
Thursday 25 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 25-5-2023 — Saint Bede

25th May, 2023: Bede.

Right … it’s Thursday.

And … ?

I officially have to pick up some meds.

From the chemist at the top of Warley Hill, rather than the one in town!

I get the impression there’s been a mistake, somewhere!


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi scoring five out of five, and Mum on three.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        25th May is the feast day of Saint Bede.   He’s also known as the what Bede: the Venerable Bede, the Venereal Bede or the Vertical Bede?

Q2)        He’s a patron saint of which town: Jarrow, Keighley or Lyme Regis?

Q3)        Bede’s a patron saint of whom: historians, herring or costermongers?

Q4)        Bede’s occasionally depicted wearing a biretta.   What is a biretta: a hat, coat or scarf?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which cathedral is Bede’s major shrine: Durham Cathedral, Ely Cathedral or Guildford Cathedral?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        24th May, 919, saw Henry elected as King of East Francia. Henry the who: Henry the Fowler, Henry the Fairy or Henry the Fiddler?
A1)        Henry the Fowler.

Q2)        24th May saw Eritrea gain independence. From where: Libya, Sudan or Ethiopia?
A2)        Ethiopia.

Q3)        More to the point, it became independent — in law — in which year: 1992, 1993 or 1994?
A3)        1993.

Q4)        Jacob Rees Mogg, MP, was born on born 24 May 1969. He’s been nicknamed the Honourable Member for what: the 18th Century, Victorian Age or Monster Raving Loony Party?
A4)        18th Century.

Q5)        Finally … ? 24th May, 1964, saw the birth of Adrian Moorhouse. He’s an English what: swimmer, ice skater or long-distance runner?
A5)        Swimmer.
Here’s a thought …
“It is reported that there was then such perfect peace in Britain, wheresoever the dominion of King Edwin extended, that, as is still proverbially said, a woman with her newborn babe might walk throughout the island, from sea to sea, without receiving any harm.”
From Ecclesiastical History of the English People, by Bede.
And a radio programme

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Ventana, you say, Olga?   I can’t help but wonder if there’s a shared etymology with the English word, ‘vent’.   And Catalan’s possibly got something in common with English, I’d guess.   You’re on Spain’s borders with France, aren’t you?   And we got invaded by the Normans.   No wonder there’s a lot of influence.   If I’ve understood it, that’s why many English words for animals and food are so different.   ‘Cattle’ was descended from the Anglo-Saxon word for the animal: ‘beef’ descended from the Norman word for the meat.   The Anglo-Saxon servants never got to eat the animals they were raising for their Norman overlords’ dinner.
        And it seems to be the way, with some of Putin’s allies.   We don’t know if they jumped, or were pushed … 
        Yeah … we felt making Jude’s video ‘Not for Kids,’ and ‘Over 18s only’ would be a good idea.   You’d be surprised how potty mouthed twelve-year-olds can be!   (Hence the dolphin noises: and the muting of some bits of the audio.)

        Hello, Mum!

        I know what Rees-Mogg thinks of most policies, Debbi.   From the little I know?   He’s slightly to the right of the Bible Belt … !   (About the only thing I agreed with him about?   Were his recent statements, opposing voter ID§.   But that’s about the only thing!)
        Have a VERY good Towel Day, Debbi: I’m going to be finding some lilac.

§        The voter ID is supposed to stop voter fraud.   From the little I know, most voter fraud in the UK, is done by post: which doesn’t need ID … 
        (Again from the little I’ve seen?   It’s mostly Labour and the Lib Dems who’ve been done for postal vote fraud.   The Tories¶ tend fiddle the books: and have more donations coming in than they should!)

        You’re a Tory candidate.   The donation limit is £5000, or their abouts.   I give you a £5000 donation for an election.   Then an off-shore company in Antigua does the same: followed by an off-shore company in Jersey.   All perfectly legal, but very iffy: as I own the two off-shore companies.


  1. Q1) the Venerable Bede

    Q2) Jarrow

    Q3) historians

    Q4) a hat

    Q5) Durham Cathedral. One of my favourite cathedrals. It is a pretty mixed-bag of stiles, but it works. I read it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so I guess I’m not alone in thinking it is a bit special.
    I can imagine the language of 12 years old. There was an incident here that made me think about windows again. There have been quite a few incidents in Spain, recently of teenagers and young adults jumping off windows, in most cases they seem related to bullying, but as most of them died and didn't say anything, it is only guesswork at best. Social media seems to have made bullying 10 times worse (if not more).
    Yes, I think you're right about the language and the different words. And yes, we are across the border from France (well, Lleida and Gerona are much closer than Barcelona, but still...), and, in fact, centuries ago, part of the territory of Catalonia and the Basque country was ceded to France as part of the settlement after a long war between France and Spain (in 1659). La Catalunya Nord we still call it, and the same happened with some of the northern parts of the Basque country. Oh well, history...

  2. 1 Venerable Bede
    2 Jarrow
    3 Historians
    4 Hat

  3. Next year, I'll wear a lilac-colored shirt. Or try to remember to. :)

    1. the Venerable Bede
    2. Jarrow
    3. historians
    4. a hat
    5. Durham Cathedral


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