
Wednesday 22 March 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22-3-2023 — Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber

22nd March, 2023: Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Right … it’s officially Wednesday!


Which means … ?

Well, I’ve got to book up a blood test, get some exercise … and pick up some meds.

Oh, and show you Jude’s latest video.

Apparently, that bottle of Prime cost about £8.

A hell of a lot less than this bottle, in other words!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber was born on 22nd March.   Of which year of the 1940s?

Q2)        His younger brother, Julian, plays what: Cello, Trombone or pipe organ?

Q3)        His first musical was called The Likes of Us.   It was composed in 1965. It was first performed, when: 2009, 2010 or 2011?

Q4)        1968 saw the first performances of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.   Lloyd Webber composed the music for it. Who wrote the lyrics: Richard Stilgoe, Tim Rice or Donny Osmond?

Q5)        The pair’s next work was Jesus Christ Superstar.   It was released in 1970.   As a what: concept album, YouTube video or TV movie?

Q6)        Jesus Christ Superstar was first staged in 1971.   Where: London’s West End, Broadway or Shinjuku?

Q7)        Lloyd Webber wrote the music for 1976’s Evita.   Evita was the nickname of Eva Perón. She was a political figure, where: Argentina, Brazil or Chile?

Q8)        Lloyd Webber’s Cats premiered in 1981.   It’s based on a book of poetry by whom: T. S. Eliot, Philip Larkin or Sylvia Plath?

Q9)        Lloyd Webber’s The Phantom of the Opera was based on a 1910 novel: by whom?

Q10)        Finally … ?   2011 saw Andrew Lloyd Webber release a musical.   Which musical: On Your Toes, The Great Victor Herbert or The Wizard of Oz?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        21st March is World Down’s Syndrome Day.   When was it first marked: 2006, 2007 or 2008?
A1)        2006.

Q2)        The condition is caused by an extra copy of a chromosome.   Which chromosome: 20, 21 or 22?
A2)        Chromosome 21.   (It’s why 21st March was chosen as the day: it reminds us that people with the condition has three copies of Chromosome 21.)

Q3)        The condition was first described by Dr John Langdon Down.   In which year: 1862, 1863 or 1864?
A3)        1862.

Q4)        Actress, Jamie Brewer, has Down’s Syndrome.   She’s played several characters in which series: For All Mankind, American Horror Story or Westworld?
A4)        American Horror Story.   (She’s rather good!)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Spanish actor, Pablo Pineda has Down’s syndrome: and was the first European with the condition to earn a degree.   In what: particles physics, educational psychology or divinity?
A5)        Educational psychology.
Here’s a thought …
“Despite a rumour put around some years back, I have never contemplated leaving Britain for tax reasons.”
Andrew Lloyd Webber.
And a clue

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Actually: I think I got 2006 from the Wikipedia entry, Olga.   But, wouldn’t you know it?   There’s a footnote on the page that says the entry was edited on 20th March, 2023.   I could slap Wikipedia!
        I had a friend, over, yesterday: after some buying advice.   And managed to ask how their brother — who’s got the condition — is doing.   (Writing a quiz about the day helped, there!)
        Have fun with the editing.   I always think of Orwell’s third rule when I’m editing my videos: “If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.”

        Hello, Mum!   (Sorry about the points: that first question was a bit awkward!)

        That he was, Debbi!   Actually, the character’s real name was Emmanuel Goldstein.   I think the writers of Hackers were grabbing ideas where they could!


  1. 1 1948
    2 Cello
    3 2005
    4 Tim Rice
    5 Album
    6 Broadway
    7 Argentina
    8 TS Elliot
    9 Gaston Leroux
    10 !The Wizard of Oz

  2. Q1) 1948

    Q2) Cello

    Q3) The entry in Wikipedia says it was first performed at Lloyd Webber's Sydmonton Festival on 9 July 2005, although the first amateur production was in 2009, so...

    Q4) Tim Rice

    Q5) a concept album

    Q6) Broadway

    Q7) Argentina

    Q8) T. S. Eliot

    Q9) Gaston Leroux

    Q10) The Wizard of Oz
    The editing went OK. The radio has got an award for the new blog (a news portal), and we have to go and pick it up on Tuesday, perfect day, because I'm going away the next evening. It's from the Mayor's office and in a nice official venue. I will share pics when they become available

  3. That looks familiar! :)

    1. 1948
    2. Cello
    3. 2005 (by a professional company) and 2009 (by an amateur company)
    4. Tim Rice
    5. concept album
    6. Broadway
    7. Argentina
    8. T.S. Eliot
    9. Gaston Leroux
    10. The Wizard of Oz

  4. BTW, I actually do watch (or listen) to your messages. :)

    And I actually videoed myself eating a banana. And introduced it like this: "New York Times bestselling author eats banana."

    I'm sure if I put it up, it would viral! LOL!

    But we don't want to go there, now do we? :)


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