertising regulations?   You have to be honest about a product: Marmite ads are that, alright!   (I know you wouldn’t eat them: but the old Pepperami ads did the same: their tag line, ‘It’s a bit of an animal,’ was honest.)

        Hello, Mum!

        I’m just glad I could help, Debbi!
        I got your comment on the video, Debbi: cheers, me dears!   And that’s possibly how you can tell some novels are in England: half a ton of Marmite gets mentioned.   If it’s in Scotland, Neds^ and Buckfast will get a look in.
        Now … do you need any empty Marmite tubs?   I’ve got a few sitting around … 

^        First think I thought when I saw Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, Debbi?   Oh, my God, he’s a Ned!


  1. 1 Edinburgh
    2 MGM
    3 Showgirl
    4 Space 1999
    5 1963

  2. Q1) Edinburgh

    Q2) MGM

    Q3) Showgirl

    Q4) Space: 1999

    Q5) 1963
    I remember the Peperami ads as well. They were funny! Oh, I forgot to ask, and I am not sure it would work for you. But Ómnium Cultural, a Catalan cultural organisation who've also been involved in politics (by intent or default, as their president ended up imprisoned as well in the independentist fiasco), always send e-mails with information of the events they organise and other things... Anyway, there has been the scandal of the government spying on the Catalan independentist using Pegasus, the Israeli software that seems to be pretty good at hacking phones, etc. (Then, it seems that the central government, the PM included, had also been spied on, but nobody seems to know who did it, because, according to the Israely government, they only sell to other governments). So, a couple of days ago, they send a PDF document with advice on how to avoid being hacked. I haven't read it in details, but I've got it saved, and wondered if you might be interested, as you're very safety conscious. I am not sure if the advice is useful for computers as well, and, of course, it's in Catalan, but I know you manage quite well with online tools. In any case, if you're curious about it, I could always send it to you.
    Oh, and good luck with your visit to the magistrates, if you decide to go that route. I've only ever visited for work, and it wasn't as imposing as the other courts, but... I seem to remember you have gone to the Citizens' Advice Bureau before, so perhaps they could assist.
    I've also seen the announcement about mortgages and benefits. I suspect you might well be right...

  3. Ya, and you can barely understand them, right? :)

    And David Tennant sometimes ... well, that accent ... :)

    1. Edinburgh
    2. MGM
    3. Showgirl
    4. Space: 1999
    5. 1963

    Home ownership is costly. Everywhere it seems. :)


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