
Thursday 8 September 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 8th September, 2022.

8th September, 2022.

Did I ever mention I’m diabetic?   And trying to lose weight?

I’m diabetic — type two*, so you know — and trying to lose weight.

And … ?

I’m on a plethora of medication for it.

Including an experimental one called semaglutide, one that’s marketed under the brand name, Ozempic.

Well, I say ‘experimental’: it’s works well at lowering blood sugar† levels, and has officially UK approval for that purpose.

Something I know applies in my case.

Ideally, it should be 42 or less.

When first diagnosed, mine was over 100!

My diabetic care team are trying to get mine to around 48 to 57.

At a check, before I started using Semaglutide?   It was 68.

And, at my last check?   Was 60.

Which my GP was very pleased with.

Before starting the drug?   It wasn’t moving much.

The reason I signed up for the drug, though?

Is that — reportedly — Semaglutide can be used as part of a weight management scheme.

It’s supposed to help.

Apparently?   Medical authorities in the US have cleared its use for weight control: in the US.

But British medical regulators haven’t.

They are prescribing it to diabetics with weight issues on an experimental basis, though.

To see if can help a person loss weight.

Which is why I checked my weight, this morning: to see if it had gone down.

It hasn’t: it’s at the same sort of live it’s been for the past couple of weeks.

OK: it’s good my blood sugar has gone down.

But my weight hasn’t.

It’s not gone up … but it’s not gone down.

I’m … not worried, per se.

But am a little concerned.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum‡, Olga^ and Debbiª putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        8th September, 1941, saw the birth of Senator Bernie Sanders.   He’s a senator for which US state?

Q2)        8th September is the feast day of Our Lady of Covadonga.   Where is Covadonga: Asturias, the Basque Country or Catalonia?

Q3)        8th September, 2017, saw the death of writer, Jerry Pournelle.   He co-wrote The Mote in God’s Eye with whom: Arthur C. Clark, Larry Niven or Isaac Asimov?

Q4)        8th September, 1926, saw Germany admitted to what: the UN, the League of Nations or FIFA?

Q5)        Finally … ?   For the first time in its history, Yellowstone National Park was closed to the public: on 8th September, 1988.   Due to what: floods, wildfires or snow?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        7th September is Constitution Day in Fiji.   It marks the the country adopted its fourth constitution. In which year: 2013, 2015 or 2017?
A1)        2013.

Q2)        Fiji is in which ocean: the Indian, North Atlantic or South Pacific?
A2)        The South Pacific.

Q3)        Suva is Fiji’s capital city.   What’s Fiji’s largest city?
A3)        Suva.

Q4)        1970 saw Fiji become independent from where: the UK, France or Portugal?
A4)        The UK.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Fiji Mermaid was a well known fake.   A fake exhibited by whom: P. T. Barnum, J. A. Bailey or the Ringling Brothers?
A5)        P. T. Barnum.
Here’s a thought … 
“We just don’t have enough money to do what every other major country on Earth does, and that is guarantee paid family and medical leave … Yet today, the U.S. Senate will begin consideration of an annual defense budget that costs $778 billion—$778 billion for one year.”
Bernie Sanders, 8th September, 1941.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        According to Wikipedia?   One symptom of the condition is ‘unexplained weight loss.’   I’m still waiting for that one to turn up.

        Strictly?   I should call my blood sugar level, my HbA1c level: it’s the correct term.   It’s a measure of the amount of glucose attached to the red blood cells.

        Hello, Mum!

^        Well … Jude gave yesterday a two out of ten, Olga: and you should see the look on his face in the photo Ruth took.   Talk about Kevin the Teenager!   Oh, he’s decided to learn Spanish: Ruth was complaining about the price of the work books!   (They’ve had to buy a pinny for cookery classes: apparently, that wasn’t too expensive.   They haven’t said anything about laptops, yet!)
        It sounds like Iman and her husband are a well matched pair!
        (I didn’t know Highsmith wrote what eventually became the film, Carol: I might have to check that out.)

ª        Indiscreet?   That’s a very lawyerly way of putting it, Debbi.   :D   Oh, did you know Colin Baker had solicitor’s training?   I’m saying nothing about theatrics!


  1. Q1) Vermont

    Q2) Asturias

    Q3) Larry Niven

    Q4) the League of Nations

    Q5) Wildfires
    I hope things improve for Jude. Fingers crossed! You are right about Iman and her husband. They seem like an unlikely pair, but they somehow work. He is a big fan of horror and film in general, so I usually manage to catch up on a few things when I visit them (not so much during my most recent visit because we were away).
    I don't need to tell you that medication doesn't always work the same for everybody, but, on the weight front, in my experience, it can fluctuate greatly between one day and another for a variety of reasons (our bodies can be capricious, to say the least), so, if I were you, I would check your weight several days in a row, at the same time of day and in the same conditions, to see if the readings are consistent. You might have lost some weight but be having a particularly heavy day that day. (I know all the advice says you shouldn't weigh yourself more than once a week or so, to avoid becoming obsessed with it, but I also read that people who weigh themselves every day seem to manage to keep their weight stable better. I guess it might give you a better understanding of what things might affect the weight). I know I've told you before, but I do rely on YouTube videos for exercising, and you can find all kinds of levels and lengths, even some that are walking, stretching, or chair exercises, and some can be quite fun (although I also follow them while listening to a book or watching the telly sometimes).
    Good luck!

  2. 1 Vermont
    2 Asturias
    3 Larry Niven
    4 League of Nations
    5 Fire

  3. How interesting. I'd love to meet him to compare the systems or something. That would be fun. :) Most of US law is based on the English common law, of course. So, yeah. Interesting.

    1. Vermont
    2. Asturias
    3. Larry Niven (I never knew that. Wow!)
    4. the League of Nations
    5. floods


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