
Tuesday 4 July 2023

The Mandalorian — Series 3 Episode 6 — Chapter 22 “Guns for Hire” — A Review

3rd July, 2023: the Intro.

Right … 

It’s a Monday: one that’s been a long day.

I’ve been trying to sort out a gas meter, would you believe?

You can read about that in today’s Teaser: and possibly more in tomorrow’s.

At any rate?

It’s Monday.

Which means that, once I’ve had dinner and watched an old friend’s video about comics … ?

I’ll be watching the next episode of The Mandalorian.

I’ll finish this post up, tomorrow night: you can let me know what you think … !


4th July, 2023: “Guns for Hire”.

Episode 6 — Chapter 22 — “Guns for Hire” — opens with a summary of earlier episodes: reminding us that we first met Bo-Katan Kryze (Katee Sackhoff) in “The Heiress”, the third episode of season two.

Then shifts: to remind us that Bo-Katan has fought Moff Gideon for control of the legendary Darksaber, and that a dispirited Kryze had given up her plans for ruling Mandalore.

It’s only when she met Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal), the Mandalorian of the show’s title?

That Kryze finds something of a new direction.

Post initial titles?

We find ourselves on a Quarren spaceship: on it’s when to the planet Trask.

A trip that’s interrupted: when the ship is held up by an Imperial Cruiser run by Axe Woves: who’s been hired by an unnamed customer … who has an issue with the Quarren captain.

If you didn’t know it?

Axe … is the former second in command to Bo-Katan Kryze.

And Bo-Katan … ?

Needs to have a little word with Axe.

The only thing stopping her?

Is the job she, and Din, have to do on Plazir-15 … 


Now … What did I make of “Guns for Hire”?

What did I think?

“Guns for Hire” isn’t necessarily my favourite episode: but something of a nice change of pace.

Earlier episodes of this series — especially the scenes that show us the deeply ambiguous Elia Kane — can be quite dark in places.


“Guns for Hire” — with Lizzo and Jack Black as the Duchess and her husband, Captain Bombardier — makes for a nice, light, change of pace.

Light … and possibly even camp.

But?   There’s elements of possible darkness, in there.

After all, we have a no-holds-barred duel between Bo-Katan Kryze and her former deputy that’s a riveting watch.

And … ?

In the actions of Christopher Lloyd’s Commissioner Helgait, a reminder that not everyone who works for apparently peaceful planets, is either all they seem, or benevolent.

Knowing Lloyd’s character is not a supporter of the New Republic?

Reminds us there’s evil a’coming: and that some will welcome the First Order seen in the sequel movies.

Yes: “Guns for Hire” has a light and fluffy side.

But there IS darkness, there.


As a minor point?

We learn a little of Plazir-15, the planet that provides the setting for “Guns for Hire”.

We learn — from a robot barman — that there’s a droid ‘drink’ called Nepenthe*.

I immediately wondered if there was going to be a potential copyright case between Disney and Paramount.

As I knew perfectly well that that “Nepenthe” is an episode of Star Trek Picard’s first season: and the home world of Will Riker and Deanna Troi.

I should know, I reviewed the episode, a couple of years ago.


Before I started throwing accusations about, I felt looking the word up could be an idea.

It turns out that the word, ‘nepenthe’ was lifted from Homer’s Odyssey: it’s a (possibly) fictional plant, used to make potions of forgetfulness.

OK … I’m wondering where this episode’s writer first heard the word.

But I’m blowed if there’s a copyright case!


So … ?

Yes: this is a well done episode.

With — I have to say — good performances all around.

Christopher Lloyd as Helgait did a great job, Jack Black did well … but the star of the show?

Was Lizzo as the Duchess.

OK, granted, I wasn’t expecting much.

I usually don’t when music stars suddenly decide they want to act!

But Lizzo did very well in what — as far as I can tell — is her debut acting role.

Well played, her.


With that said?

What am I thinking?

I’m thinking, yes: “Guns for Hire” isn’t necessarily my favourite episode.

It’s possibly a little too camp.

But, yes?

It is still a well done piece.

And one that means, yes: I’ll be watching the next episode.

I’ll be watching Chapter 23, “The Spies”, on 10th July, 2023: and giving you my written and video reviews on the 11th July.

Between now and then?

I’ll be watching the next episode of Star Trek Strange New Worlds — “Among the Lotus Eaters” — on Friday, 7th July: and posting my written and video reviews of it on Saturday, 8th July.

I will hopefully, see you then!

“Guns for Hire”.


*        The droid bar scene is quite funny.   You know the old trope: strangers walk into an isolated bar … and everyone goes quiet and starts staring at them.   We’ve all seen it in An American Werewolf In London.   It happens to Din and Bo-Katan.   Although Katee Sackhoff doesn’t start howling at the Moon.
        That’s not why I started this footnote.   No.   I’m also wondering about design.   I can’t help but wonder if whoever designed the robots in the bar … is a fan of Pink Floyd’s Division Bell.

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