
Friday 7 April 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-4-2023 — World Health Day.

7th April, 2023.

It’s officially official: I have no money in the bank.

I know for sure … because I’ve just double checked, three times.
  • Zilch.
  • Nowt.
  • Nothing.
Or, as my bank puts it … ?


Not … a thing … 

So you know … ?

I attended a phone tribunal, last week: to see if I qualified for extra financial help.

And am due the letter about the decision is due, today.

I’m frustrated: at the lack of any cash … and the lack any information.

The frustration … ?

Is getting a bit much.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum* and Debbi† putting in their answers: with Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        7th April is World Health Day.   It marks the founding of what: the UNHCR, the WHO or the ITU?

Q2)        The theme of this year’s World Health Day, is ‘Health For’ … whom: ‘Children’, ‘the Elderly’ or ‘All’?

Q3)        According to the WHO, health is ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and’ … which ‘I’

Q4)        A healthy diet is considered good for our health.   It provides the right amount of what: nutrients, neurons or nymphomaniacs?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which ‘S’ is good for your health: sleep, sorcery or a sou’wester?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th April, 1135, is one of the possible birth dates: of philosopher, Maimonides.   He was a philosopher and scholar of which Abrahamic faith: Judaism, Christianity or Islam?
A1)        Judaism.

Q2)        6th April is the UN Day of Sport for Development and what: Peace, Love or Happiness?
A2)        Peace.

Q3)        Albrecht Dürer died on 6th April 1528.   He was born — and died —in which German city: Berlin, Nuremberg or Munich?
A3)        Nuremberg.

Q4)        6th April, 1340, saw the death of Basil of Trebizond.   Trebizond was a successor state of what: the Byzantine Empire, Imperial China or the Holy Roman Empire?
A4)        The Byzantine Empire.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Footballer, Fabrice Muamba, was born on 6th April, 1988. He retired after suffering a heart attack.   A heart attack playing for which team: Arsenal, Birmingham City or Bolton Wanderers?
A5)        Bolton Wanderers.   (He’s now a youth team coach for the team.)
Here’s a thought … 
“It is celebrated annually and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world.”
From the relevant UN Body’s page on World Health Day.
And a vaguely medical playlist …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, tell me about it, Debbi!   It’s the not hearing that’s as frustrating as anything else!
        I think that’s the most we can ask, isn’t it?   But he’s going to be … well, grieving: with all the word implies … 

        Hello, Mum!


  1. You do know that today is a bank holiday and that the Royal Mail do not deliver on Bank holidays. So do not expect your letter today.

  2. Bugger!

    You’re right, Trevor: I totally forgot.

    Hopefully, it’ll turn up, tomorrow.

  3. 1 WHO
    2 All
    3 Illness
    4 Nutrients
    5 Sleep

  4. The holidays will delay stuff like that. Ugh. Hang in there!

    1. the WHO
    2. All
    3. infirmity
    4. nutrients
    5. sleep


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