
Wednesday 29 June 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 29th June, 2022

29th June, 2022.

Right … about the washing machine … 

I went into the shop I got it from, yesterday.

Complete with the details of my washing machine, and as much info as I could muster.

And managed to get a copy of the all-important receipt, and the model number.

According to the shop — Mackfields, at Brentwood High Street — I needed to phone Hotpoint: the machines manufacturers.

Which I did, yesterday afternoon.

By mobile, as I was in town: the signal’s better, and it’s cheaper than my landline.

They were happy to arrange for an engineer: after explaining the circumstances under which I might be charged.

To cut a long story, short*?

Their engineer’s coming on Friday.

Hopefully?   I’ll dodge any fee!


While I’m waving videos about?

I’ve done another unboxing video … 

Feel free to leave me a like and comment!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        29th June, 2022 is a Wednesday.   In which year was it last a Wednesday: 2015, 2016 or 2017?

Q2)        Jacques Cartier and his expedition became the first known Europeans to reach Prince Edward Island: on 29th June, 1534.   Prince Edward Island is in which North American country?

Q3)        Hyde Park, Illinois, voted: on 29th June, 1889.   To become part of which US city: New York, Los Angeles or Chicago?

Q4)        29th June is the feast day of Saint Cassius.   Cassius was a bishop of Narni.   Narni is in which European country: France, Italy or Spain?

Q5)        Finally?   29th June, 1888, saw the birth of Squizzy Taylor.   Squizzy was a notorious gangster from where: the UK, Australia or New Zealand?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        28th June is Constitution Day in Ukraine.   It marks Ukraine’s adoption of a new constitution: in which year of the 1990s?
A1)        1996.

Q2)        The Constitution was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada.   In other words, Ukraine’s what: President, parliament or prime minister?
A2)        Parliament.

Q3)        While we’re on the subject?   Who is Ukraine’s current president?
A3)        Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Q4)        What’s Ukraine’s capital: Kyiv, Kharkiv or Odessa?
A4)        Kyiv.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The hryvnia is the Ukrainian what: currency, parliament building or main port?
A5)        Currency.   The sign () looks like a backwards S.   Google tells me it’s worth roughly thirty pence.
Here’s a mournful thought … 
“Even our misfortunes are a part of our belongings.”
Antoine de Saint Exupéry, 29 June 1900 – 31 July 1944.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        There’s only a couple of videos that are more eighties.

        Oh … we’ve got explorers again, Olga!   At any rate … ?   Yes: between the shop and Hotpoint, things seem to be moving rapidly: which is appreciated.   The engineer’s due Friday!   As for laundrettes … ?   The last one near my place is now a massage parlour!   I’d prefer the laundrette!
        Ms Sturgeon’s now officially named a date.   Proposed one, at least: 19 October, 2023.   And I think it’s going to go the same way as the Catalan one: it’ll get ignored, or have nasty repercussions.   The UK’s government’s couldn’t get more right wing, I think.   To a certain extent, though?   I’m grateful they’re doing a lot of in-fighting.   (They — you know, them!! — say Labour have a chance of winning the next General Election.   I doubt it, somehow: the Tory majority is still big.)

        Hello, Mum!

^        It’s top level domains, isn’t it, Debbi?   I know the UK’s is .uk.
I’m just grateful I’ve never worked for them, Debbi.   The nearest Amazon warehouse is quite some distance away: and they don’t have a good rep as employers!   (Oh, did I mention I’ve started watching Stranger Things’ fourth season?   As well as Picard’s second?   They’re both looking good.)


  1. 1 2016
    2 Canada
    3 Chicago
    4 France
    5 Australia

  2. Q1) 2016

    Q2) Canada

    Q3) Chicago

    Q4) Italy

    Q5) Australia
    Fingers crossed on the washing machine front. Keep us posted! (I must admit I've never seen any point in unboxing videos, but, to each his/her own. Life is too short).

  3. I have to check out Stranger Things. Even if Rick doesn't want to watch it. I'll make time for it somehow. :)

    1. 2016
    2. Canada
    3. Chicago
    4. Italy
    5. Australia


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