
Saturday 16 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-7-2022 — The Islamic Calendar

16th July, 2022.

It’s officially official.

It’s Saturday.


I’m going to doing stuff.

Mostly making videos, writing reviews … 

And frankly?   Making sure I keep my windows open and curtains shut.

It’s cooler than it’s been … but still warmer than I’m comfortable with!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also0 saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        16th July marks the start of the Islamic Calendar.   16th July of which year: 622AD, 722AD or 822AD?

Q2)        The current Islamic year ends on 28th July, 2022.   It’s which Islamic year: AH1443, AH1444 or AH1445?

Q3)        ‘AH,’ comes from the Latin term for the Islamic year.   The ‘H’ stands for ‘Hegirae.’   What does the ‘A’ stand for: Anna, Anno or Aman?

Q4)        The start of the calendar marks the Prophet’s trip from Mecca to where: Layla, Medina or Al-Namas?

Q5)        Finally?   The calendar uses what: lunar months, solar months or luni-solar months?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        PSY released Gangnam Style: on 15th July, 2012.   The Gangnam district that the song takes its name from, is in which city: Tokyo, Seoul or Beijing?
A1)        Seoul.

Q2)        PSY, himself, is from where: Japan, South Korea or China?
A2)        South Korea.

Q3)        The song reached one billion views on Youtube.   In December of which year: 2012, 2013 or 2014?
A3)        2012.

Q4)        In the video … ?   PSY does what’s become known as his ‘invisible what dance’: invisible pig dance, invisible cow dance or invisible horse dance?
A4)        Invisible horse dance.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Hyuna makes an appearance in the video: she’s the girl with red hair, on the train.   She’s a well known Korean what: singer, dancer or actress?
A5)        Singer.   Famously?   She covered the song, a few months after appearing in the original video.
Here’s a thought … 
“It is used to determine the proper days of Islamic holidays and rituals, such as the annual period of fasting and the proper time for the Hajj.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Islamic Calendar.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Incredible’s the word, Olgaª.   And yet, the man’s one hell of an achiever, in spite of it!
        I mildly envy you: the nearest to air conditioning I’ve got, is opening a window!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        Sean Astin is definitely still breathing, Debbiª: he was in The Goonies, and in series two and three of Stranger Things.   He plays Winona Ryder’s boyfriend … and gets hideously killed.   By a monster, rather than Winona!   (Did you know he’s John Astin’s son?   He’s Gomez Addams’ son!   Cool!)

^        It’s getting toasty, Trevor, I know that.

ª        Debbi, Olga, I’ll have my review of the next episode of Star Trek Picard, tonight.   The car chase is fun: it had me thinking vaguely of The Blues Brothers!


  1. Q1) 622AD

    Q2) AH1443

    Q3) Anno

    Q4) Medina

    Q5) Lunar months
    Here there are plenty of spaces with air conditioning, but we don't have it installed, so it means going out and getting scorched in the process of getting there. (Thankfully the buildings have balconies, so there's some shade, and there are some trees in the bigger streets and avenues, but depending on the time of the day and where the sun is, there's no hiding from it. Yesterday afternoon wasn't too bad. It was quite cool there, even with the doors open. The space is huge, but in the end, there were enough people in attendance to not look too empty. There was an elderly woman who told us she'd felt cold. I didn't, but not hot either, and we were closer to the door, so I guess it depends.
    Yes, Mo's story is amazing, and it goes to show some people do overcome incredible odds.

  2. 1 622
    2 AH1 445
    3 Hegriae
    4 Medina
    5 Lunar

  3. The Blues Brothers! That's a car chase movie. :)

    1. 622AD
    2. AH1443
    3. Anno
    4. Medina
    5. lunar months


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