
Friday 15 July 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 15-7-2022 — Oppan Gangnam Style

15th July, 2022.

Yes: it’s true.

The Cost Of Living payments the government were due to start paying out, yesterday, started being paid out, yesterday.

I know of one person who’s had it.

That person wasn’t me.


I’m expecting it to hit my bank account on pay day: at the end of next week.

Just when I don’t need it.

Even though I’m expecting it, then?

I’m going to be checking my account, today.

The sooner it’s in there, the happier I’ll be.


Oh, JUST in case you’re wondering?

My nephew’s YouTube channel is still active.

He’s uploaded a new video!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        PSY released Gangnam Style: on 15th July, 2012.   The Gangnam district that the song takes its name from, is in which city: Tokyo, Seoul or Beijing?

Q2)        PSY, himself, is from where: Japan, South Korea or China?

Q3)        The song reached one billion views on Youtube, in December of which year: 2012, 2013 or 2014?

Q4)        In the video … ?   PSY does what’s become known as his ‘invisible what dance’: invisible pig dance, invisible cow dance or invisible horse dance?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Hyuna makes an appearance in the video: she’s the girl with red hair, on the train.   She’s a well known Korean what: singer, dancer or actress?
Yesterday’s answers are in today’s video.

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        14th July is Bastille Day, in France.   The Bastille was a what: fortress, palace or cake shop?
A1)        Fortress.

Q2)        The President of France will be marking Bastille Day.   Who’s the current French President: Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande or Emmanuel Macron?
A2)        Emmanuel Macron.

Q3)        Former president, Charles de Gaulle once said of his nation, “How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of what”: cheese, wine or bread?
A3)        Cheese.   The relevant Wikipedia article tells us there’s between 1,000 and 1,600 distinct types.   De Gaulle must be grateful … … 

Q4)        The Tour de France is said to be the worlds’s largest annual sporting event.   What is the Tour de France: a tennis tournament, rugby tournament or bicycle race?
A4)        A bicycle race.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Beaujolais, Champagne and Rhône, are all French what: cheeses, wine regions or Eurovision entries?
A5)        Wine regions.
Here’s a lyric … 
“Oppan Gangnam Style.”
The song’s best known lyric.
Here’s the only song I could play you …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

The quizmaster’s decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        You’re right, Olga: I did.   I’ve corrected it, though: thanks for mentioning it!   As it turned out?   It only got as high as 27°C, in the end.   Unfortunately?   We’re predicted to hit 40° to 41°, next week.   I hope not: it’s uncomfortable enough, already.
        Quite how that runner coped?   I have no idea.   Saying that?   I get the impression British runners tend to train a lot, abroad: it’s supposed to help them acclimatise to acclimatise to conditions, where-ever the next big event is.   (Remind me to tell you about Mo Farah!)
        Yes, I swapped the names around, Olga^: my sense of humour gets a little puckish.   Thankfully?   Paul Reiser hasn’t started singing about spam!

        Hello, Mum!

‡        It’s quite the resemblance, Debbi^, isn’t it?   Thankfully, in Stranger Things?   He’s not started singing the Spam song.   (Did you ever see Aliens?   His character’s a nasty piece of work!   Dr Owens, his Stranger Things character?   Is honest, rather than bad.   He comes over as capable of nastiness … but will warn you first.)

^        Apparently?   The next episode of Stranger Things has a character played by Robert Englund: Freddie Kruger, in over words.   The series has a habit of digging up actors who had hit movies in the 1980s.


  1. Q1) Seoul

    Q2) South Korea

    Q3) 2012

    Q4) invisible horse

    Q5) singer
    Oh, I saw Mo Farah talking about his family, and how he was enslaved as a child and his real name is different. They showed it here as well, on the news, I think. Incredible (well, or not).
    About the athlete who was second on that desert race, he said that he trained in saunas... Not surprised. They used towels with ice to keep going, but it was, I think, well over a hundred miles...
    I hope the money comes soon and the temperature doesn't reach those levels. We are expecting 35 today and 34 tomorrow and we have yellow warnings on both days. I might go and give a couple of the girls who do a radio programme about women, a hand this afternoon. They are having a big event with many guests, but, although I'd have to help, at least the place is large and air-conditioned, so there's that...

  2. 1 Seoul
    2 Sth Korea
    3 2012
    4 Horse dance
    5 Singer

  3. I see that the forecast for Monday is 103°. Do not think i will be wandering too far from one of my electric Fans. I certainly will not be doing any gardening.

  4. Hmm ... and it's taking place during the 80s. Better get them on while they're still breathing. :)

    1. Seoul
    2. South Korea
    3. 2012
    4. invisible horse dance
    5. singer


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