
Friday 30 June 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 30-6-2023 — Tunguska

30th June, 2023: Tunguska.

Yes: it’s Friday.

Which means I know what I’m doing, tonight.

Yep: watching another episode of Star Trek Strange New Worlds.

This one looks interesting … !


I’ve had the Today programme on, this morning.

Rajan, Robinson, Webb, et al, can be informative, at this time of the morning.

One piece that did catch my attention?

Is that the popular sweetener, aspartame, may — may — cause cancer.

That’s … concerning.

Especially if you’re a diabetic who needs to lose weight: and really should avoid sugar!


We’ll have to see what happens, there!

Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Mum*, Olga† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with Olga and Mum scoring five out of five, and Debbi on four.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        30th June saw parts of Tunguska heavily damaged by an explosion.   In which year of the 1900s?

Q2)        Where IS Tunguska: Russia, Poland or Latvia?

Q3)        The damage was caused by an exploding what: asteroid, aeroplane or thermobaric bomb?

Q4)        That item exploded in what’s called a meteor air … what?

Q5)        Finally … ?   The item that caused the damage was said to be travelling at roughly Mach 80.   In other words, at roughly eighty times the speed of what: sound, light or taste?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        29th June, 2007, saw Apple release its first mobile phone.   What’s the name of Apple’s brand of phones: iPhones, Galaxy phones or Pixel phones?
A1)        iPhones.

Q2)        Marjorie Linklater died on 29th June, 1997.   She campaigned for which Scottish island: Orkney, Shetland or Arran?
A2)        Orkney.

Q3)        29th June, 1995, saw the Space Shuttle Atlantis dock with a space station.   Which station: the ISS, Skylab, Babylon Five or Mir?
A3)        Mir.

Q4)        Jacques Cartier became the first European to reach Prince Edward Island: on 29th June, 1534.   The Island is now part of which North American country?
A4)        Canada.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Jacques Cartier became the first European to reach Prince Edward Island: on 29th June, 1534.   Cartier was from what’s now which European country: France, Spain or Belgium?
A5)        France.
Here’s a thought …
“The explosion […] flattened an estimated 80 million trees over an area of 2,150 km2 (830 sq mi) of forest, and eyewitness reports suggest that at least three people may have died in the event.”
From the wikipedia entry on the event.
And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        Hello, Mum!

†        Pete?   Pete?   You’re mixing your blogs up, again, Olga!   🤣   At any rate: the one thing I do remember about the Spanish holidays we’d have?   Was that The Benny Hill Show was huge in Spain!   I think it’s those chase scenes: they didn’t need dubbing to work.
        Oh, I know Debbi’s mentioned her, once or twice … but have you heard of an actress called Lalla Ward?   She played the second version of Romana on Dr Who.   Her first appearance on TV, was on The Duchess of Duke Street: she played the main character’s daughter.   If you need some one with an extremely posh speaking voice?   It’s Lalla Ward: Daddy was the third Duke of somewhere!

‡        I’ll keep my fingers crossed, Debbi, either way!   And hope that script does well!   


  1. That’s a thought, Debbi: did I mention Lalla Ward’s married to Richard Dawkins? They were introduced by Douglas Adams, would you believe!

  2. Q1) 1908

    Q2) Russia

    Q3) asteroid

    Q4) burst

    Q5) Sound
    Sorry, Paul. You are right. I follow a blog by a Pete who lives in Beetley, but I think yesterday the confusion was because it was St Peter and St Paul and my mother and I had been talking about that.
    I saw the thing about aspartame, and recently I've read several articles about artificial sweeteners worsening weight gain... The comments by doctors is that the evidence is very flimsy, and I guess that is the same here. I was a bit surprised to see Aloe Vera on the list as well, when so many people swear by it...
    Cancer is very little know and the causes very varied (some we know and understand, some... Well, there was cancer even before many of these things came into play, and probably how things interact with each other and with one's genetics plays a big part.
    I didn't know the connection with that actress and the Duchess of Duke Street (which I really enjoyed. Well, my whole family did).

  3. 1 1908
    2 Russia
    3 Asteroid
    4 Air burst
    5 Sound

  4. Wow! That's so cool.

    1. 1908
    2. Russia
    3. asteroid
    4. burst
    5. sound


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