
Friday 26 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 26th May 2023.

26th May, 2023.

Right … I got a new microphone, yesterday: a very cheap one.

That seems to sound very quiet when used with QuickTime … but get’s totally ignored, when you try and use it with Audacity.

Hey ho!

At any rate?

I meant to tell you a couple of things.


I went to town, to my usual pharmacists, to pick up some medications.

Only to find they weren’t in!

It turns out … that the drugs concerned were at the last chemist I used: on the other side of town.

Oy, veh … !


On top of that … ?

I updated iMovie, yesterday: from version 10.3.5, to 10.3.6: 

And immediately rolled back to 10.3.5, this morning.

And updated my iMovie library, as well.

The dratted app wasn’t recognising my Photos.

Quite what happened there?

I don’t know.

But I hope Apple releases a patch for that: I’d hate to lose out!


Let’s move on, shall we?

With Mum putting her last answer by WhatsApp?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        26th May is National Paper Airplane Day.   Where: the USA, Canada or the UK?

Q2)        An American union called Equity was founded: on 26th May, 1913.   It’s a union for whom: actors, bankers or Insurance agents?

Q3)        26th May, AD961, saw Otto 1st name his son — Otto 2nd — as co-ruler of the East Frankish Kingdom.   The kingdom’s territory is now part of six different nations: Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and where: Slovenia, Slovakia or Montenegro?

Q4)        26th May, 1981, saw the entire Cabinet resign.   The entire Cabinet of where: Hungary, Italy or Kazakhstan?

Q5)        Finally … ? 26th May is National Sorry Day.   Where: Australia, Canada or South Africa?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        25th May is the feast day of Saint Bede.   He’s also known as the what Bede: the Venerable Bede, the Venereal Bede or the Vertical Bede?
A1)        The Venerable Bede.

Q2)        He’s a patron saint of which town: Jarrow, Keighley or Lyme Regis?
A2)        Jarrow.

Q3)        Bede’s a patron saint of whom: historians, herring or costermongers?
A3)        Historians.

Q4)        Bede’s occasionally depicted wearing a biretta.   What is a biretta: a hat, coat or scarf?
A4)        A hat.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Which cathedral is Bede’s major shrine: Durham Cathedral, Ely Cathedral or Guildford Cathedral?
A5)        Durham Cathedral.
Here’s a thought … 

“If you’re playing someone who’s upset or yelling, that’s what you gotta do.   That’s the job.”
RIP Ray Liotta, December 18, 1954 – May 26, 2022.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Yes … we’re getting a few teen cyber-bullying cases in the UK, too, Olga.   It’s sad!   And some of them, Jude’s age, too.   I know There’s talk of various types of regulation … but not much seems to be happening, there.
        Yes, I knew about the Catalonian and Basque areas of France.   I’m not a rugby fan: but did know about the Catalan Dragons.   They’re based out of Perpignan, I think!
        One of these day, I swear, I’ll get to visit some cathedrals: the buildings are always impressive!   (I did visit St Pauls, in London: and got taken up to the Whispering Gallery.   If you’re scared of heights, like me?   It’s terrifying!)

        Hello, Mum!

        Funny ol’ thing, Debbi — and this might grab Rick, as well — the Discworld site does a Terry Pratchett memorial pin: with lilac on it.   I believe some of the proceeds go to the UK’s Alzheimer’s society: but don’t quote me!
        Oh, I’ve sent you a message, via Twitter!


  1. 1 USA
    2 Actors
    3 Slovinia
    4 Italy
    5 Australia

  2. Q1) the USA

    Q2) Actors

    Q3) Slovenia

    Q4) Italy

    Q5) Australia
    You definitely should visit some cathedrals. I also visited Saint Paul. You are right, though, not easy on people who have difficulty coping with heights. I can't help but think of In Bruges everytime I think of climbing up stairs...
    And yes, some of the children being cyberbullied here are very young as well, it seems. There are supposed to be resources in place, but they don't seem very effective.

  3. Alrighty. Thanks!

    1. the USA (never heard of this one)
    2. actors
    3. Slovakia
    4. Italy
    5. Australia


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