
Saturday 31 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 31-12-2022 — The Big Fat Review of 2022.

31st January, 2022: The Big Fat Review of the Year.

Right … it’s officially New Years Eve: enjoy the party, if that’s how you’re marking it.

But stay safe: I’d to see a reader get hurt in some way.


I might just watch a film.

I’m not sure, yet: but have plenty of choice, if I do.


In other news … ?

I’m thankful Google Lens exists, I really am!

I mentioned, yesterday, that the batteries were going on my thermostat: something that made me seriously anxious!

Anxious enough to get in touch with my landlords: to see what they could go.

Before they booked up a repair — it would have been non-urgent, and take time to go through — they offered to get an engineer to phone: to talk me through the replacement.

I happily agreed: after letting them know my phone numbers!

He phoned at 14:00.

Some hours after I’d found the instructional video on YouTube: by taking a photo of the thing, and searching for it in Google Lens.

The engineer got a polite thank you … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions^, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        January 2022 saw Novak Djokovic deported.   From where: Australia, New Zealand or the USA?

Q2)        February of this year saw Russia invade where: Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia?

Q3)        The Winter Paralympics were held in March of this year.   In which Chinese city: Beijing, Chengdu or Dingxi?

Q4)        The Large Hadron Collider restarted operations: in April.   The Collider’s on the borders of Switzerland and where: France, Germany or Montenegro?

Q5)        May saw an outbreak of what start in London: Smallpox, Monkeypox, COVID 19 or Tuberculosis?

Q6)        Bajram Begaj was elected President: in June of 2022.   Of where: Albania, Croatia or Estonia?

Q7)        In heatwaves in July, 2022, the UK recorded its hottest ever temperature: at RAF Coningsby, in Lincolnshire.   What was that temperature: 40.3°C, 41.3°C, or 42.3°C.

Q8)        Which author was attacked in August of 2022: Neil Gaiman, J. K. Rowling or Salman Rushdie?

Q9)        Elizabeth 2nd died in September of this year.   Who succeeded her as the UK’s Monarch?

Q10)        October saw Elon Musk buy what: Twitter, Facebook or Greenland?

Q11)        The Artemis 1 rocket was launched by NASA: in November of 2022.   Where was it heading: the Moon, Mars or Venus?

Q12)        Finally … ?   December saw US scientists announce a breakthrough in what: AIDS research, Nuclear fusion research or space research?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        30th December saw the formation of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.   In which year of the 1920s?
A1)        1922.

Q2)        What was a Soviet: a council, a government official or an official briefcase?
A2)        A council.

Q3)        The Supreme Soviet, the country’s highest body, was formed in which year: 1928, 1933 or 1938?
A3)        1938.

Q4)        At the USSR’s height?   Fifteen (15) republics were part of the USSR. Name one of them.
A4)        Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or Uzbekistan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   What was the USSR’s capital city: Moscow, Leningrad or Yekaterinburg?
A5)        Moscow.
Here, as she died this year, a thought … 
“I’m Welsh to my core and I thank the Lord that I am Welsh.   I don’t care if I was born in England, I’m a Welsh woman through and through.”
Ruth Madoc, who died in 2022.
And music from people who’ve been lost …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Cheers, Olga: I actually managed to changed the batteries, myself.   Yes, you’re right, though: I used Google!   You can drag and drop an image over, when you’re looking for images.   The engineer who phoned seemed friendly enough … … but phoned a bit late!
        I’ll keep my fingers crossed too, Olga: in this weather, every little helps!   Pass them both my regards, please!
        Handing out sweets, and toys!?   Good luck with it.   Although mentioning toys gets me thinking.   You know that many people left Paddington Bear toys outside the palace, this year?   After the Queen died?   It seems they’ve been washed: and handed out to various children’s charities.
        Hang on … Wilfred the Hairy!?   That beats Ivar the Boneless and Ethelred the Unready!   Either way … ?   That’s an interesting set of stories!

        Hello, Mum!   (Tuva?   Where’s Tuva?)

‡        I’ll try and thin gummy do-dah, Debbi: once I’ve got the wossname done!   Oh, might like this.   The series two box sets include the adventures with Vicki as a companion: played by Actress, Maureen O’Brien.   Turns out she Writes crime novels!

^        This quiz was written on 13/12/2022: and was accurate at the time of writing.   Thankfully, I’ve avoided mentioning Liz Truss: the UK’s shortest serving PM.

ª        She did a sketch with the CGI Paddington at the Platinum Jubilee, this year.   So when she died … 


  1. Q1) Australia

    Q2) Ukraine

    Q3) Beijing

    Q4) France

    Q5) Monkeypox

    Q6) Albania

    Q7) 40.3°C

    Q8) Salman Rushdie?

    Q9) Charles III

    Q10) Twitter

    Q11) the Moon

    Q12) Nuclear fusion research
    Good for you on the batteries front and thanks for the tip about Google lense. I have looked for images before, but have never used one of my own, so it is useful to know.
    I sent an e-mail to the director of the radio station but haven't heard back yet, although they were sharing some posts on Twitter about tonight's party, so it should be going on. I hope they are just too busy and there is nothing untoward.
    Good idea about the bears. It would have been a shame for them to go to waste. And I hope they did something with the flowers as well. I'm sure I've heard of an organisation that collects flowers after funerals and donates them to hospitals. The dead cannot enjoy them, so...
    I hope you have a good New Year's Eve, whatever you do. Fingers crossed for 2023!

  2. I would like to wish you and all your regular participents A Happy and Prosperous New Year for 2023, I hope 2023 is better for all of us.

  3. 1 Australia
    2 Ukraine
    3 Beijing
    4 Germany
    5 Monkeypox
    6 Albania
    7 41.3
    8 Salman Rushdie
    9 King Charles 3rd
    10 Twitter
    11 Venus
    12 Space Research

  4. Wow. Quite a year-end roundup. :)

    1. Australia
    2. Ukraine
    3. Beijing
    4. France
    5. Monkeypox
    6. Albania
    7. 40.3° C
    8. Salman Rushdie
    9. King Charles III
    10. Twitter
    11. the Moon
    12. nuclear fusion research

    Here's my own look back at 2022:

    Happy new year!


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