
Thursday 2 February 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2nd February 2023.

2nd February, 2023.

Right … stuff seems to be occurring.

Or, at least, happening on the Today programme.

From what they’ve said, today?

Debt collectors working for British Gas are targeting vulnerable customers: according to the Today programme’s interview, the contractor the company uses, rewards their workers with a points based rewards system.

Giving two points for installing a prepayment meter … and one point if they refuse to install one for a vulnerable customer.

On top of that … ?

Oil company, Shell, have reported their highest profits in one hundred and fifteen years.

A snappy old line of Terry Pratchett’s springs to mind.


There’s something else I noticed: floating across my time lines.

This piece from the Radio Times.

Seemingly, a poll of some five hundred people has been held on Twitter.

That very small sample suggests that a lot of UK fans would like to see both modern and classic episodes of Dr Who shown on iPlayer.

Something Russell T. Davis himself, seems to support.

I’ve … … 

I have mixed feelings.

Yes: it would be nice to access the entirety of the show on iPlayer.

But I’m very aware it could lose the BBC revenue, revenue it could use to offset the cost of production … and, hopefully, keep the license fee down.

We’ll have to see what happens*.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi^ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Who became the World’s Number 1 Men’s tennis player: on 2nd February, 2004?

Q2)        According to the UN, 2nd February is World what Day: World Banana Day, World Swamp Day or World Wetlands Day?

Q3)        2nd February, 1943, saw the German Sixth Army surrender to Soviet Troops.   At the and of the Battle of where: Stalingrad, Moscow or Yekaterinburg?

Q4)        2nd February, 2023, is a what: Thursday, Friday or Saturday?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Terra Mariana was formed on 2nd February, 1207.   The country was made up of what’s now where: Estonia and Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania or Latvia and Lithuania?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        1st February, 2023, is the start of the UN’s World Interfaith what Week: World Interfaith Harmony Week, World Interfaith Unity Week or World Interfaith Cooperation Week?
A1)        World Interfaith Harmony Week.

Q2)        The Shinban Bank opened on 1st February, 1897.   It’s the oldest bank, where: South Korea, Japan or Taiwan?
A2)        South Korea.

Q3)        Texas seceded from the Union: on 1st February, 1861.   What did it join, a week later: the Confederate States, the United States or the United Nations?
A3)        The Confederate States.

Q4)        1st February is the feast day of Irish Saint, Saint Brigid.   Technically, she’s Saint Brigid of where: Kilkenny, Kildare or Ballykisangel?
A4)        Kildare.   (I don’t think she’s related to Richard Chamberlain …)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Building was completed on Thomas Edison’s Black Maria: on 1st February, 1893.   The Black Maria was a what: armoured police van, electricity sub-station or film studio?
A5)        Film studio.
Here’s a thought … 
“My lad chewed and swallowed a dictionary.   We gave him Epsom salts - but we can’t get a word out of him.”
Les Dawson, 2 February 1931 – 10 June 1993.
And some bad piano playing …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Some sort of mixture could be the way to go.   Have the episodes, just the episodes, on iPlayer: but releasing them on blu-ray — with premium extras — could be the way to go.
        (As a final thought?   I’m aware having both classic and modern Dr Who on iPlayer … would mean they’re both only available to people in the UK: as that’s iPlayer is only available in the UK.   That’s a shame for overseas fans.   From what I’ve been able to gather, from asking on Mastodon, the show is on a mixed bag of services … )

        It’s possibly something to look at, Olga: and you have an idea of what the customers are looking for.   
        I’ll be honest: the only time I’ve seen Prime, it’s being held by Jude!   I don’t know about the sugar: but going on what he said, the strawberry and watermelon flavour had a lot of caffeine: a lot more calories than a can of diet coke.   I’m guessing that’s due to the sweetener in the cola.
        If it’s any help?   Wednesday’s middle name is Friday: as she was born on Friday 13th.   I’m assuming the Spanish language version is different.

        Hello, Mum!   (The Black Maria was Edison’s film studio, Mum!)

^        It’s a handy sort of place to look out for, Debbi.   Oh, I’m sending over In Conversation With Maureen O’Brien: from the Season Two box set.   She played an early companion called Vicki: and some of her comments about William Hartnell are … mildly scandalous!


  1. 1 Roger Federer
    2 Wetlands day
    3 Stalingrad
    4 Thursday
    5 Estonia and Latvia

  2. Q1) Roger Federer

    Q2) World Wetlands Day

    Q3) Stalingrad

    Q4) Thursday (Eh?)

    Q5) Estonia and Latvia
    Thanks for the Less Dawson joke, and the video. Seeing him at the piano made me think of Victoria Wood.
    I haven't watched Wednesday, but here it seems it is called Miércoles (yes, Wednesday, the day, in Spanish, and so is the protagonist) while in Mexico they call it "Merlina" (I guess from Merlin the wizard, because, as far as I know, the Mexicans also call Wednesday miércoles, but go figure).

  3. Thanks, Paul!

    1. Roger Federer
    2. World Wetlands Day
    3. Stalingrad
    4. Thursday
    5. Estonia and Latvia


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