
Friday 5 May 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 5-5-2023 — The Manchester Guardian.

5th May, 2023.

Right … 

I’ve finally got Jude’s other video uploaded to my Google drive.

Remember, yesterday, I told you it had taken a long time to transfers videos from Jude’s GoPro, to mine — and his — phone: and upload a 2 minute, 4k video from my phone to my Google Drive.

That upload?   Took seven hours.

Yesterday?   It took about five minutes to upload that video’s eight minute partner video to Google Drive.

Quite what’s happening there, I really don’t know.


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga* putting in her answers: scoring five out of five in the process.

The day also saw Trevor† leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        5th May, 1821, saw the first publication of the Manchester Guardian.   What’s the paper now called?

Q2)        The paper’s now published in which format: broadsheet, Berliner or Compact?

Q3)        It’s now published in which UK city: London, Manchester or Liverpool?

Q4)        The paper’s famous — or infamous — for what: page three models, typos or bingo?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The paper’s sister publication — the one published on Sundays — is called what: The Sunday Times, The News of the World or The Observer?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        Local elections are due to be held on 4th May, 2023.   Where: England, Northern Ireland or Scotland?
A1)        England.

Q2)        4th May is Coal Miners Day.   Where: Brazil, Russia, India, China or South Africa?
A2)        India.

Q3)        From 2007, 4th May is Greenery Day.   Where: Brazil, Russia, India, China or Japan?
A3)        Japan.

Q4)        4th May say the start of the General Strike, in the UK.   In which year of the 1920s?
A4)        1926.

Q5)        Finally … ?   The first race of the all-women W Series motor race took place on 4th May, 2019: at the Hockenheim racing circuit.   The Hockenheimring circuit is in which European Country?
A5)        Germany.
Here’s a thought …
“It was founded in 1821 as The Manchester Guardian, and changed its name in 1959.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the paper.
And Stomp …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Who, me?   Hand out clues, Olga?   That’s a vile accuracy!   :D   At any rate, it sounds like you had quite a busy day!   I know Mum did, too: she was manning the desks at one of the polling stations, yesterday!   On her birthday!
        And it sounds like the Twitter feed was a blast: politicians can make for interesting … um … targets … 
        Oh, I’ve just got The Reunion on, at the moment: all about the Eurovision Song Contest.   Did you know Franco is supposed to have tried bribing the judges in the 1968 contest?   If that’s not a El Ministerio del Tiempo story, I don’t know what is!

        Cheers, Trevor: I’ve corrected it.


  1. Q1) The Guardian

    Q2) Compact

    Q3) London

    Q4) Typos

    Q5) The Observer
    I was wondering about being at a table during the elections, as I heard the letters would be going out soon, and I know quite a few people who've had to do it... It is a strange birthday present, but I'm sure your mother didn't have a minute to even think about her age. I hope the family will be doing something to celebrate at some point if you haven't yet.
    I hadn't heard about Franco and the Eurovision song contest, but it doesn't surprise me at all. Morals and ethical behaviour (and justice) were never his strong points.
    If I have a chance, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, although from reading the official programme, it sounds as if everything is happening tomorrow...

  2. 1 The Guardian
    2 Broadsheet
    3 London
    4 Typos
    5 The Observer


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