
Wednesday 14 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 14th September, 2022.

14th Sept. 2022.

I had a meeting, yesterday: with my Restart case worker.

And with the chap that runs their Job Club.

It’s the facility in the Restart office that lets service users hunt for jobs online.

The computers for service-users?   Opens on a very easy to use web page: that features a simplified design that allows access to various recruitment websites.

The computers are so simplified?   That left handers like me — or people with only one arm, or functional hand — cannot change the mouse to left hand use.

Literally, can’t change.   There’s no way to get to the mouse button settings on these computers.

I was bloody angry!

And managed to make my feelings known: both to the case worker I was working with — who hadn’t realised left handers make up quite as much of the population as we do — and to the IT guy who came over to see if he could alter the settings.

He couldn’t, so you know.

But I was told — by both the IT guy and the chap I was working with — that feedback would be provided to Headquarters about the matter.

Which I wasn’t too happy about, either.

I made it perfectly clear that, yes, that was good.

But I’d be far happier if the situation was corrected: the next time I needed one of their computers.

I’m not hopeful about that.

After all, it’s taken Brentwood Library a long time to simplify access to the relevant settings.

It was the same for the public computers at the old Brentwood Job Centre office: it took a while for the Job Centre to update them.


I’m still angry about something that doesn’t just affect me.

I know at least one neighbour who has an artificial right arm.

And one worker at the local Post Office with a deformed right hand.

Both of whom could possibly benefit from using a mouse, left handedly.

This — however personally I’ve taken it — is not just about me.

It’s about anyone else who needs it.

It’s about the accessibility of Restart’s services.


You’re possibly aware Queen Elizabeth 2nd has died: and that the nation is mourning.

I have to confess, I wouldn’t mind paying my respects at her lying in state.

She was doing the job for a hell of a long time: and that deserves manners, if nothing else.

With my knees and bladder, though?   A queue that long would be … unpleasant!

But?   I’m following the news about it.

I’m also aware that her face — on stamps and coins — will slowly be replaced.

Which will be … strange, I think.   Or take some getting use to.

Either way?

The though got me Googling for mock-ups.

I didn’t find any … 

But did find this on Ebay.

A recent edition of polymer five pound note, on Ebay, for £13, 000!

I don’t know if you’re a royalist, or republican.

But I think you’re going to agree with me: selling something on Ebay, that’s currently worth a fiver, for that price?

Is online mugging!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* and Mum† putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        14th September is Mobilised Servicemen’s Day.   For the armed forces of which country: Russia, Ukraine or Poland?

Q2)        The Battle of South Mountain took place: on 14th September, 1862.   During which War: the US Civil War, World War Two or the War of Jenkins’ Ear?

Q3)        OPEC was founded on 14th September, 1960.   OPEC is the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting what?

Q4)        Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga all joined the UN: on 14th September, 1999.   All three nations are in which ocean?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Amy Winehouse was born: on 14th September, 1983.   Her first LP was released in 2003.   What was it called: Frank or Back to Black?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        13th September 2022, is the Day of the Programmer.   It was chosen as — in non-leap years — it’s which day of the year: the 255th, the 256th or the 257th?
A1)        The 256th.

Q2)        Programmers programme what: computers, cars or washing lines?
A2)        Computers.

Q3)        Programmers are also known as which C: coders, codfish or crosswords?
A3)        Coders.

Q4)        Programmers programme in programming what?
A4)        Languages.   There’s quite a few of them.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Lord Byron’s daughter was the first programmer.   Who was she: Ada Lovelace, Aïda Shoelace or Ava Thong?
A5)        Ada Lovelace.
Here’s a thought … 
“All of us in the film were sure that we were making something quite unusual, and a long way removed from the Errol Flynn-taking-Burma-single-handed syndrome.”
Jack Hawkins, 14 September 1910 – 18 July 1973, speaking of his work in The Cruel Sea.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Ohhhh … that possibly explains why Madrid’s the capital, Olga.   Or, at least, a major city.   Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Castile one of the Catholic Monarchs’ kingdoms?   It makes sense that it would be important, even if it wasn’t the capital.   (Wikipedia tells me Catalonia was ruled by the Crown of Aragon.   The nation’s been through the wars, hasn’t it?)
        Oh, well … so long as they’re entertaining!   Talking of which?   Do you remember Have I Got News For You?   They’ve done a Boris Special.   Dearie dearie me!   🤣
        (I think Jude’s starting to settle in: apparently, yesterday went well.)

        Hello, Mum!

        If it’s any help, Trevor?   It’s happening again, next year.   Umm … At any rate … ?   Have you thought about volunteering at the National Museum of Computing?  That experience can’t be wasted!
        (Oh, I’ve another technology themed Teasers on the 16th.)


  1. The National Museum of Computing is rebuilding an ICT 1301. This was the first type of computer that I programmed in machine code and a couple of higher level programming languages. This was at the Appleby-Frodingham steel works in my home town of Scunthorpe.

    Here is the ICT 1301 at the museum.

  2. Q1) Ukraine

    Q2) the US Civil War

    Q3) Countries

    Q4) Pacific

    Q5) Frank
    Yes, Isabel's kingdom was Castilla (not that it went without hitches and everybody agreed, as her dead brother, the king, had a daughter, but everybody seemed to have thought she was the son of one of the knights rather than the king and Isabel got more support in the war that followed), and Fernando was Aragon. But Madrid was only a small place in Castilla at the time, not an important city, and there were many bigger cities around. Felipe II decided later to take the capital there, probably because it was, more or less, in the middle of the country, and more difficult to reach by outside forces (one imagines, although Felipe II was his own person. Not sure he was quite like El Ministerio del Tiempo portrayed him, but...) In any case, it feels counterintuitive to have an autonomic community with its own government in the same place where the central government has the government. But, whatever.
    What a mess with the computers. At the very least they could have left-handed mice if they aren't able to change the configuration. Has nobody left-handed or with any issues in the right hand tried to use one before? How peculiar? Although I am aware that those of us who are right-handed probably never question that. Perhaps that information should be included in questionnaires, etc., and then they would start paying attention to it.
    Good to know that Jude had a good day. Fingers crossed!

  3. 1 Poland
    2 US Civil War
    3 Countries
    4 Pacific
    5 Back to Black

  4. Sorry to miss yesterday's teaser. The internet went out at my place due to a nearby lightning strike.

    1. Ukraine
    2. the US Civil War
    3. Countries
    4. Pacific
    5. Frank


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