
Sunday 21 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 21st May 2023.

21st May, 2023.

Arrrrrghg … !

Bloody YouTube did it again!

Played Silly B˜ggers with a playlist.

I swear I’m going to heist to Vimo, one of these days!


At ANY rate … ?

It’s a Sunday.

That means I’m going to be visiting my usual chemists: to pick up the medications they could do me … 

After heading up for the other chemists, yesterday, to pick up the Ozempic … 

The walk?   Will possibly do me good.

Or burn off some frustration!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*,  Olga† and Debbi‡, putting in their answers: with all three scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        The Imperial War Graves Commission was founded on 21st May, 1917.   It’s now known as the what War Graves Commission: the Imperial War Graves Commission, Commonwealth War Graves Commission or the British War Graves Commission?

Q2)        There are six nations on the Commission: including the UK. Name one of the other five.

Q3)        Transamerica Corporation sold United Artists to MGM: on 21st May, 1981.   After the failure of which 1980 film: The Blue Lagoon, Heaven’s Gate or The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood?

Q4)        21st May is International Tea Day.   The tea plant, itself, comes from where: China, Brazil or Canada?

Q5)        Finally … ?   21st May is Independence Day in Montenegro.   Montenegro had been part of where: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia or the USSR?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        20th May is the National Day — or Fête Nationale — of Cameroon.   Cameroon is where: Africa, South America or Western Europe?
A1)        Africa.

Q2)        Name either one of Cameroon’s official languages.
A2)        French or English.

Q3)        What’s Cameroon’s capital city: Victoria, Windhoek or Yaoundé?
A3)        Yaoundé.

Q4)        Eru is from Cameroon.   What is eru: a soup, a stew or a pie?
A4)        A soup.   (It’s traditionally served with water fufu.)

Q5)        Finally … ?   Cameroon shares its currency, the Central African CFA Franc, with five other African nations.   Name one of the other five.
A5)        The Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.
Here’s a thought … 
“There are so many good roles for women out there, I don’t understand it when people say the role choices are fewer as you get older.”
Lisa Edelstein, born May 21, 1966.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

        Either way, Olga: that does sound unacceptable.   And would I be right in guessing the thing that caused the problems would be navigating the various options?   You know, ‘Press one for this, press two for that, press * to hear these options, again?’   I find that — in a good chunk of phone calls —, you get to the end of that lot, and get an automated response!
        Can’t get paracetamol?   That’s sounds odd to me, but there’s possibly an upside.   Somewhere!
        I’m just as clueless about YouTube, Olga: quite what’s going on, I don’t know!   But doing the guest post was fun: and I think it’s earned me a few more subscribers.   Graham — @Cthuloom — is doing more stuff: so we’ll have to see if and when he needs another.   It helps I’ve an idea or two about some of the odder Daleks.

        Yeah, I did hear about that preview, Debbi: how DID it go?   Outside of exhaustion, that is!   It looks like it was a lot of fun.   And the short film, itself is good.
        Yeah, I know there’s a lot of debate about eru.   About all I know for sure?   Is that we supposed to have eru with water fufu.   What on EARTH that is, I don’t know.
        (Saying that?   Eru§ and Fufu sound like a kid’s cartoon: or maybe Sesame Street characters.)

§        Oh … Eru Ilúvatar is the name of Middle Earth’s supreme deity.   Just in case you were wondering, Debbi!


  1. Q1) Commonwealth War Graves Commission

    Q2) India

    Q3) Heaven’s Gate (It is not a bad film by any means, but it isn’t a particularly commercial one, I guess).

    Q4) China

    Q5) Yugoslavia
    You might be right about the automated calls (I don't know, as I haven't tried to phone them), but I also think a lot of people want to talk to somebody rather than a machine, and sometimes, as you say, none of the options are any good for what you need. (There tends to be help out there, but a lot of people will have the same issues finding it if they are not comfortable using online resources.
    One of the possible advantages of not having paracetamol (it isn't only paracetamol. You cannot buy any kind of medication in shops or supermarkets) easily available, means that suicide by Paracetamol will be a bit more complicated. You would still be able to buy it over the counter at a chemist, but I am sure they would question why you were buying more than one box, so it might end up being a pretty lengthy process and give people who might not be truly determined time to think about it. (To tell you the truth, putting something on it that makes people sick if they take too many, as they do in some countries, would be much more effective, but I am sure it would make the medication more expensive, although probably not by that much, and the upside would be worth it).

  2. 1 Commonwealth War Graves Commission
    2 France
    3 The Happy Hooker goes to Hollywood
    4 China
    5 Yugoslavia

  3. Been a while since I visited Middle Earth. I'm surprised it took me so long to watch the movies.

    1. Commonwealth War Graves Commission
    2. Canada
    3. Heaven's Gate
    4. China
    5. Yugoslavia


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