
Friday 18 November 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 18-11-2022 — Latvia.

18th November, 2022: Latvia.

Right: it’s Friday.

So, personally … ?

I’ll be doing stuff: mostly a little shopping.

But I’ll probably also need to check with my GP: to see if my blood test results are through.

We’ll have to see how that goes.


If you’re not in the UK … ?

You possibly hadn’t realised that Jeremy Hunt — Britain’s Chancellor — has announced various things: in yesterday’s Autumn Statement.

The bits that caught my eye?

Is that Universal Credit — and pensions — are due to go up in line with inflation: by roughly ten percent.

For me as a single man on UC?   That’s a very welcome eighty pounds or so.

It’s due in April.

There’s also talk of a nine hundred pound cost of living payment.

Although where that’s money in the bank, or energy vouchers?   Doesn’t seem clear, at the moment.

There’s also the price cap on energy: which will be going up from an average of £2500, to £3000.

AND a projected rise in council tax.

It goes in one pocket, and out the other!


I have to say: I’ve posted a few times on Mastodon.

Which is nice.

Mostly because of the troubles with Twitter.

Which seems to be having more.

Apparently?   Staff have been locked out of Twitter’s offices: until Monday.

After reports of a lot of resignations.

I think that whatever Elon’s got planned?

He’s possibly going a bit too fast … 


As a final point?

I’ve got Desert Island Discs on, in the background: and used the term ‘ arachis oil.’

With arachis pronounced in the same way as Arrakis.

Dune fan that I am?

I want to run up and down a sand dune … !

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        18th November is the Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia.   Marking its independence from where: Germany, Hungary or Poland?

Q2)        Latvia’s coast in on which sea: the Baltic Sea, Sargasso Sea or Mediterranean Sea?

Q3)        What’s the capital of Latvia: Riga, Daugavpils or Jelgava?

Q4)        What’s Latvia’s currency: the Lats, Euro or Schilling?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Latvian is on of only two living languages in the Eastern Baltic language family.   What’s the other: Lithuanian, Polish or Estonian?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        17th November, 1986, saw Japan Airlines Cargo Flight 1628 fly over Alaska.   What did it apparently spot, over that state: a UFO, a Spitfire or a flying tortoise?
A1)        A UFO.

Q2)        John Balliol became king: on 17th November, 1292.   Of where: England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales?
A2)        Scotland.
Q3)        John Bardeen and Walter Brattain invented something: on 17th November, 1947.   Invented what: the transistor, the laser or the buzz saw?
A3)        The transistor.

Q4)        17th November, 2019, saw the first known case of what, traced to a 55 year old man in China?
A4)        COVID 19.

Q5)        Finally … ?   17th November is International what Day: International Parent Day, International Teacher Day or International Student Day?
A5)        International Student Day.
Here’s a thought …
“Latvia … is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe.”
From the Wikipedia entry on Latvia.
And a national anthem …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It sounds like a fascinating watch, Olga: and one I’ll pencil in, at some point.   Saying it’s got a nasty side, though?   Gets me thinking of the original West Side Story: when Anita tells the Jets about Maria?   It’s always struck me that scene has some nasty undertones: that Anita gets seriously assaulted.   (Which reminds me, I still want to see the Spielberg cut: we’ll see.)
        I think we’re possibly going to get lucky on the benefits front, Olga: and possibly on the cost of living.   It’s going to be a game of ‘wait and see.’

        Hello, Mum!

        Definitely no, Debbi!   Did I ever mention Welcome to Essex … ?   Exactly!!


  1. 1 Germany
    2 Baltic
    3 Riga
    4 Euro
    5 Estonian

  2. Q1) Germany

    Q2) the Baltic Sea

    Q3) Riga

    Q4) Euro

    Q5) Lithuanian
    I hope you do get to watch it at some point. I do love American musicals, and that one is a classic.
    Good luck with the blood tests if you manage to get the results today. And with the benefits. I heard he was talking about increasing taxes, so people are not going to be happy. And they were saying here that it's really difficult to get some of the basic stuff in supermarkets there. Eggs seem to be hard to come by!

  3. That video looks awesome! :)

    1. Germany
    2. the Baltic Sea
    3. Riga
    4. the Euro
    5. Lithuanian


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