
Saturday 22 April 2023

Star Trek Picard — Series 3 Episode 10 — The Last Generation — A Review

21st April,  2023: ‘The Last Generation’.

Right … it’s Friday, again: and I’m hoping like hell that my chips haven’t burnt.

I’m having fish and chips, again.

So you know.


I’m looking forward to it.

As … ?

Once I’ve eaten, I’ll be watching ‘The Last Generation’, the last episode of Star Trek Picard.

We’ll have to see how it goes!


22nd April, 2023.

Episode 10 — The Last Generation — opens with the usual summary of earlier episodes.

Then, with a dramatic cross fades, shifts … to let us listen to a frantic broadcast from Federation President Anton Chekov*: warning all and sundry away from the Earth, as the whole of Starfleet has been co-opted by the Borg.

With the exception of one last ship.

That ship?   Is the USS Enterprise 1701-D: and its crew, Admiral Picard, Dr Crusher, Geordi LaForge, Data, Counsellor Troi, Captain Riker, and the ever-formidable Worf (Patrick Stewart, Gates McFadden, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes and Michael Dorn), is listening to President Chekov’s message, whilst hurtling towards the Earth at the fastest possible speed.

As Counsellor Troi puts it?   “If Spacedock falls, there’ll be nothing between the assimilated fleet, and Earth.”

And if Earth falls, so does the Federation!


Post titles … ?

The Enterprise loses the connection to President Chekov’s broadcast.

But, whilst scanning for whatever is out there … ?

Data finds signals from a heavily armed Borg Cube: hiding in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.

Forcing the ship to head for the Sol System’s largest planet at full speed.

Once there … ?

Dr Crusher reports that the Cube is broadcasting to what’s now a Collective of Star Fleet vessels: and broadcasting with one person’s voice: Jack’s (Ed Speleer’s).

Severing Jack’s connection from the Collective will end the broadcast, and the invasion.

Whatever else happens, Admiral Picard knows one thing.

Jack’s connection has to end … tonight.


Now … what did I make of ‘The Last Generation’?   And of the series it’s a finale to?

First things first … ?

Many episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation were famous for having an interweaved pair of stories.

Something ‘The Last Generation’ doesn’t do.

Instead, it gives us an story of two halves: with a climax — a climax that sees the destruction of this universe’s Borg Queen — about half way through.

With the latter twenty-five minutes of the story showing us the aftermath.

The episode itself … ?

Isn’t necessarily the best finale: or episode of the series.

But does have both peril, gruesomely decaying Borg and a deep sense of joy … 

There’s also a grimly aged Borg queen: one voiced by no less than Alice Krige — the original Queen — herself.

‘The Last Generation’ is possibly not the best episode.

But it is beautifully done.

And — in it’s scenes with the crew of the Enterprise G — one that leaves us wondering this.

Will we see a spin off from Star Trek Picard?



I don’t know.

I do know that this third season has been a good one.

At least, it’s been one of consistent quality: from start to finish.

Granted: episode seven, ‘Dominion’, could have been better: but last week’s ninth episode, ‘Vox’ was superb.

But this last series of Star Trek Picard … ?

Was great.

About my only complaints?

Firstly, we didn’t get enough Raffi!

I’m sorry, but Michelle’s Hurd’s character has been the breakout character of all three series.

And season three … didn’t give enough of the woman!


I think that, focusing on the classic Next Generation cast did the rest of the new series cast any favours.

Although, yes: Ed Speleers as Jack, was great … and what we got of Raffi was beautifully done.

You can just see her and Michael Dorn’s Worf as a a pair of intergalactic detectives, can’t you?

I’d definitely be watching out for that one.

Which leaves me replacing complaints with questions.

Will there possibly be spin-offs?

I don’t know.

But … ?

Given we have a new set of old and new characters, a new enterprise, a galaxy of possibly enemies dying for a chance to replace the Borg.

We have an unanswered question of what’s happened to the Agnes Jurati Borg from season two.

We have another member of the franchise — Star Trek Discovery — soon coming to an end.

That — and the fact Q seems to have made a mid-credits appearance in this episode — leaves me thinking we have space for more stories, with a new crew.

Something I’d dearly love to see.


Now … as a last thought?

You’ll have noticed I’ve finished watching For All Mankind’s third season: a couple of weeks ago.

With both that and Star Trek Picard done, I’ve a few evenings spare.

I will be honest: I don’t know what I’m going to be watching next.


Keep an eye on my YouTube channel: and on my blog.

You’ll see those reviews go live … if you’ve subscribed!

I’ll see you next time!

‘The Last Generation’.

*        According to this message?   President Anton Chekov has a very famous father.   I’m assuming that father was Pavel Chekov from the original, 1960s, version of Star Trek: as Anton was voiced by Walter Koenig, himself!

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