
Tuesday 17 January 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 17-1-2023 — Beat The Clock.

17th January, 2023.

Right … today’s Tuesday: and yes, I’m expecting Jude — my nephew — this afternoon.

Video is possibly going to happen.

Especially as we have some for Ruth: Jude’s mother and my sister.

Hopefully, we’ll be able to get that sorted, quickly.

Assuming Mummy’s not forgotten to send her USB stick!


Phone calls: phone calls, phone calls, phone calls, phone calls, phone calls!

I was on the phone a lot, yesterday: chasing down the Cost of Living voucher for January.   As it hasn’t turned up, yet.

That was relatively easy to sort out: my energy supplier has sent out another, which should be with me by Thursday.


The other problem?

Is that I qualify for a £150 Warm Home discount: that should go onto my Key meter.

Has it, yet?   When last year’s went on, speedily?



I phoned my supplier, yesterday: for what felt like the Nth time.

After a couple of attempts: I got through.

Only to be told to phone the Department of Work and Pensions, the dept. that runs the Job Centre, and organises benefits.

They were busy all bloody day!

I’m going to have another go, today.

Lord, it’s frustrating!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        17th January, 2007, saw the Doomsday Clock moved to five minutes to midnight.   In response to nuclear testing by whom: North Korea, Vietnam or Iran?

Q2)        The clock currently stands at 100 seconds to midnight.   When was it set to that time: 2020, 2021 or 2022?

Q3)        The Clock started ticking — was first set, in other words — in which year of the 1940s?

Q4)        The Clock was furthest from Midnight in 1991.   What time was it at: 23:43, 23:45, or 23:47?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Clock is maintained by the Bulletin of Atomic whom?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        16th January, 1786, saw the US State of Virginia pass the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.   The statute was drafted by which future US President: John Adams, Thomas Jefferson or James Madison?
A1)        Thomas Jefferson.

Q2)        Which Space Shuttle took off for its last mission, on 16th January, 2003: the Enterprise, Challenger or Columbia?
A2)        The Columbia.   It burnt up on re-entry: some sixteen days later.

Q3)        16th January, 1409, saw the birth of René Anjou.   He was also René 1st of where: Naples, Rome or Venice?
A3)        Naples.

Q4)        Eric Liddell was born on 16th January, 1902.   The story of his 1924 Olympic race win was told in which 1981 film?
A4)        Chariots of Fire.

Q5)        Finally … ?   16th January is the feast day of Saint Titian of Oderzo.   Where is Oderzo: Austria, Italy or San Marino?
A5)        Italy.
Here’s a quote … 
“The main factors influencing the clock are nuclear risk and climate change.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the clock.
And a clock themed playlist: one with songs from the Sparks, Iron Maiden and the Boomtown Rats …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Well … I’ve managed to get something sorted, Olga.   But that Warm Home Discount’s going to be a pain to sort out.   Just trying to phone is a git!   At any rate … ?   Have a VERY good day: and tell Jordi I said ¡Hola!
        I’m JUST thinking.   Debbi mentioned Thunderbirds, yesterday: that might grab Jordi’s attention, if he grew up on something similar!   Thunderbird 2 was amazing to watch: especially those pods!

†        Hello, Mum!

        Trevor made a good point, there, Debbi: Stingray and Fireball XL5 were Gerry Anderson productions as well.   So were The Adventures of Twizzle, and Four Feather Falls.   And Rick will recognise Shane Rimmer, the voice of Dick Spanner: he voiced Scott Tracey, the pilot of Thunderbird One.

^        Yeah: there was a few others as well, Trevor: apparently, the main character of Four Feathers Falls was voiced by Nicolas Parsons!


  1. Q1) North Korea

    Q2) 2020

    Q3) 1947

    Q4) 23:43

    Q5) Scientists. Well, we’ll have to check on the 24th of January and see what they say, but I think it will get closer to midnight.
    Good luck with everything. It is tricky to guess what is the best time to phone. I tend to try early in the morning, or late, but with phone lines depending or run by the administration or government agencies, one never knows. Fingers crossed.
    I will check with Jordi, but he seems to have been a pretty outdoors guy and there are many TV programmes I've mentioned that he'd never watched.
    Say hi to Jude and good luck with the videos.

  2. 1 Iran
    2 2020
    3 1947
    4 2044
    5 Bullitin Science and Secrurity Board

  3. Doomsday! What a cheery subject! :)

    1. North Korea
    2. 2020
    3. 1947
    4. 23:43
    5. Scientists


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