
Sunday 1 January 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 1-1-2023 — New Year’s Day.

1st January, 2023: New Year’s Day.

Right … it’s now the first day of 2023.

So … ?

I can officially say this: 

Happy New Year!


I can only hope the weather’s milder: the summer of 2022 — and the week before Christmas, 2022 — were comparatively extreme.

Forty degree heat, and -16, overnight?

Is not something I want to live through, too often!


At any rate … ?

I didn’t catch a film, last night: as I was looking after my nephew, Jude.

We ended up chatting, for the most part.

So there’s no video, today.

We’ll have to see what happens, next time.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring twelve out of twelve, and Mum on eight.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        1st January is New Year’s Day: the first day of 2023.   Is 2023 a prime number?

Q2)        New Year’s Day is a 2017 song by whom: Kirstie Alley, Taylor Swift or Bernie Winters?

Q3)        New Year’s Day are a US rock band.   From which US state: Alaska, California or Florida?

Q4)        The Vienna Philharmonic play a New Year’s Day concert on 1st January.   The orchestra is based in which country: Austria, Hungary or Germany?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Citrus Bowl is usually held on New Year’s Day: in Orlando, Florida. The Citrus Bowl is a game of which US sport: baseball, American football or Carom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        January 2022 saw Novak Djokovic deported.   From where: Australia, New Zealand or the USA?
A1)        Australia.   (He refused a COVID-19 vaccination, in the run up to the Australian Open: and thus was refused entry to both the Tournament and the country.)

Q2)        February of this year saw Russia invade where: Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia?
A2)        Ukraine.

Q3)        The Winter Paralympics were held in March of this year.   In which Chinese city: Beijing, Chengdu or Dingxi?
A3)        Beijing.

Q4)        The Large Hadron Collider restarted operations: in April.   The Collider’s on the borders of Switzerland and where: France, Germany or Montenegro?
A4)        France.

Q5)        May saw an outbreak of what start in London: Smallpox, Monkeypox, COVID 19 or Tuberculosis?
A5)        Monkeypox.

Q6)        Bajram Begaj was elected President: in June of 2022.   Of where: Albania, Croatia or Estonia?
A6)        Albania.

Q7)        In heatwaves in July, 2022, the UK recorded its hottest ever temperature: at RAF Coningsby, in Lincolnshire.   What was that temperature: 40.3°C, 41.3°C, or 42.3°C.
A7)        40.3°C.   (It was bloody hot!)

Q8)        Which author was attacked in August of 2022: Neil Gaiman, J. K. Rowling or Salman Rushdie?
A8)        Salman Rushdie.

Q9)        Elizabeth 2nd died in September of this year.   Who succeeded her as the UK’s Monarch?
A9)        Charles 3rd.

Q10)        October saw Elon Musk buy what: Twitter, Facebook or Greenland?
A10)        Twitter.

Q11)        The Artemis 1 rocket was launched by NASA: in November of 2022.   Where was it heading: the Moon, Mars or Venus?
A11)        The Moon.

Q12)        Finally … ?   December saw US scientists announce a breakthrough in what: AIDS research, Nuclear fusion research or space research?
A12)        Nuclear fusion research.
Here’s a greeting … 
“Happy New Year!”
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        If it’s any help, Olga?   I found that — when search for an image — dragging an image into the search worked better than going directly to the Google Lens page.   The video I’ve included may be useful, there!
        I’ll be honest, I got an early night: with Le Carré… and a lot of fireworks.   The displays sound here are usually something to watch.

†        Hello, Mum!

        I certainly try, Debbi!   Oh, today’s Teaser’s a little shorter … !   (I hit like on the video … !)

^        Happy new year, yourself, Trevor: I hope 2023 goes well for you … !


  1. Q1) No

    Q2) Taylor Swift (The U2 song came up all the time)

    Q3) California

    Q4) Austria

    Q5) American football
    Thanks for the tips, Paul. The display in the Plaça Espanya here tends to be pretty spectacular, although it gets very crowded, and in recent years it can get quite rowdy and there have been some incidents (although they had put some more police on this year, so I don't know how it went, as I haven't had a chance to check yet). The party organised for the radio went well. I helped with the drinks but we left just after 1 a.m. as my mother was tired. They had permission from the town hall until 2 a.m. and people were dancing the night away, so...
    Your evening sounds OK to me, and chatting with your nephew a good thing (better than making a video, if you ask me).
    I was right, unfortunately, about Mireia, the radio director's partner (his name is Oleguer. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned it). She didn't come as she was ill. Albert, Oleguer's father, told me that she had just taken ill the day before and they weren't sure what was wrong, but it seems a similar episode to in recent times. She was at home, but his father told me "for the time being", because her condition is so difficult to manage that she ends up in hospital quite often. Fingers crossed that is not the case this time, and she feels better soon.
    I'll share some pics of the party when they publish them.

  2. 1 No
    2 Taylor Swift
    3 California
    4 Austria
    5 American football

  3. Thanks, Paul!

    1. no
    2. Taylor Swift
    3. California
    4. Austria
    5. American football

    Nice and short! :)


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