
Sunday 16 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 16-4-2023 — World Voice Day.

16th April, 2023: World Voice Day.

I think we can safely say I’ve had some good news, this week.

You’ll possibly know that — here in the UK — anyone who rents or owns a house has to pay what’s called Council Tax: a property tax used to pay for council services.

It’s hard work paying it, on my sort of income.

Even with the assorted discounts I get for being a single man in a low value home.

However … ?

My local council — like others, I’m told — runs a hardship fund: that can, if you apply early enough, pay the tax for you.

My revised bill came in, yesterday: it’s now officially paid for the year, and leaves me £26 a month better off.

That’s damn handy!


Oh, as a thought … ?

I’ve finished my review of ‘Vox’, the ninth episode of Star Trek Picard’s third season.

I hope you enjoy it!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        16th April is World Voice Day.   It was first marked in which South American country?

Q2)        The human voice uses what: sound, images or scents?

Q3)        The human vocal folds help produce the human voice.   They’re also known as the vocal what: flaps, cords or spikes?

Q4)        Our voices are powered by air from which organ: our brain, lungs or heart?

Q5)        Finally … ?   If you’re making music with your voice, you’re what: singing, dancing or painting?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Insulin became available on 15th April, 1923.   As a treatment for what: diabetes, polio or schizophrenia?
A1)        Diabetes.   (From what I’ve learnt?   Type one diabetes, the one that shows up in children, is caused by an inability to produce insulin: so you have to inject it.   Type two diabetes, the adult onset version I have, is caused by the body’s inability to produce enough insulin: I, like others, have to take drugs to stimulate its production.   You get gestational diabetes if you’re pregnant.   If I ever get that one, I’m phoning the tabloids.)

Q2)        Insulin makes the human body absorb what: glucose, fructose or galactose?
A2)        Glucose.

Q3)        In humans, insulin is produced in the what: the liver, kidneys or pancreas?
A3)        The pancreas: specifically, the pancreatic islets.   (As I recall?   The pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs was a type that affected these cells.)

Q4)        If you can’t absorb insulin, you’re insulin what: resistant, rebelling or revolutionary?
A4)        Resistant.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Insulin is a what: a hormone, hospital or homogenous?
A5)        A hormone.
Here’s a quote …
“The human voice consists of sound made by a human being using the vocal tract …”.
From the Wikipedia article about the human voice.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I can go with that, Olga.   I used to work in a call centre, so know about last minute phone calls.   But … ?   They told me on Tuesday morning, that they’d phone by Wednesday, by 18:00.   So it’s not like they’ve not given themselves time.   Even just to say “It’s with a decision making team: they’ll let you know by xy or z.”
        I think phoning again, tomorrow — once I’ve done what I need to do, tomorrow morning — could be an idea.   If nothing else, getting my case officer to put me through to a decision maker — to get information — would be nice.

        Hello, Mum!

‡        I honestly couldn’t tell you, Debbi, I honestly couldn’t.   But they’ve had three days to call: I originally phoned, last Tuesday, and was told they’d be in touch by 6pm, on Wednesday.   They’ve not not had time!   Even if it is just to say “It’s with a decision making team: they’ll let you know by x, y or z.”
        Hmmm … I think a chapette is a young female chap.   Would an older one be a chapesse?   A chaparina?   A chapessa?   A chaparette?   I couldn’t tell you.   And if a head honcho is male, wouldn’t his female equivalent be a head honcha?


  1. Q1) Brazil

    Q2) Sound

    Q3) cords

    Q4) lungs

    Q5) singing
    I didn't realise they told you that on Wednesday. Yes, no excuse then. Do keep us posted, and I'm happy there were some good news coming your way. As a well-known supermarket used to say... "every little helps"

  2. 1 Brazil
    2 Sound
    3 Chords
    4 Lungs
    5 Singing

  3. Head honcha. I like that one! :)

    1. Brazil
    2. sound
    3. cords
    4. lungs
    5. singing


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