
Tuesday 21 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-2-2023 — The Communist Manifesto.

21st February, 2023: The Communist Manifesto.


It’s officially official!

I had me nephew, Jude, over, yesterday.

And?   We got the video we’d been working, last week, finished.

Feel free to hit Like and Share, please!

Jude ALSO fancies doing a live stream: something I’ve never done, so I’m going to have to read up on.

Hey HO!


At ANY rate?

That wasn’t the only video posted, yesterday.

Nope: I managed to catch ‘All In,’ the third episode of For All Mankind’s third series.

You know … I think footnotes can be handy … … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        21st February saw the first publication of the Communist Manifesto.   In which year of the 1840s?

Q2)        It was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich who?

Q3)        The Manifesto was first published in which city: London, Paris, New York or Moscow?

Q4)        According to the book’s introduction, Europe was being haunted by “the spectre of” what: Fascism, Communism, Totalitarianism or Bolshevism?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Manifesto criticises what: capitalism, feudalism or socialism?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Futurist Manifesto was published in Le Figaro: on 20th February.   What was Futurism: an art movement, a Fascist group or a Trade Union?
A1)        An art movement.

Q2)        Le Figaro, itself, is a French what: newspaper, magazine or website?
A2)        Newspaper.

Q3)        The piece published in this year: 1909, 1910 or 1911?
A3)        1909.

Q4)        The Manifesto was written by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.   Marinetti was a noted Italian what: poet, essayist or tree surgeon?
A4)        Poet.   (Slightly less to his credit?   He co-wrote the Fascist Manifesto)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The original Italian version of the Manifesto was published on which date: 3rd February, 4th February or 5th February?
A5)        5th February.
Here’s a quote … 
“What the bourgeoisie therefore produces, above all, are its own grave-diggers.   Its fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable.”
Paragraph 53, lines 11-13 of Section 1 of Communist Manifesto.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Fun, and chicken strips, were duly had, Olga: we even managed to finish the video.   Quite how we do the live stream he fancies doing, I don’t know!
        It’s a nice place, to be honest, up in what was the attic.   It’s a lot of interesting shapes, as well.   About the only possible downsides are that the intercom seems to not be working, it’s up two flights of stairs, and there’s another (small) flight of steps from the main part of the flat to Ruth’s bedroom.   My knees haven’t stopped complaining!

        Hello, Mum.   (Can you ask Ruth if the bulk worked, please?   And if she get the stick?)

        Funny iold thing, Debbi: I can remember seeing an interview with Cleese, where he confessed he was getting too old to do the sketch.   Arthritis doesn’t help!   (At the One Down, Five to Go concerts they played, a few years ago?   They had to get dancers in for that!)


  1. Q1) 1848

    Q2) Engels

    Q3) London

    Q4) Communism

    Q5) capitalism
    I used to go to a girl who did my hair years ago. She was the sister of a friend and I went to her flat, and for a while she was renting an apartment in a converted building (I think it used to be a fancy college. The college still existed but they had build new high-tech facilities and sold the old building (to pay for it, I imagine) and although her flat was on the ground floor, it also had funny stairs, nooks and crannies... They were doing the same as well at Penistone Grammar School. I just hope they have kept the old building, as it looked wonderful, but I left when the work was ongoing, so I wonder. From their website now I am not sure, although I share the page about their history and you can see the old building at the top.
    Oh, I think I have mentioned this curious/funny book to you already, but just in case you want to check my review...

  2. 1 1848
    2 Engels
    3 London
    4 Totaliterism
    5 Capitalism

  3. This is the communist party that Penny was active in when i first met her.

    I went to many of their social events and know all the current leaders. Penny was a leading member of the party. I have been to events in their book shop many times.

  4. I'd have trouble balancing while silly-walking. :)

    1. 1848
    2. Engels
    3. London
    4. Communism
    5. capitalism

    Actually, one of my exercises is a bit like walking silly, come to think of it. :)

    Don't know that I could do it to a beat.


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