
Wednesday 24 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 24th May 2023.

24th May, 2023.

Yes: on the day I need to go shopping … I am definitely knackered.

It’s my own fault: for late night recording of video reviews.

At any rate … ?

I hope you enjoy it: and the show I’m talking about.

The Year of the Sex Olympics is quite something*.


In other news … ?

I’m not the only one making videos.

He’s done another Rocket League video.

But be warned, it IS age restricted!

Either way?

Feel free to like and share those!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga†, Mum‡ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

The day also saw Trevor¶ leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        24th May, 919, saw Henry elected as King of East Francia.   Henry the who: Henry the Fowler, Henry the Fairy or Henry the Fiddler?

Q2)        24th May saw Eritrea gain independence.   From where: Libya, Sudan or Ethiopia?

Q3)        More to the point, in became independent — in law — in which year: 1992, 1993 or 1994?

Q4)        Jacob Rees Mogg, MP, was born on born 24 May 1969.   He’s been nicknamed the Honourable Member for what: the 18th Century, Victorian Age or Monster Raving Loony Party?

Q5)        Finally … ?   24th May, 1964, saw the birth of Adrian Moorhouse.   He’s an English what: swimmer, ice skater or long-distance runner?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1)        23rd May is Constitution Day.   Where: Finland, Germany or India?
A1)        Germany.

Q2)        23rd May, 2021, saw the death of author and illustrator, Eric Carle.   He was famous for The Very Hungry what?
A2)        The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Q3)        23rd May is the feast day of Saint William of Perth.   He’s the patron saint of whom: bulldogs, adopted children or kitchen porters?
A3)        Adopted children.

Q4)        23rd May, 1618, was the date of the Second Defenestration of Prague.   The incident occurred when three men were thrown out of a what?
A4)        Window.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Henry 8th’s marriage to his first wife was annulled: on 23rd May, 1533.   Who was his first wife: Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn or Jane Seymour?
A5)        Catherine of Aragon.   (His second wife would enter a room, very slowly.   Yes … she would amble in.   Amble in … ?   Never mind …)
Here’s a thought …
“The Olympics had been a dream since I’d been 12.”
Adrian Moorhouse, born 24th May, 1964.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        I’m mildly kicking myself, though.   I could’ve mentioned that Nigel Kneale, the play’s writer, wrote a version of 1984, many years earlier: his use of a constructed language reminded me of Orwell’s Newspeak.    I could’ve mentioned that Trevor Peacock and Derek Fowlds made minor appearances as ‘custard pie experts’.   That Patricia Maynard — who plays the nurse — crops up as Ms Winters, in ‘Robot’,  Tom Baker’s first Doctor Who story.   But it was getting late … 

        I always think the word defenestration looks funny, Olga^!   Especially if you know what it means … and someone else doesn’t!   There’s lots of room for misunderstanding, there!
        Intriguing is the word, I think.   Anything that helps deal with cravings can only be a good thing.   Saying that … ?   I still get tobacco cravings, even now: but I smoked for a very long time!
        The Year of the Sex Olympics is worth watching, if you can: its writer was responsible for Quatermass, so you know.   I think he excelled himself on this, though.   I don’t know if he predicted reality TV: but he certainly made a very shrewd guess.

        Hello, Mum!

§        That is is, Debbi^.   I’m hoping the review will get a few views as a result.   The show, itself?   Is very watchable.   The chap that wrote it, Nigel Kneale, is one of Britain’s authentic TV writing geniuses: up there with Dennis Potter.    (His Quatermass serials?   Influenced Doomwatch: and are supposed to be the basis for every UNIT story Dr Who ever aired.)

        Cheers, Trevor, I got is corrected.

^        Olga, Debbi, just in case you’re interested?   Someone’s uploaded it to YouTube.   Here; 


  1. Q1) Henry the Fowler

    Q2) Ethiopia

    Q3) 1993

    Q4) the 18th Century

    Q5) swimmer

    Yes, I also think defenestration sounds funny. And it is the same word (or pretty similar) in Spanish and Catalan, although, in Catalan it makes perfect sense because window is “finestra” in Catalan (yes, there are many words that are pretty similar to French… or vice versa), although in Spanish the word is “ventana” (viento is wind, so… I guess more similar to English that way). Thinking about people falling off (or being pushed or thrown) windows, made me think of how many of Putin’s “allies” (but perhaps not so allied after all) have been falling off window in recent months…
    It is a bit strange to produce a video that then you restrict and you cannot watch yourself, but…

  2. 1 Henry the Fowler
    2 Ethopia
    3 1961
    4 Victorian Age
    5 Swimmer

  3. Duly noted! Will add to my list of movies to see!

    1. Henry the Fowler
    2. Ethiopia
    3. 1993
    4. the 18th Century (I can imagine what he thinks of AI)
    5. swimmer

    Hey, Jude! (I'm sure he's never heard THAT one before! :) )

    BTW, it's Towel Day tomorrow! Always fun!


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