
Tuesday 4 July 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 4-7-2023 — Rwanda.

4th July, 2023: Rwanda.

It’s officially official: it’s Tuesday.

Which means I’ll possibly have a couple of videos up, tomorrow!

You’d possibly worked that out, already, hadn’t you?

At ANY rate?

I spent a long time, yesterday: on the phone to my utility company: trying to arrange for a a new pay-as-you-go gas meter.

I’ve now got one due to visit me, tomorrow: to fit said meter.

My only big worries, right now … ?

Is how the credit I’ve got on the meter transferred to the new one.

Oh, and scheduling.

The engineer’s due between 10:00 and 14:00.

My PIP assessment?

Is by phone, at 9:00

Ever get the feeling I’m a headless chicken … ?


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Olga*, Mum† and Debbi‡ putting in their answers: with everyone scoring five out of five.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        4th July is Liberation Day in Rwanda.   Rwanda is on which continent: Africa, Asia or Europe?

Q2)        Is it a republic, monarchy or theocracy?

Q3)        What’s Rwanda’s capital city?

Q4)        How may official languages are spoken in Rwanda: two, three or four?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Primus, Mützig and urwagwa are popular in Rwanda.   They’re what: wines, beers or vodkas?
Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        3rd July, 1890, saw Idaho join the USA.   It’s officially known as the what: Gem State, Green State or Mountain State?
A1)        Gem State.

Q2)        Yes or no: was Idaho a Confederate State, in the Civil War.   Yes or no?
A2)        No.   Various Union troops fought in what was then the Idaho Territory: agains various Indian tribes.   But?   The State, itself, didn’t take part: as it was created/joined the union fifteen years after the end of the war.

Q3)        How many US Navy ships have been called the USS Idaho: four, five or six?
A3)        Five.

Q4)        If you’re from Idaho, you’re a what?
A4)        An Idahoan.

Q5)        Finally … ?   My Own Private Idaho was directed by whom: Gus van Sant, David Lynch or George Lucas?
A5)        Gus van Sant.
Here’s a thought … 

“Ubumwe, Umurimo, Gukunda Igihugu.”
The motto of Rwanda.

And a song …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Tomorrow’s set is a ten question one: about the National Health Service.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        It’s definitely a no, Olga: Idaho (the state, rather than the territory) was created, and joined the Union, 15 years after the war ended!
        And — going by River’s Wikipedia entry? — it sounds like he, and the rest of the family, were a mess.   Apparently, the family were involved with a cult called the Children of God: which sounds nastier than the usual ones§.
        The big problems I had with the gas meter was the card not being accepted: and the ‘low battery’ alert that came up.   The low battery isn’t going to be a problem with the electricity meter: as it’s connected to the mains.   (It needs to be connected to the mains, in order turn off my electric, when the credit runs out.)

        Hello, Mum!

        It sounds like things are going a little bit nuts, again, Debbi!   There’s been a mass shooting in Philadelphia¶.   Thanking?   The shooter’s been caught alive: if nothing else, he may — ha! — give an account of his actions at a trial.   (I’d rather have my loved ones, alive, I think: but, under those circumstances, I’d like to hear his excuse.)

§        Apparently, Olga, he was due to play the Christian Slater part in Interview with a Vampire: but died two weeks before shooting started.

        Apparently, Debbi, Philadelphia’s Police Commisioner is called Danielle Outlaw.   It’d be funny, under any other circumstances.


  1. Q1) Africa

    Q2) A republic

    Q3) Kigali

    Q4) four

    Q5) beers
    Fingers crossed the timing works out. I knew River Phoenix's family was "peculiar" to say the least, and the names of the children show it but didn't realise it was an actual cult. The contrast between him and Keanu Reeves in My Own Private Idaho worked wonders. (I hear that Keanu Reeves is a lovely human being, but he can be pretty inexpressive when acting, although some directors have managed to use that to the movies' advantage. I do think he has improved with time...)
    Have a great time! I'm off to the radio this afternoon, so I'll be busy, and I'll probably get an assignment for Thursday afternoon...

  2. 1 Africa
    2 Republic
    3 Kigali
    4 4
    5 Beers

  3. Isn't that the truth?

    1. Africa
    2. a republic
    3. Kigali
    4. four
    5. beers


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