
Friday 21 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21-4-2023 — 111.

21st April, 2023: 111.

Right … 

I’ve calmed down, a little: after yesterday’s bad news.

I’m not getting extra financial help from the Job Centre.

I’ve a few other options, including one thing I am doing: applying for what’s called Personal Independence Payments, or PIP.

Even with the 19th May deadline, I can take my time with that online form.


I am looking forward to Monday, my next meeting with my Job Centre case worker.

I think we’re due a word or two … 


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        In a non leap year, 21st April is the 111th day of the year.   111 is a what decimal: recurring, reacting or reporting?

Q2)        Yes or no: is 111 a prime number?

Q3)        111 is an emergency telephone number, where: Australia, Malaysia or New Zealand?

Q4)        The 111th Infantry Brigade notoriously gets involved with coups. Where: Pakistan, Bangladesh or India?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Great Western Railway’s 111 Locomotive was called the Great what: Bear, Hare or Red Dragon and the Woman Clothéd in the Sun?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Parliament was dissolved: on 20th April, 1653.   By whom: Oliver Cromwell, Charles 1st or Charles 2nd?
A1)        Oliver Cromwell.

Q2)        This particular session of Parliament was called what: the Long Parliament, Rump Parliament or Useless Parliament?
A2)        The Rump Parliament.

Q3)        20th April is UN Chinese Language Day.   ‘Standard’ Chinese is a version of Chinese spoken, where: Beijing, Wuhan or Guangde?
A3)        Beijing.

Q4)        20th April, 1862, saw Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard invent what’s now call Pasteurisation.    The process is a method of preserving food.   By using what: heat, bleach or radiation?
A4)        Heat.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded: on 20th April, 2010.   The rig was operated by which company: BP, Shell or Total?
A5)        BP.
Here’s a thought … 
“111 (One hundred [and] eleven) is the natural number following 110 and preceding 112.”
From the Wikipedia entry on 111.
And some music …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        So do I, Olga, so do I!   The frustrating thing?   Is that the Job Centre don’t exactly tell you all this, before you decide what to do.   I’ve had more help and information from friends who’ve been through it, than I have from the DWP!
        Saying that?   They didn’t know the difference between the Limited Capability for Work, and Limited Capability for Work, and Work Related Activities, either.   Knowing that in advance would’ve helped!

        Hello, Mum!

        You don’t know the halvesies, Debbi!   I had a blood test, yesterday: and realised, when I got there, I’d forgotten the paperwork!   I spent a good twenty minutes on the phone to the surgery, so I could get them emailed to the hospital.
        The UK’s NHS is wonderful … but it’s not doing my blood pressure any favours!


  1. Q1) reacting

    Q2) No

    Q3) New Zealand

    Q4) Pakistan

    Q5) Bear
    I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall when you call your Job Centre worker next week. Although, yes, I know there are so many changes in procedures, rules, paperwork, and definition, that it must be almost impossible to know what is going on. That's no excuse, as we well know, of course.
    It's my mother's birthday today, so we'll go out for a meal and a wander. And tomorrow morning we are having a live radio programme to celebrate (in advance) St Jordi (St George's Day), but I'm sure I'll be able to visit at some point.

  2. 1 recurring
    2 No
    3 New Zealand
    4 Pakistan
    5 Great Bear

  3. Ah, bureaucracy. Same all over I suspect. :)

    1. recurring
    2. no
    3. New Zealand
    4. Pakistan
    5. Bear


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