
Sunday 23 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 23rd April 2023.

23rd April, 2023.

Right … 

It’s officially the case … that I’ve forgotten it’s Saint Georges Day!

Until I saw the state of today’s Teaser!

Have a very good Saint George’s Day, however you’re marking it!


Oh … I’ve finally caught the last episode of Star Trek Picard!

Which was rather good!

At any rate?

My written and video reviews have gone up: I hope you enjoy them!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        23rd April is UN English Language Day.   23rd April also marks which other UN Language: Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic or French?

Q2)        23rd April, 2023, will see a national test of one country’s Emergency Alerts service.   Which country: the UK, France or Germany?

Q3)        23rd April is La Diada de Sant Jordi.   Where: Catalonia, Castile or Aragon?

Q4)        The Battle on Clontarf took place: on 23rd April, 1014.   It saw the death of High Brian Boru.   Brian Boru of where: England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?

Q5)        Finally … ?   23rd April, 1661, saw the coronation of which King: Charles 1st, Charles 2nd or Charles 3rd?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        22nd April, 1992, saw a series of gas explosions in Guadalajara^.   City, and explosions, are in which country: Mexico, Chile or Argentina?
A1)        Mexico.

Q2)        Nellie Beer was born on 22nd April, 1900.   Between 1966 and 1967, she was Lord Mayor of where: London, Manchester or Glasgow?
A2)        Manchester.   (I’m an ex-pub quiz master. Ignoring someone called ‘Nellie Beer’ is on a par with ignoring baseball players called ‘John Boozer’.   Yes: I have used him in a quiz question … )

Q3)        22nd April is the feast day of Saint Opportuna of Montreuil.   Montreuil is in which country: France, Canada or Haiti?
A3)        France.

Q4)        The London Naval Treaty was signed by the UK, Japan and the US: on 22nd April, 1930.   It limited warfare carried out with what: battleships, aircraft carriers or submarines?
A4)        Submarines.

Q5)        Finally … ?   J. Robert Oppenheimer was born: on 22nd April, 1904.   He’s often called the ‘father of the atomic …’ what?
A5)        Bomb.
Here’s a thought … 
“Read the great stylists who cannot be copied rather than the successful writers who must not be copied.”
From Death on the Air and Other Stories by Ngaio Marsh, 23 April 1895 – 18 February 1982.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        It’s nice to know it went well, Olga!   Oh, my Mum’s birthday is two day’s after your birthday, so you know!
        Scandals is not the word!   Apparently, the Metropolitan Police, and various British Fire and Rescue services are having the same sort of issues: rape, sexual assault, drug taking and lord knows what else.

        That it could, Debbi.   And, given each player can play six different versions of the same character?   It could prove interesting … 

^        I’ve only ever heard one song that’s mentioned the place … 


  1. Q1) Spanish

    Q2) the UK

    Q3) Catalonia, of course! We had a special live programme yesterday morning, with interviews, a choir singing, people sharing recommendations of books and recipes, reading poetry... Not bad at all, although tiring!

    Q4) Ireland

    Q5) Charles 2nd
    Is it your Mom's birthday today, then? Wish her a happy birthday if it is, and I hope you have something nice prepared to celebrate as well.
    Here there are quite a few scandals going on, including one involving a high-ranking politician from the Canary Islands who seems to have used the actual central government building to "entertain" some of his friends and associates... Thinking about it, this scandal seems to have gone quiet recently...

  2. 1 Spainish
    2 UK
    3 Catalonia
    4 Ireland
    5 Charles 11

  3. Sounds potentially mind-blowing. :)

    1. Spanish
    2. the UK
    3. Catalonia
    4. Ireland
    5. Charles 2nd


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