
Monday 22 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 22nd May 2023.

22nd May, 2023.

Yes: it’s official.

I’m up, early.


I’m heading for town for my latest weight management meeting.

Here’s hoping I’ve lost something!

Other than my wits, and a few YouTube playlists!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        22nd May is World Goth Day.   Goths usually dress in which colour: black, white, or green?

Q2)        22nd May is the feast day of Saint Quiteria.   She’s usually prayed to if you want to prevent what: accidents, plagues of locusts or rabies?

Q3)        According to the UN, 22nd May is the International Day for Biological … what?

Q4)        22nd May, 1176, saw an attempted assassination of Saladin.   By whom: the Templars, the Hashashim or the Knights of the Round Dustbin?

Q5)        Finally … ?   22nd May, 1960, saw an earthquake hit the southern parts of which country: Chile, Brazil or Argentina?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        The Imperial War Graves Commission was founded on 21st May, 1917.   It’s now known as the what War Graves Commission: the Imperial War Graves Commission, Commonwealth War Graves Commission or the British War Graves Commission?
A1)        The Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Q2)        There are six nations on the Commission: including the UK.   Name one of the other five.
A2)        Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand or South Africa.

Q3)        Transamerica Corporation sold United Artists to MGM: on 21st May, 1981.   After the failure of which 1980 film: The Blue Lagoon, Heaven’s Gate or The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood?
A3)        Heaven’s Gate.   (Arguably, it’s one of the worst films ever made.)

Q4)        21st May is International Tea Day.   The tea plant, itself, comes from where: China, Brazil or Canada?
A4)        China.

Q5)        Finally … ?   21st May is Independence Day in Montenegro.   Montenegro had been part of where: Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia or the USSR?
A5)        Yugoslavia.
Here’s a thought …
“Acting is illusion, as much illusion as magic is — and not so much a matter of being real.”
Lawrence Olivier, 22 May 1907 – 11 July 1989.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Oh, very true, Olga.   I know I’d prefer a person on the other end of the line!   It’s the fact we have to wade through five to ten minutes worth of automation — with no guarantee of a human at the end of the process — that’s frustrating!
        I’ve still not seen Heaven’s Gate: I’ll have to pencil it in: I know its reputation’s improved, over the years!
        So that’s the reason?   Yes, that makes sense.   And it’s similar, over here: shops or chemist, we can only buy so many painkillers, to prevent suicide attempts.   I know the co-codemol I’m on comes in boxes of 100: but it’s a prescription version of the drug!
        You know … spiked medications is a good idea: have you thought about patenting that … ?

        Hello, Mum!
‡        They are quite something, Debbi: although I don’t know if I could sit through them, now!
        (I’ve got the original Dr Mabuse movie on a hard drive, somewhere.   It’s in two parts, four and a half hours long, forty-eight gigabytes — forty-eight, bleepin’, gigabytes§ — in size and, again, like the Lord of the Rings films, off-puttingly long!)

§        Forty-eight, bleepity bleeping gigabytes!   Dear gods!   The extended cut of The Fellowship of the Rings is only seven and a half!


  1. Q1) Black

    Q2) rabies

    Q3) Diversity

    Q4) the Hashashim

    Q5) Chile
    Good luck with your weight management session today! I have a bit of a rushed day. Class with Jordi in the morning and I have to go to the radio station to edit a piece of news from Saturday, and it was a loooong morning, so we shall see. (To top it all, I've been suffering from a backache for a few days, and spending all morning up and down on Saturday doesn't seem to have helped much, surprisingly enough!)

  2. 1 Black
    2 Rabies
    3 Diversity
    4 Templars
    5 Chilie

  3. If a movie is that long, it better tell a damn good story! :)

    1. black
    2. rabies
    3. Diversity
    4. the Templars
    5. Chile


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