
Saturday 24 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24-12-2022: The Eve of Something.

24th December, 2022: Christmas Eve.

It’s HERE!

It’s Christmas Eve!

And that means Santa’s Coming!

On a less enthusiastic note?

I’m looking forward to getting presents, looking forward to see how my family — Jude in particular — react to what I’ve got them them … 

And eating turkey.

It’s not often I have turkey … 

I get to find out, tomorrow!


Did I mention I watched a film, last night?

I watched a film, last night.

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery, so you know.

I’ll have my review up, later: but, as an initial point?

It’s rather good.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        24th December is Christmas Eve.   In the Bible, Eve is the first woman.   Who’s the first man?

Q2)        In cryptology, Eve is a what?
Q3)        What’s the computer game: Eve Online, Eve Offline or Eve Battle Royale?

Q4)        Eve is a 1972 single by whom: Peter Capaldi, Lewis Capaldi or Jim Capaldi?

Q5)        Finally … ?   There’s a language called Ewe: that’s also called Eve.   It’s spoken where: West Africa, East Europe or North America?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Sailors from the USS Pueblo were released from internment: on 23rd December, 1968.   From where: North Korea, North Vietnam or Taiwan?
A1)        North Korea.

Q2)        23rd December, 2007, saw an agreement made.   An agreement that meant which country would become a republic: Bhutan, Nepal or Tibet?
A2)        Nepal.

Q3)        Jazz musician, Chet Baker, was born: on 23rd December, 1929.   He played the trumpet, piano, and which ‘F’: the flute, flugelhorn or flumpet?
A3)        The flugelhorn.

Q4)        Tibb’s Eve is celebrated on 23rd December: in Newfoundland and Labrador.   Newfoundland and Labrador are where: the USA, Mexico or Canada?
A4)        Canada.

Q5)        Finally … ?   23rd December is the Birthday of the Queen day: in Sweden.   Who’s the current Queen Consort of Sweden?
A5)        Queen Silvia.
Here’s a thought … 
“After all these years I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her.”
Mark Twain.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’ve still got a copy of West Side Story, Olga^: it’s on my To Be Watched list.   I managed to catch Glass Onion, last night: which is definitely worth a watch.   For some of the cameos, if nothing else!   I’d imagine the volume on newer, digital, hearing aids can be a bit much.   Is there a way of altering the volume for her?   That may help.
        From what I know?   Netflix has something similar, here: depending on what you pay, you can use the service on a number of different devices.   Quite how it’s supposed to work, I don’t know.   (In extreme cases?   The TV license people send out inspectors.)
        The shopping went well … apart from forgetting bin bags, deodorant, bread, milk, sausages, and lord knows what else!

        Hello, Mum!   Don’t tell Jude what I’ve bought him!

        That sounds VERY sensible, Debbi^: the weather people, here, are saying it’s looking nasty: and throwing the phrase, ‘bomb cyclone,’ around with alarming regularity.   Apparently?   The bad weather’s due to go as far south as Texas: I can only hope you, Rick, Edith and Aileen are ok.   (Mum said ‘Stay safe!’)
        Oh, I caught Glass Onion, last night: Angela Lansbury makes her last film appearance in it.   If you’re going to make a whodunnit, roping in Jessica Fletcher seems a good idea.
        The card was my pleasure, Debbi!

^        Oh, Mum said ‘Happy Christmas!’


  1. 1) Adam

    2) Eavesdropper (Eve may also represent the environment. )

    3) Eve Online

    4) Jim Capaldi

    5) West Africa

    Merry Christmas.

  2. Q1) Adam
    Q2) The adversary, or the enemy (I guess). Evil
    Q3) Eve Online
    Q4) Jim Capaldi
    Q5) West Africa
    I saw Glass Onion advertised. I hope to catch it at some point. Good for the shopping, I hope you enjoy the meal and Jude is suitably impressed. My cousin is coming tomorrow, but hopefully, I'll catch up with the teaser before he gets here, or after.
    I saw something else about Netflix, and it seems that they definitely plan to charge for shared passwords, beginning early next year, introducing it progressively in different countries.
    Have a lovely Christmas Eve. We have nothing planned.

  3. 1 Adam
    2 Enviroment
    3 Eve Battle Royal
    4 Lewis Capaldi
    5 WEst Africa

  4. Thanks, Paul! We're looking forward to seeing Glass Onion here, too.

    You guys got to see it before us. No spoilers now! :)

    1. Adam
    2. an eavesdropper
    3. Eve Online
    4. Jim Capaldi
    5. West Africa

    Merry Christmas to all!


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