
Saturday 18 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-6-2022 — Doing A Delia

18th June, 2022.

It’s got to be said … it’s summer!

You could tell that, yesterday.

Temperatures in Brentwood?   Hit the low thirties.

OK, that’s possibly not as hot as Barcelona: I’m told it hit ~40°C, yesterday.

Thankfully?   It’s supposed to be cooler, today: 23°C, with a possibility of rain.

I hope so: the heat, yesterday, was a bit much.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Delia Smith was born on 18th June.   Of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        The first TV show she appeared on, Look East was broadcast across East Anglia.   By which channel: BBC 1, BBC 2 or ITV?

Q3)        One of her TV shows boosted egg sales by roughly ten percent.   She’s had a similar effect on omelette pans, and frozen mince.   The effect has been called the ‘Delia … ’ what

Q4)        Delia famously once baked a cake that appeared on the the cover of an album called Let it Bleed.   Which band released Let it Bleed: the Beatles, the Rolling Stones or Black Sabbath?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Delia is a celebrity what: chef, travel agent or financial adviser?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th June, 1885, saw a statue arrive in New York.   Which statue: the Venus de Milo, the Statue of Liberty or Michelangelo’s David?
A1)        The Statue of Liberty.

Q2)        Willem Barentsz discovered Spitsbergen: on 17th June, 1596.   Now called Svalbard, the archipelago is part of which Scandinavian country?
A2)        Norway.

Q3)        17th June, 1967, saw China announce it had tested what: nuclear weapons, electric cars or solar power?
A3)        Nuclear weapons.

Q4)        17th June, 1898, saw the birth of M. C. Escher.   In which European country: Luxembourg, the Netherlands or Belgium.
A4)        The Netherlands.

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th June is the feast day of Saint Hervé.   He’s the patron saint of whom: the blind, deaf or mute?
A5)        The blind.
Here’s a thought …
“Let’s be ’avin’ you!   Come on!”
Delia Smith, at that football match.
And a video …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Glad to hear I got that right, Olga!   And glad to find it on YouTube!   (Jude’s going more for Father Ted: I’ll have to try and sit him down with Count Arthur Strong!)
        I’ll keep my eyes open for that, Olga: I’ve not seen it come through, yet.   It’s appreciated, though.

        Sounds like I’ve got more space for followers, Debbi!   (I #FF’ed Trevor, yesterday.)

^        Hmmm … cigarette lighters near lots of paper, Trevor?   Was that sensible?   At any rate, I’m not following you on Twitter.   And #FF’ed you, yesterday.


  1. 1 1941
    2 BBC1
    3 Delia effect
    4 Rolling Stones
    5 Chef

  2. Q1) 1941

    Q2) BBC 1

    Q3) Effect

    Q4) The Rolling Stones

    Q5) Chef
    Oh, I sent the e-mail yesterday, I forwarded it, so I would check your spam folder, as it might have assumed that it was coming from them directly and sent it there because I sent it in the morning and unless it's coming swimming across the channel, it has had plenty of time to arrive.
    Here it is supposed to be very hot today as well, but hopefully a bit less hot tomorrow (although not cool). I hope so, because I have to cover an event tomorrow morning for the radio station, and it is an outdoors thing in the morning, so it would be a nightmare for everybody involved (especially as there are supposed to be children around as well). The fires were not under control yesterday either, so... I am not looking forward to this summer, to tell you the truth.

  3. That Delia makes an interesting constrast to Julia Child. :)

    1. 1941
    2. BBC 1
    3. effect
    4. The Rolling Stones
    5. chef


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