
Wednesday 19 October 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 19th October 2022

19th October, 2022.

Arrrggghhh … !

Argh, argh, arghity argh … !

I’m a great big silly old Hector!

There was I, getting up early, yesterday: for a hygienist’s visit … 


And … ?

It turns out I got the date wrong.

It’s on the 18th.

Of November.

Arrrggghhh … !


Oh, just so you know … ?

My nephew, Jude, was other, yesterday.

And, yes: videos were made.

Just as a point or two?

Yes: that is what he looks like!

And yes … KSI’s Prime drink’s expensive*!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring ten out of ten, and Mum on nine.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        19th October, 1839, saw the first publication of Bradshaw’s.   The Bradshaw’s guide was a very extensive guide to what: railway time tables, ports or exchange rates?

Q2)        19th October, 1960, saw the USA impose a trade embargo.   On which Caribbean nation: Cuba, Dominica or Grenada?

Q3)        19th October is Saint Frideswide’s Day.   She’s the patron saint of where: Cambridge, Oxford or Bristol?

Q4)        Micheal Gambon was born: on 19th October, 1940.   He played Philip Marlow in which Dennis Potter series?

Q5)        Finally … ?   19th October, 2012, several several people killed by a car bomb.   Where: Beirut, Tripoli or Sidon?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        18th October, 2022, is the centenary of the BBC.   This means the BBC was founded on 18th October of which year?
A1)        1922.

Q2)        The ‘C’ in BBC originally stood for what: company, commune or corporation?
A2)        Company.

Q3)        The ‘C’ in BBC now stands for what: company, commune or corporation?
A3)        Corporation.

Q4)        The BBC’s original HQ was in Magnet House, in London.   It’s now headquartered in which London building: Alphabet House, Broadcasting House, or the Marconi Building?
A4)        Broadcasting House.

Q5)        2LO was the BBC’s first what: TV channel, radio station or website?
A5)        Radio station.

Q6)        1929 saw John Logie Baird make the BBC’s first what: TV broadcasts, radio broadcasts or internet broadcasts?
A6)        TV broadcasts.

Q7)        The BBC’s TV broadcasts were suspended: between 1939 and 1946.   Because of what: the Spanish Civil War, the attacks on Pearl Harbour, or World War Two?
A7)        World War Two.

Q8)        The AXBT was the BBC’s best known what: TV camera, microphone or video recorder?
A8)        Microphone.

Q9)        The BBC’s Talent Selection Group once described a now revered singer as ‘devoid of personality.’   Which singer: Kate Bush, David Bowie or Freddie Mercury?
A9)        David Bowie.

Q10)        Finally … ?   The most watched programme on the BBC was what: the 1966 World Cup Final, the funeral of Princess Diana or the state funeral of Elizabeth 2nd?
A10)        The 1966 World Cup Final.
Here’s a thought … 
“In every crisis, in every confrontation that has come my way, the issues have been far more complex than the public has been allowed to know.”
John le Carré, 19 October 1931 – 12 December 2020.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        To be fair?   The stuff’s not yet available in the UK.   So Jude persuaded Mummy to buy him a bottle from Ebay.   Where third party resellers have hiked up the price.   Apparently, you can buy it from Asda for £2 a bottle.   Don’t tell Mummy!

        Montserrat and Bowie put me in mind of Fred Astaire, Olgaª.   It’s possibly an urban myth, but the notes for his first screen test read “Can’t sing, can’t act, balding.   Can dance a little.”   And in their first film?   Ginger Rogers got higher billing than he did.
        Hmmmm … mistakes … that’s a thought for later, maybe.   That said?   Simon McCoy’s paper is notorious.   Almost as notorious as the Spaghetti Tree Hoax.
        I have to admit, I usually have the radio on when I’m posting in the morning.   Unless I need to concentrate: that’s when it gets turned off!

        Hello, Mum!

^        That it is, Debbiª.   I think it was Mark Kermode who described it as an “Iranian, Vampire Western” … !

ª        Why is Bertrand on a trampoline … ?


  1. 1 Railway timetables
    2 Cuba
    3 Oxford
    4 The Singing Detective
    5 Beirut

  2. Q1) Railway time tables

    Q2) Cuba

    Q3) Oxford

    Q4) The Singing Detective

    Q5) Beirut
    Specialised or imported items can be very expensive, but well... These days everything is expensive.
    Sorry you got the wrong date, although at least you went for a bit of an outing. My mother got a pretty silly phonecall, where they phone her from the hearing aid place to offer her an earlier appointment, and then they didn't have any early appointments to offer her. Why phone? Anyway...
    I was also waiting for batteries to change on the alarm, which I got a phone call about, an e-mail, a message in the App, and SMS with instructions... They've arrived... And they were normal AA batteries. Honestly... Sending them with a messenger service must have cost more than the batteries.

  3. That's exactly what it is. :)

    1. railway time tables
    2. Cuba
    3. Oxford
    4. The Singing Detective (a show I loved--original version, of course!)
    5. Beirut


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