
Wednesday 22 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd January 2023

22nd February, 2023.

Yes: it’s official.

I’ve now assembled … the chair!

That … ?

Is rather comfortable, but took a lot of swearing to put together.

And … ?

There is — as with many office chairs — a lever arm that let’s you raise and lower the seat.

Which I think I’ve got on the wrong — ha! — side.

I’m not complaining too much.

It means it’s on the left, instead of the right: and, as I’m left handed … ?

That’s useful … !


There’s a treaty doing the rounds: isn’t there always?

Let’s begin again, there!

There’s a treaty doing the rounds: known as the New START treaty.

One that was signed back in 2010: and designed — from what I’ve understood — to limit nuclear weapons.

Just recently, though?

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has announced he’s suspending Russian participation in the thing.

I don’t know if that means he can start expanding Russia’s nuclear armoury.

I’m no legal expert …  but I’m wondering if that means he can start using H-bombs in the Ukraine.

That really doesn’t sound like a nice idea … … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor^ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        One of a pair of Cleopatra’s Needles was erected in New York: on 22nd February, 1881.   The other Needle was erected where: London, Paris or Berlin?

Q2)        22nd February is Independence Day in Saint Lucia.   It marks the country’s independence from the UK: in which year of the 1970s?

Q3)        An IRA bomb exploded on 22nd February, 1972.   Where: Aldershot, Basingstoke or Catterick?

Q4)        Drew Barrymore was born on 22nd February, 1975.   In which 1980 film did she play Margaret Jessup?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Genesis P-Orridge was born on 22nd February, 1950.   They were the for which band: the Cramps, Psychic TV or Captain Gigantic’s Electronic Drone Collective?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        21st February saw the first publication of the Communist Manifesto.   In which year of the 1840s?
A1)        1848.

Q2)        It was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich who?
A2)        Friedrich Engels.   (Tristan Hunt — author of at least one book about Engels — described him as “… the kind of man Stalin would have had shot.”)

Q3)        The Manifesto was first published in which city: London, Paris, New York or Moscow?
A3)        London.

Q4)        According to the book’s introduction, Europe was being haunted by “the spectre of” what: Fascism, Communism, Totalitarianism or Bolshevism?
A4)        Communism.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Manifesto criticises what: capitalism, feudalism or socialism?
A5)        Capitalism.
Here’s a thought … 

“The bottom line is that the human species has to realise the human body really is just a cheap suitcase.”
Genesis P-Orridge, 22 February 1950 – 14 March 2020.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        That school looks like an interesting place to explore, Olga: and, yes, Ruth’s new flat in that style of buildingª.   Did you ever read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, the first of the Narnia books?   I always think the house that children are staying in, is exactly that sort of place: with nooks, crannies … and a room with just a wardrobe.
        Digging a hole, hey?   That’s a cue to put the book on my shopping list … and mention a song …

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I know exactly what you mean, Debbi: I get dizzy, standing up!
        I tend to write to music: it helps me get a typing rhythm going.   I’ve had a couple of songs on repeat, just recently: Bang Zoom’s got rhythmº.

^        How is Penny, Trevor?   I’ve not seen her around, much.

ª        I think she’ll have trouble getting bookshelves to fit, Olga: the walls slope.

º        I know where Roxanne and Howie got that Parp sample, Debbi: it’s straight out of McLaren’s Buffalo Gals.


  1. JUST so everyone knows?

    I’ve got a ten question set due on the 5th March: about Judge Dredd.

    I couldn’t resist it!

  2. I have not seen Penny since last May. She used to come over for dinner once a week and also helped run the “ban the bomb” stall in the shopping centre.

    At the moment she is unable to drive due to having Cataracts in her eyes. She has been seen by the doctors and they have to make special lenses for her. This is because she has Astigmatism in her eyes. Lenses were made and the first set got lost during the postal strikes. I believe that Southend eye hospital now have the correct lenses but Penny is still waiting for the two operations.

    We chat on the phone regularly. She is missing my cooking,

    Her friends in Wickford take her to the Cinema and Hospital visits and she help out with the local tree planting (well not the heavy work but does what she can).

    One must remember I am 75 in May and Penny will be 77 in September this year.

  3. Q1) London

    Q2) 1979

    Q3) Aldershot

    Q4) Altered States

    Q5) Psychic TV (his question is missing what he is supposed to have been, and the sentence starts with “they” but I hope my answer is the one you were looking for)
    Good on the chair, and it seems your error might have been a lucky one.
    I know what you mean about fitting shelves. My parent's flat (where I live now) has a pretty awkward shape and trying to find any furniture to fit and deciding how to furnish it is a challenge, especially for the living room/dining room and the main bedroom... It looks interesting from the outside, but it is a nightmare inside, and it is not that old... (Well, it is getting on now, but it is not an ancient building, so Lord knows what they were thinking about).
    Bernard Cribbins! Yay! Oh, I'm sure you'll have fun with the book. And I meant to check the author's website but keep forgetting. I think that will be pretty interesting as well.

  4. 1 London
    2 1978
    3 Catterick
    4 I?
    5 The Cramps

  5. Oh, goodie. A 10-question set. Fun! :)

    1. London
    2. 1979
    3. Aldershot
    4. Altered States
    5. Psychic TV


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