
Saturday 8 April 2023

Star Trek Picard — Series 3 Episode 8 — Surrender — A Review.

7th April, 2023: ‘Surrender’.

Right … it’s Friday, again.

And … ?

Even as I write, vegetables are boiling, chips are cooking … 

And fish is being burnt to billy-o.

At any rate … ?

Dinner is almost done: to a turn.

And, once it’s eaten?

I’ll watch ‘Surrender’, the eighth episode of Star Trek Picard’s third season: and tell you about it, tomorrow night.


7th April, 2023.

Episode 8 — Surrender — opens with the usual summary of earlier episodes.

Then shifts: to show us Vadic (Amanda Plummer) lighting one of her trademark cigars, before switching off the USS Titan’s lights and communications … and trapping everyone outside the bridge, in the ship’s corridors.

Down in Sickbay, Admiral Picard and Doctor Crusher (Patrick Stewart and Gates McFadden) are trying to regain control of the Titan: whilst, unnoticed by them?

Jack (Ed Speleers) is having a crisis: finding out the state of the Titan by telepathically linking to various members of the crew.

Until … the crewman he’s linked to is shot.

When his parents notice something is wrong.

Back on the Bridge … ?

Back on the Bridge, Vadic has found out how to use the Titan’s communications system: so that she — and just she — can deliver an ultimatum to any one capable of listening.

The ultimatum?

Is simple.

Jack Crusher hands himself over to her, on the bridge, inside of ten minutes.

Or she starts killing the Bridge crew, one … by one … by one … 


Now … what DID I make of ‘Surrender’?

What did I think of this eighth episode … ?

First things first: and at the risk of sounding like the cast of South Park … ?

Oh my GOD: they killed Vadic … !

Oh, at least, Picard kills Vadic: when he opens the emergency hatches on the Titan’s bridge.

It’s a suitably dramatic end for possibly the most theatrical villain the series has seen since the days of … 

Well, I’m tempted to say General Chang.

But instead will tell you to pick your favourite Trek villain, and tell you it’s the most theatrical death since theirs!

She ends up freezing to death in space: and shattering to pieces on the hull of the Shrike.

I don’t think that will necessarily stop her.

At least I hope it won’t!

I think Vadic — and Plummer’s performance as Vadic — has been one of the highlights of this third season.

I don’t know if she deserves a spin off … but would welcome more of the character.

However much I’ve enjoyed that?

‘Surrender’ leaves us without the shows main, visible, villain: leaving us to wonder exactly what the Face, the being Vadic has been communicating with these past few weeks, actually is.

Given the episode implies Vadic knows — or knew, I should say — exactly what Jack’s powers are?

I can’t help but wonder how the Face is connected to Jack: or whether the Face is Jack?

We’re going to have to see, over the next two episodes.


Just as a last thought … ?

We know that Will Riker, and Deanna Troi (Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis) were captured by Vadic, but eventually freed.

I have to say, though, that the pair’s scenes in captivity, were some of the best in the episode: and possibly some of the best in the series.

I’m not surprised.

After all, Frakes and Sirtis* played their characters for many years, and know them well.


I, personally, get the impression the actors know each other, well, and are good friends.

And feel that knowledge, that friendship, has helped give us a sequence of scenes that are wonderful to watch.

If you need one reason to watch ‘Surrender’?

The Frakes/Sirtis performance in it, as a married couple whose relationship is on the rocks after the death of a child?

Is a very good one.


But, as a closing thought?

I’ll leave you with a date for your diaries.

Tomorrow is Sunday, 9th April: and I’ll be watching the last episode of For All Mankind’s third season — ‘Stranger in a Strange Land’.

I’ll have the written and video reviews up on Monday, 10th April.

I’ll be watching ‘Vox’, the ninth episode of Star Trek Picard, on 14th April: and have my written and video reviews of that up, on Saturday, 15th April.

I hope you’ll join me: and see what I think.

I’ll see you, then.


*        Troi’s line, “You can’t skip healing”, has to be the line of the episode.

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