
Monday 7 August 2023

Nik Nak’s Daily Teaser — 7-8-2023 — Báthory.

7th August, 2023.

I have to confess, I am knackered.

I’ve had an early start, this morning.

I’ve got my weigh management meeting, today, so want to get there in good time.

I was also up, late.

Watching the 1984 film, Threads*†.

I didn’t do my usual review: as I felt I hadn’t the time.


Threads is one hell of a piece.

Whether it’s still relevant?   I don’t know.

Today, we’re killing ourselves slowly with climate change: rather being five minutes away from death from a nuclear attack.

Did it — and dramas like When the Wind Blows, or The Day After — make any difference?   Persuade governments not to drop the bomb?

I don’t know.

Is it worrying?


This is still a powerful piece that deserves watching.

One I think my nephew Jude wouldn’t necessarily enjoy: we’ve discussed it.

Threads is blunt, powerful … and will give you nightmares, especially if you’re pregnant …


Let’s move on, shall we?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw OlgaMum¶ and Debbi§ putting in their answers: with Olga and Debbi  scoring five out of five, and Mum on four.

The day also saw Trevor° leaving us a message.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To, License and video.

Q1)        Countess Elisabeth Bathory was born on 7th August.   Of which year of the 1560s?

Q2)        She was born in Nyírbátor, in what’s now, where: Hungary, Romania or Macedonia?

Q3)        Many will tell you Bathory was a what: serial killer, paedophile or informer?

Q4)        She was said to bath in the blood of what: virgins, nuns or mothers?

Q5)        Finally … ?   Bathory was arrested — on various charges — in which year: 1611, 1612 or 1613?

Here’s yesterday’s questions and answers … 

Q1)        6th August saw the birth of actress and producer, Lucille Ball.   In which year: 1911, 1912 or 1913?
A1)        1911.

Q2)        6th August, 1966, saw Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan become the empire of where: Abu Dhabi, Dubai or Sharjah?
A2)        Abu Dhabi.

Q3)        6th August, 2005, saw the very sad death of Creme Puff.   At the time of her death, she was the oldest domestic what on record: cat, dog or chicken … ?
A3)        Cat.

Q4)        Bolivia declared itself independent: on 6th August, 1825.   From where: Spain or Portugal?
A4)        Spain.

Q5)        Finally … ?   Andy Warhol was born on 6th August, 1928.   What was the name of his New York studio: the Factory, the Studio or Studio 54?
A5)        The Factory.

Here’s a thought …
“The charges levelled against Báthory have been described by several historians as a witch-hunt.”
From the Wikipedia entry on the Countess.
And an opera …

Today’s questions will be answered in tomorrow’s Teaser.

Decisions about scores are final.

Thank you for coming: have a good day.

*        One or two things in the story?   Former Blue Peter presenter, Lesley Judd, appears as a news reader.   A much respected children’s presenter, reading out warnings of doom seemed … odd.
        More mysterious than odd?   Was the simple fact that actor, Ed Bishop provided the voice of the US President: reading out threats against the USSR, in a couple of radio announcements.   Strange … because he isn’t credited for the role, however minor is was.

        Powerful … and disturbing.   One character wets herself in fear, when she hears the alarms go off.   Not something you forget … 

        He exhibited with Basquiat, Olga?   That must have been something to see.   I no expert on either: but get the impression Banksy would be having a harder time of it, had Basquiat not been around.
        From the little I know, Olga?   Houdini only buried himself alive, under soil, once.   He found it uncomfortable … 

        Now that’s strange, Debbi: I grew up on the TV version … but find some bits of the film an improvement.   Mos Def was great: from the minute he wheeled in on a shopping trolley.   And Sam Rockwell was great.   Or possibly hoopy … 
        ‘Left handed compliment’?    Oh dear … … 
º        Cheers, Trevor, I got it corrected.   (Did you hear about Keith Regan dying?   That was sad …)


  1. Q1) 1560

    Q2) Hungary

    Q3) a serial killer

    Q4) virgins

    Q5) 1612 (Just about, as the articles say it was New Year’s Eve).
    I watched a movie about her not long ago. That one goes down the root of the serial killer, and her obsession with staying young, young virgin’s blood, etc, although it was worth watching. I can’t recall having heard about her before that (or at least I didn’t remember the name), but I checked her out after watching the movie.
    I haven’t watched Threads, but I will keep watch for it, as it seems it is a good one. I don’t know how I would feel about it, as I worked in Sheffield and spent a fair bit of time there, and I imagine it would have even more of an impact as it is set there. Thanks for mentioning it. And good luck with the weight management session.
    Ah, I remember I mentioned the Google certificates and their courses a while back, available through Coursera. I was reading today that the Ministry for work here were encouraging people out of work to apply for grants for some of those courses, and they would be given priority, as they were likely to lead to jobs.
    Basquiat and Warhol worked together for a while, at Warhol's studio, and the exhibition showed their joint pieces, or at least some of them. The poster for the exhibition, which is one they did at the time of their first exhibition together, was quite funny, as they were both dressed as boxers.
    You can see it here:

  2. 1 1560
    2 Hungary
    3 Serial Killer
    4 Virgins
    5 1613

  3. Okay. Yeah, Sam Rockwell is awesome! But there's something about the original, because I saw it first. What can I say? I guess it's a nostalgic memory. :)

    1. 1560
    2. Hungary
    3. serial killer
    4. virgins
    5. 1612


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