
Wednesday 17 August 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-8-2022 — Animal Farm

17th April, 2022.

Right … we’re looking at blu-rays … 

You’ll’ve realised that I’m a fan of Dr Who: and have been for a while.

And … ?   I’ve got all surviving, available, episodes on an external drive not far from where I’m sitting.

I’ve also got this habit of collecting the Dr Who — The Collection series of blu-ray box sets.

They are extremely worth while: especially for the Behind the Sofa features.

Well … 

It seems the BBC are going to be releasing Season 2 of the classic series — Hartnell’s second, and the most complete of his three seasons — at some point soon.

For a given value of ‘soon’ … !

Assuming I can afford it … ?

I’ll be looking forward to it!


I have a problem.

I’m due to attend a meeting at the Restart course I’m at: tomorrow.

The scheme usually sends me tickets: or, at least, buys them for me, and arranges it so I can pick them up at the station.

After, of course, I email them about it!

I’ve been doing that since Sunday.

And not heard a thing.

If I don’t go: my benefit gets suspended.

If anyone can lend me the price of a return ticket to Chelmsford, by tomorrow, I’d appreciate hearing about it!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Animal Farm was published in the UK, on 17th August.   Of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        Which George wrote Animal Farm?

Q3)        The farm itself was originally called what: Manor Farm, Crescent Farm or Orchard Farm?

Q4)        The farm is run by animals who rebel against Farmer Jones: after being inspired by a speech from Old Major.   Old Major was a what: pig, horse or goat?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Animal Farm was written as a satire of what: the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War or the UK’s General Strike?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th August is the feast day of Saint Roch.   He’s the patron saint of whom: grave diggers, carpenters or barracudas?
A1)        Grave diggers.   He’s also the patron saint of dogs.

Q2)        16th August is Restoration Day: in the Dominican Republic.   The Republic shares the island of Hispaniola : with which Voodoo-ridden country?
A2)        Haiti.

Q3)        The HMS Queen Mary was completed on 16th August, 1913.   The ship was a what: battlecruiser, aircraft carrier or corvette?
A3)        A battlecruiser.

Q4)        Cyprus gained its independence from the UK: on 16th August, 1960.   It’s in which sea: the Arabian Sea, Mediterranean Sea or Gulf of Aden?
A4)        The Mediterranean Sea.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The August Complex Fire start on 16th August, 2020.   In which US state: California, Florida or Utah?
A5)        California.
Here’s a thought … 
“Man is the only real enemy we have.   Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever.”
From Chapter 1 of Animal Farm.
And a movie …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        is now a good time to mention an old David Bowie tune, Olga?   It’s one of his older tunes called Please Mr Gravedigger: it’s definitely one of his odder tunes.   Quite what your father would’ve made of it, I don’t know!
        It sounds like Matilda was quite the woman!   Up there with Elenor of Aquitaine!   Although I don’t think Elenor went for esoterica.

        Hello, Mum!

        It’s funny, I know that much, Debbi!   He phones Sylvester McCoy, as well.   (There’s a whole series of the things.)


  1. Oh, I got your message, Olga!

    We’ll see you when you’re back on line.

    (Have you tried turning the router off and on again … ?)

  2. 1 1945
    2 Orwell
    3 Manor Farm
    4 Horse
    5 Russian revolution

  3. Q1) 1945

    Q2) Orwell

    Q3) Manor Farm

    Q4) A pig

    Q5) The Russian Revolution
    Thanks, Paul. Well, the guy came early, and it seems the problem was with the router. Thankfully, he had brought a new one with him, so, so far (touch wood) the problem seems sorted. He told me the G5 connection might take a while to settle, but this should be OK for the time being.
    I hope you hear from them and get the ticket you need. Things can get lost in handover when people go on holiday, but one would imagine this should have been set in advance...

  4. Haven't read this one in years! :)

    1. 1945
    2. Orwell
    3. Manor Farm
    4. pig
    5. the Russian Revolution

    I should read more Orwell. :)


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