
Friday 30 December 2022

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-12-2022 — Part of the Union.

30th December, 2022: Part of the Union.


It’s Friday.

And … ?

You can tell I’m having a bad morning.

I’ve woken up … and found that the battery on my boiler — the wall mounted thing in the hall way — is on the go.

I’ve spent lord knows how long, this morning: on the phone to Robert Heath, the gas contractors, to get help.

They’re going to try and get someone to phone me — or email — to talk me through replacing them.

Here’s hoping.


Have you got your eyes on my YouTube channel?

If you do — or don’t — you may — or may not! — know I posted four videos, yesterday.

A review of Prey, for starters.

I’ve unboxed some Marmite;

And some Dr Who goodies;

That last one will grab people, I think.

I’ve read the opening story in Iron Legion — it’s called Iron Legion and brings back memories — and am looking forward to reading the rest.

I’ve ALSO got the second season of Classic Dr Who: as a bluray box set.

I’ve seen most of the episodes: bar The Crusade.

Which could well be one of the next things to review.

We’ll see.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga scoring five out of five, and Debbi and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        30th December saw the formation of the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.   In which year of the 1920s?

Q2)        What was a Soviet: a council, a government official or an official briefcase?

Q3)        The Supreme Soviet, the country’s highest body, was formed in which year: 1928, 1933 or 1938?

Q4)        At the USSR’s height?   Fifteen (15) republics were part of the USSR.   Name one of them.    (Feel free to use the modern names of the former republics: calling the Thingystan Soviet Socialist Republic would be a bit much.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   What was the USSR’s capital city: Moscow, Leningrad or Yekaterinburg?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th December, 1997, saw a second day of culling of chickens: by the government of Hong Kong.   In order to prevent what: avian ’flu, swine ’flu, COVID-19 or the demonic possession of Jiang Zemin?
A1)        Avian ’flu.   (I believe sacrificial goats are usually the thing for possessed General Secretaries.)

Q2)        The Sex Discrimination Act went into force in the UK.   On 29th December of which year of the 1970s?
A2)        1975. (As the BBC’s On This Day piece reminds us?   The Equal Pay Act 1970 went into force on the same day.)

Q3)        In the Catholic Church, 29th December is the feast day of which Biblical figure: Joseph, Daniel or Jonathon?
A3)        Jonathon.

Q4)        Neil Innes died: on 29th December, 2019.   He’d been one of the frontmen for which band: the Hollies, the Beatles or the Bonzo Dog Do-dah Band?
A4)        The Bonzo Dog Do-dah Band.   Humanoid Boogie is something of a favourite.

Q5)        Finally … ?   29th December, 1928, saw the birth of the late great Bernard Cribbins.   He narrated which children’s television series: Pokémon, Wizards and Aliens or The Wombles?
A5)        The Wombles.
Here’s a motto … 
“Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!”
“Workers of the world, unite!”
The USSR’s motto.
And a song or two …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!   (It was Jonathon!)

        Same thing applies, when you pouring any kind of sparkling wine, Olga: the glass should be held at forty-five degrees.   I always felt bottled beer tasted better, when I drank.   Cans were a bit common!
        Oh, so you’d be part of the outside broadcast unit?   Have fun with it!   (Throwing sweets?   That makes a change from what the Tio de Nadal’s supposed to do!)
        Oh, I got the results.   My HbA1c level has gone up.   But only from 60 to 62^.   The practise nurse has suggested increasing my dose of semaglutide: with the option to review it, should my sugar levels go down.   (The stuff’s got some nasty side effects.)

        I think Thomas a’Beckett’s a saint in a few churches, Debbi: including the C of E.   Actually?   The big Anglican church behind Brentwood High Street is dedicated to him.   As is the ruined chapel in the High Street.   Brentwood was on the pilgrimage route to his shrine in Canterbury.
        That’s a thought, Debbi: I mentioned I got the series twoª blu-ray box set, didn’t I?   Most of the others I’ve got have a bonus disc with lots of generic extras: and seven — at the very most — stories.   This has bonus disc: just nine stories!   The show did things differently, back then!

^        That’s not good, but the overall trend has been down: I was at 111, when diagnosed.

ª        That’s the Wikipedia entry, so you know, Debbi.


  1. It isn't a major change in the Glucose blood levels, you are right, and it is much better overall. Fingers crossed it keeps stable.
    Good luck with the change of battery. Our heater is very simple and the battery is very easy to change, but it is only a water heater. I am sure you will have checked YouTube for videos, but hopefully, they will have somebody guide you through the process without problems.
    Q1) 1922

    Q2) a council

    Q3) 1938

    Q4) Russia

    Q5) Moscow
    I take note of your advice on the cava front. I will contact the radio director, as he hasn't sent any information yet, but as it is an open party in any case, I am sure if we go we will find something to do. (I am a bit worried because his partner, Mireia, has chronic chest problems and in this season, it wouldn't be surprising if she had taken ill. Fingers crossed they are just busy and having a good time, because last year they both caught COVID around Christmas and she ended up in hospital).
    For Reis (the celebration of the three wise men and the parade), some organisations have floats, decorated, some march with their uniforms or fancy dresses... We just follow and walk with the two mobile units, throwing candy, and we also collect toys for children who need them, so we are kept busy.
    I forgot to reply to your comment about the Catalan flag with the star. It is called "la estelada" (estel is star in Català) and it is the flag pro Catalan independence. It is not the official flag, but it is seen quite often.
    And here, a legend about the flag (not true, but a nice story).

  2. 1 1922
    2 Government Official
    3 1933
    4 Tuva
    5 Moscow

  3. Very nice.

    1. 1922
    2. a council
    3. 1938
    4. Estonia
    5. Moscow

    Happy new year! Good luck with your latest ... thing there.

    Keep calm and carry on, right? :)


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