
Sunday 2 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 2-4-2023 — World Autism Awareness Day.

2nd April, 2023: World Autism Awareness Day.

Yes: it’s Sunday.

And events will no doubt be eventuating as they should.


One (minor) event for me … is simply that I’ve turned the radio off.

I’ve been finding it more and more distracting, recently: and honestly couldn’t tell you why!


That’s not the only event.

Or possibly, non-event.

I had a tribunal on Thursday: appealing a benefits decision that had gone against me.

I’m due to get a decision — by post — 7th April, this year.

This coming Saturday, in other words.

I’m expecting sweet FA.

I’m hoping for extra financial help: but, expecting nothing.

And … ?

Not knowing?   Whilst longingly staring the the sort of things I’d need — or would like — to buy* … ?

Is frustrating … !


One LAST event … ?

I’ve finished — and posted — a review of the next episode of Star Trek: Picard.

Feel free to hit the like button!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with both scoring four out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day.   If you have the condition, you’re usually described as being on the Autism what: spectrum, speculum or spectator?

Q2)        If you have a form of autism, you’re said to be neuro what: diverse, divorced or dynamite?

Q3)        Susan Boyle, Paddy Considine and Gary Numan have been diagnosed with a form of Autism called what?

Q4)        The fictional Ray Babbitt is a severely autistic character played by Dustin Hoffman.   His brother, Charlie, was played by Tom Cruise.   In which 1988 film: Rain Man, Red Heat or Scrooged?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Max Vento plays the autistic central character in which series: The A Word, A for Andromeda or A Christmas Carol?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Smell-o-vision was introduced as an April Fool’s Day gag: in 1965.   By whom: the BBC, ITV or Channel Four?
A1)        The BBC.

Q2)        Which Radio Four show featured a spoof guest called Sir Harry Whitlohn, on 1st April, 1963?
A2)        Desert Island Discs.   (Whitlohn …? Witter/whittle on?   Please yourselves!)

Q3)        1st April, 2016, saw Glenn Hagar — the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts — announce Texas would be releasing its own what: currency, cheese or bank?
A3)        Currency.

Q4)        According to a BBC report on 1st April, 2014, Samsung were due to release a smart what: smart glove, smart hat or smart potato?
A4)        A smart glove.   (No one would bother, these days: we’re all wearing smart watches …)

Q5)        Finally … ?   The medieval Feast of Fools was celebrated when: 1st January, 1st April or 1st July?
A5)        1st January.
Here’s a thought … 
“The effort to cure autism, [autism right advocates] say, is not like curing cancer, but like the efforts of a previous age to cure left-handedness.”
Amy Harmon.
And a playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        A shiny new iMac^ would be LOVELY … but a new mattress, a fridge freezer, and maybe some new chairs, would be far more practical.

†        Hello, Mum!   (The answers was just BBC, Mum, rather than BBC 1.)  Say hello to Janet for me, please!

        Jack Klugman, Jack Klugman … He was Quincy, wasn’t he, Debbi?   BBC 1 used to air it in the afternoons!   According to Wikipedia, the character’s supposed to be based on Thomas Noguchi.

^        Actually, the friend who was after some buying advice, recently?   Was after a new desktop Mac.   I advised the iMac as — while it cost more than a Mac mini — it’s an all-in-one: that means there’s a long term saving in terms of power usage.


  1. Yes, he was Quincy, also. I never watched that one, for whatever reason. But Klugman was in quite a bit of film and TV before that.

    Check out the credits:

    More than one The Twilight Zone episode!

    And I loved him in 12 Angry Men. In a small, but important, role. :)

  2. 1 Spectrum
    2 Diverse
    3 ?
    4 Rainman
    5 the A word


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