
Thursday 2 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-6-2022 — Festa della Repubblica

2nd June, 2022.

Right … it’s Thursday.

And, frankly?   I’m baby — ha! — sitting my nephew, this evening.

I don’t think we’ll be marking the Jubilee: not if I know my nephew!

At any rate … ?

It looks like the day’s going to be glorious … 


Many moons ago?

I and some friends — hello, Sean and* Laura, if your reading this! — went to see a play called My Grandmother was a Timelord: a piece that was a hell of a lot of fun.

To the point where Sean wanted to find out more.


He’s not been able to find a thing.

If you know anything about it?

Feel free to give Sean and Laura’s Tyche’s Games Facebook page a poke.

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevorª leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        2nd June is Festa della Repubblica: the national day of Italy.   Italy is a what: monarchy, republic or theocracy?
Q2)        Italy is where: Europe, Asia, Africa or North America?
Q3)        What’s Italy’s capital: Rome, Turin or Milan?
Q4)        The world’s smallest country is inside Italy’s capital.   What is that country: Vatican City, Andorra or Monaco?

Q5)        Italy uses the Euro as its currency.   The symbol for the Euro is a stylised version of which letter: A, E, I, O or U?
Q6)        Italy uses the Euro as its currency.   What did it use, before it switched to the Euro: the Lira, Franc or Pound?

Q7)        There’s three colours in the Italian flag.   Name one of them.
Q8)        Looking at Wikipedia’s map of Italy, Italy’s most southerly region is an island.   Which island: Corsica, Sardinia or Sicily?

Q9)        Italy is the world’s largest producer of what: wine, cheese or barley?

Q10)        Finally … ?   The Italian Job — the original 1969 version — is set in which Italian city: Rome, Milan or Turin?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st June is Independence Day in Samoa.   Marking its Independence from where: Australia, New Zealand or the USA?
A1)        New Zealand.

Q2)        It became Independent, when: 1962, 1963 or 1964?
A2)        1962.

Q3)        Up until 1997, Samoa was called what: Western Samoa, Eastern Samoa, Northern Samoa or American Samoa?
A3)        Western Samoa.

Q4)        Fiamē Naomi Mataʻafa is Samoa’s current what: head of state, Prime Minister or Finance Minister?
A4)        Prime Minister.

Q5)        Finally?   Apia is Samoa’s largest city.   What’s Samoa’s capital city?
A5)        Apia.   According to the Wikipedia entry?   It’s the only city!
Here’s a thought … 
“You may have the universe if I may have Italy.”
Giuseppe Verdi.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        The pair’s games shop, Tyche’s Games, has been open for business for many decades.   Yes: they happily ship to where you are.

        Break a leg, Olga: have a good gig!
        (The meeting went well, Olga.   Although I’ve got homework.)

        Hello, Mum!

^        As Trevor pointed out, Debbi, changes seem to crop up all the time!   Haven’t the five boroughs had the same names?   At least, for the past few centuries?

ª        Isn’t East Yorkshire now the East Riding, Trevor?


  1. Q1) A republic.
    Q2) Europe
    Q3) Rome
    Q4) Vatican City
    Q5) E
    Q6) The Lira
    Q7) Green
    Q8) Sicily
    Q9) Wine
    Q10) Turin
    I hope the homework isn't too onerous.
    The play sounds fabulous, and I am sure if I'd been in the UK I would have gone to see it as well if it came my way.
    The meeting was interesting. They hadn't met for the last two years due to the pandemic and everything else, but it seems things haven't moved at all since then. It is all a bit of a disaster.
    Give my best to your nephew, and have fun!

  2. 1 Republic
    2 Europe
    3 Rome
    4 Vatican
    5 E
    6 Lira

    7 Green
    8 Sicily
    9 Wine
    10 Turin

  3. As far as I know, yes, they have. :)

    1. republic
    2. Europe
    3. Rome
    4. Vatican City
    5. E
    6. the Lira
    7. red
    8. Sicily
    9. wine
    10. Turin


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