
Thursday 20 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 20th April 2023.

20th April, 2023.

Right … 

I’ve had some information: and I’m not happy … !

I finally had a message from my work coach, my Job Centre case worker, yesterday.

I’ve officially been reclassified as having a Limited Capability for Work.

That’s good: although I’m assuming I still have to look for a job.

The downside?

According to my case worker, I only qualify for extra help if I have a Limited Capability for Work, and Work Related Activities.

I am seething!

OK: I’ve got the DWP to recognise I have medical issues.

I’m off for a blood today, in fact.

But no financial help?   In paying for electricity to keep a man with bad eyesight’s home lit?   A diabetes patient’s home warm?

That’s a bit much.

Granted, there’s other routes to explore.

But, even so … I’m good and angry.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw saw Mum* and Olga† putting in their answers: with both scoring five out of five.

The day also saw Trevor‡ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Parliament was dissolved: on 20th April, 1653.   By whom: Oliver Cromwell, Charles 1st or Charles 2nd?

Q2)        This particular session of Parliament was called what: the Long Parliament, Rump Parliament or Useless Parliament?

Q3)        20th April is UN Chinese Language Day.   ‘Standard’ Chinese is a version of Chinese spoken, where: Beijing, Wuhan or Guangde?

Q4)        20th April, 1862, saw Louis Pasteur and Claude Bernard invent what’s now call Pasteurisation.    The process is a method of preserving food. By using what: heat, bleach or radiation?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded: on 20th April, 2010.   The rig was operated by which company: BP, Shell or Total?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        19th April, 2021, saw the death of composer, Jim Steinman.   He wrote It’s All Coming Back to Me Now: and produced the 1996 version recorded by whom?
A1)        Celine Dion.

Q2)        19th April, 1608, saw the destruction of which Irish town: Belfast, Derry/Londonderry or Armagh?
A2)        Derry: also called Londonderry.

Q3)        A car bomb exploded: on 19th April, 1995.   Where: Derry/Londonderry, Oklahoma City or Yangon?
A3)        Oklahoma City.

Q4)        Sierra Leone became a republic: on 19th April, 1971.   The country is where: North America, West Africa or South East Asia?
A4)        West Africa.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The episode of The Tracey Ullman Show aired on 19th April, 1987, was the first to air a cartoon.   Which cartoon: American Dad, Daria or The Simpsons?
A5)        The Simpsons.
Here’s a thought … 
“The world has changed from when I was a young teen feeling ashamed for being gay.   The issue of gay marriage is now a political issue.   That would have been unthinkable when I was young.”
George Takei, born April 20, 1937.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Yeah, the initial call went well enough, Olga: and I’ve got until 19th May to fill the thing in.   Hopefully, it’ll lead to something.   But — ha! — I’ve said that before!   I do know that — yesterday — I was seething … !   OK: I’ve some sort of recognition … but no practical help … !
        It sound like you and Trevor are getting lucky!

        Sounds like someone got lucky, there, Trevor!   I wish I could say the same!


  1. Q1) Oliver Cromwell

    Q2) Rump Parliament

    Q3) Beijing

    Q4) heat

    Q5) BP
    What is the point then, eh? I fully understand your annoyance. I guess perhaps it might help with the job-side of things, and they might only suggest courses or jobs that are truly suitable, but I hope something more comes out of all this.

  2. 1 Oliver Cromwell
    3 Beijing
    4 Heat
    5 BP

  3. Sorry I missed yesterday's, but it was a bear of a day.

    I get the feeling you know what those are like. :)

    1. Oliver Cromwell
    2. the Rump Parliament
    3. Beijing
    4. heat
    5. BP


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